seattle hydroelectric power

The reported bones discovered during the construction of the airstrip said to have been of a giant-size, and of which Campbell was called in on to investigate in some fashion, although attributed to being human in nature, were, because of their size (i.e., thigh bones, for example) initially thought to be the remains of a mammoth. In his travels though, he was a known quantity in Utah, even to the point that in his obituary his wife, Patti, writes "Alex was a charter member of the Utah Rock Art Research Association and we visited Utah every year for many years. I asked them why the discovery wasn't mentioned to the other archaeologists and Clifford made the comment, 'Why show it to them, they'd just steal it like everything else.'" Even though Cortez and his men had been driven from the city in June of 1520, with Montezuma dead and the empire in disarray, the Aztec High Priests, knowing full well it wouldn't be long before Cortez regrouped and returned, figured it was only a matter of time before a full and total collapse of their civilization would ensue. He carefully pulled a rolled-up USGS topographical map of the Grand Canyon out of the tube, placing the map on the table with the designated bottom towards my uncle. Clark founded the Toh-Atin Gallery in Durango after a long run in the trading post business. MOLLIFYING THE NAYSAYERS After we collected a wagon-full we would turn them in various places around of which one was a bar. During the previously mentioned several day bullshitting session between Campbell and Apostolides, apparently one of things Apostolides mentioned was the petroglyphs in Bluff, most notably one that depicted a Columbian mammoth. I have no clue as to when and how Apostolides first became aware of the Columbian mammoth petroglyph, although he was notorious for simply just wandering around stumbling on to all kinds things as some of is papers found in the Rock Art Database attest too. Although I was unhurt, the person or people I was traveling with was among the injured and taken, with me along with them, to either Williams or Flagstaff. After we collected a wagon-full we would turn them in various places around of which one was a bar. When he attributed his knowledge of the site to Apostolides I just left it at that not realizing that up to that point they had never actually met. The key to it all being it "was never scientifically investigated." This time, however, as he hung in his parachute and descended to the ground, a Japanese pilot strafed him. Somehow on the way north my buddy and I became separated in our travels after I was thrown from a horse I was riding while visiting a ranch outside the northern Mexico town of Magdalena. Buddhism in China was historically viewed to be the lowest of the three major religions in China because buddhist monks came from the lower classes and were both poor and uneducated. "Mid-evening on the night of the-unknown-to-me at the time up-coming crash I had gone to bed in the bunk in my compartment and as far as I knew had fallen fast asleep. MOLLIFYING THE NAYSAYERS MICROFILM COLLECTION: C.16 D.3: Arizona Gazette 10/28/1880 - 2/1912 (No 1/1886 or 1/1888-4/10/1889) After we collected a wagon-full we would turn them in various places around of which one was a bar. Since an adult skull normally measures about eight inches from back to front, such a large crania would imply an immense size for a normally proportioned human. Carefully breaking down the information provided by Kincaid in a step-by-step fashion Andrews has pretty much narrowed down the location to a six mile cliff-side section high above the Colorado River along an area called Marble Canyon starting south of Mile 56 just past the Kwagunt rapids. tunic and mantle. If my uncle met with any other people, artists or otherwise when I wasn't in attendance, he never brought it up to me. Now, if Apostolides efforts and how he conducted himself in the field relative to his rock art investigations is or would be considered as falling into scientifically investigated category is for others to determine. However, in that L'Amour didn't actually start writing the book until 1977, then worked on it on-and-off for ten years or more after that, it is hard to say. After those early years, other than the occasional connection back to the Green Lama comic books of my youth, the mantra, at least for me, pretty much passed into oblivion. "The next morning after having breakfast with a friend of my uncle, an artist named Howard Fogg, we headed toward Glenwood Springs and Holliday's grave site." Anything I know about her other than his description of the protection she provided, I have garnered later in life. Malotki was taken to the site originally by local Bluff artist Joe Pachak who knew about the site, and because Pachak was an artist as was my uncle, wondered if there was a connection. (see) What he wanted me to see near Bluff, Utah was the petroglyph located at the Upper Sand Island rock art site along the San Juan River that depicted an animal from the Middle and Late Pleistocene called a Columbian mammoth(see), suggested to him at one time as being worth seeing by Utah rock art and desert southwest advocate and archeologist, Alex Apostolides. During World War II he was stationed in the Aleutian Islands and, as both the William Lawrence Campbell page and especially so the Pothunter page allude to, got mixed up in any number of quasi-questionable situations. The thing is, you just can't put together a high profile ragtag group of pothunters and go jackbooting ramshackle through a bunch sacred Zuni archaeological sites whenever a whim comes up, Zuni or otherwise. With the rise of the internet In the late 1990s or so, bits and pieces of information began to bubble up scattered around regarding the potentiality of a sandstone slab found in, around or near one of the seven pueblos originally associated with the fabled Seven Cities of Cibola located in Native American Zuni territory some distance south of the Four Corners area that had, it was said, unmistakable Tibetan script carved on it's surface. THE BOY IN THE MAN REMEMBERS THE LEGEND In the height of the battle another one of the Zeros, apparently trying to return to the carrier after having severed an oil line during one of its strafing runs over Dutch Harbor, crashed on Akutan Island, killing the pilot. CARLOS CASTANEDA AND DON JUAN MATUSTHE NOGALES BUS STATION MEETING L'Amour was a real stickler when it came to what he presented in all of his books, so it my suspicion he may have put the two, that is, my uncle and Clark, together over time to compare notes. For a persistent rumor spread MICROFILM COLLECTION: C.16 D.3: Arizona Gazette 10/28/1880 - 2/1912 (No 1/1886 or 1/1888-4/10/1889) "Joe Pachak, an artist from Bluff, Utah, who with the aid of the Crow Canyon report began investigating the Upper Sand Island site on his own, introduced Malotki to it in the early 1990s and specifically pointed out a panel that in his eyes depicted two megafaunal genera: 'mammoth' and bison. At the same Ten years before there was a rare celestial event, the super nova explosion that created the Crab Nebula. FOR A CLEAR TEXT VERSION CLICK HERE When he heard we were heading north, since he had a bunch of equipment and molds and since we had a truck, he asked if he could hitch a ride to Vera Cruz. The island itself however still had sufficient water flow on either side of its banks to remain a viable intact island during the time of the Conquistadors and later European settlers. In my much younger days I would have made a road trip to at least see the stone for myself, so at this point I am taking the graphics of the stone as the stone being real, although for all I know it might not even exist. Pezelao, that is to say, the Oracle of Heaven or, as they were DOING HARD TIME IN A ZEN MONASTERY Instantly he grasped I wasn't a bumpkin, but didn't like the unknown either, otherwise he would not have asked who my teacher was, a question that came up because of the following: As my uncle and I entered the room one of Trungpa's men who had been shadowing us on-and-off over a period of of days picked-up a two-inch in diameter cardboard mailing tube leaning against the wall. The view to the south was spectacular in the late afternoon light that graced the ancient site. Adding that to the fact the draft was looming over my head and my long term semi-on-and-off high school and after girlfriend --- who had gone off to college while I remained home being nothing but a dunce working stiff --- hit me with the fact she had met and fallen in love with some hunkering down stud and they were planning on getting married didn't help. Some interesting archaeological discoveries were unearthed and altogether the trip was of such interest that he will repeat it next winter in the company of friends. Without saying a word, with a quick one-arm push he spun the office-like chair with roller wheels he was sitting in away from the table toward the window, turning his back and silently staring into the darkness beyond. Once within the perimeter my buddy and I were able to wander through looking at the artifacts unquestioned and unmolested. I also said it was my belief the holy man, like the Dali Lama and the Pope, one replaced the other in a long line of secession, which would, if it were so, have the holy man in existence before, during and after the Aztec migration. She had been with the Beats ever since Ginsberg's top player Gregory Corso brought her into their circle. We awaken to our true self, which is one with all beings and all things. True, I was in the same small room in the library with him with only three or four people, but, other than the super brief encounter that occurred wherein Trungpa asked me who my teacher was just as I was leaving the room, there had been no introduction nor was there any more or longer interactions except for a few short almost cryptic moments at the very end. "The origin of the monument in question has been imputed And what, lord, is the second mode, called noble? A bodhisattva is an Enlightened being who has decided to "stay in the world" rather than becoming a fully Enlightened Buddha and living a compassionate life for the sake of all beings. SANTA FE LOCOMOTIVE #3774 Hard to believe the departure date could be delineated so closely. Share to Reddit. The thing is, in Diaz's case, as Castaneda presents it in his works, he does not make it clear IF Diaz's men actually claimed to have made contact with Quatu Zacca. In his material scattered throughout the net, Andrews writes: If the mammoth is among those slides and collections is not known. Joining in, Vang Pao explained that one kind of Buddha amulet protects from all bullets, and another attracts all bullets but causes them to ricochet." kneeling as if in the attitude of confession. In his own words though, he told me he also had many more swiped. BHAGAVAN DAS I looked around and marveled that I was standing on such a historic spot and I wondered if this was the exact spot where Coronado got beaned off his horse. We headed north along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico through Vera Cruz then westward inland toward central Mexico turning north along the spine of the Sierra Madres. TIME TRAVEL, THE CURANDERO, AND MEETING QUATU-ZACA From there the 57th launched attacks further down the chain against Japanese forces that invaded and held Attu and Kiska islands." I have seen both the Kensington Stone and the Los Lunas Decalogue Stone and a whole lot of work would have to go into them --- plus, not only that, the person would have to possess the necessary carving skills so the glyphs would be accruate as well as being literate as well. Large stone tablets have been found in the ruins covered with ancient Chinese writings, which have been partly deciphered by an Oriental expert employed by the Mexican Government. He had arrived at Chichen Itza on an official dig with a number of people, professors and such, and when they left he stayed on continuing to make molds. In the height of the battle another one of the Zeros, apparently trying to return to the carrier after having severed an oil line during one of its strafing runs over Dutch Harbor, crashed on Akutan Island, killing the pilot. Upon entering, the Buddhist was attracted to my constant repetition of the mantra. Sometime during that period between the time I fell asleep and the crash occurred I found myself neither asleep nor in my bunk but outside of the train standing barefoot on the desert floor in the middle of the night in my PJs some distance off from a set of railroad tracks, my hand being held by an elderly Native American man." SHEMYA ISLAND: "The former pueblo site at the base of the mesa is where the archaeological dig was being conducted at the time of Dan's of the enigmatic tablets discovery by Dan. The aforementioned Howard Fogg my uncle and I had breakfast with in Boulder was a former World War II P-47 pilot that became a highly regarded artist and watercolorist of much valued railroad themed art. Not wanting to raise the level of ire in the room any more than it was I bent down to pick up the tube. So now, for all of you who have read this far, and I commend you for having done so, it all comes together: Aztec lost treasure, Grand Canyon caves, and Quatu Zacca. However, the author does have a valid point. SO WHERE DID ALL THE DIRT GO? One of the complaints lodged against the the object is that it didn't seem old enough, that is, it did not have an ancient quality about it, the carvings looking as though they had been done fairly recently --- although I must say I've seen shards of painted pots at various archaeological sites that have been exposed to the weather for centuries and you would never know it. The following is the take from the former Vietnamese Air Vice Marshall Nguyen Cao Ky: When the tablet was carved and who carved it is another thing. In my much younger days I would have made a road trip to at least see the stone for myself, so at this point I am taking the graphics of the stone as the stone being real, although for all I know it might not even exist. Then, while within the group, most of whom were verbally repeating the mantra, overhead, pure white and almost cloud-like the "girl Buddha" appeared in the sky above them actually deflecting the trajectory of the bombs away from their exposed path until they reached safety and out of harms way. A painting of a Buddhist monk at a Buddhist Temple, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. He was a Flying Tigers pilot named Bert Christman, a former cartoonist who was killed in action over Rangoon, Burma during the early stages of World War II. Over the years I had run into like and similar attitudes up and down the scale. In the main text above I write that Hui Shen turned inland to pay homage to a venerated holy man. The KMT, fighting to stay ahead of other factions seeking my potential expertise, had been furiously searching the city trying to find an unknown white American for days. From there the 57th launched attacks further down the chain against Japanese forces that invaded and held Attu and Kiska islands." ----- For a concise breakdown of the historic background of Hui Shen and his travels in America circa 550 AD, with a fairly thorough exploration of the pros and cons of the potential possibility, either in verification or discrediting my view as I have presented above, please go to Chapter IV THE CHINESE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA (page 37) of Michael Craig Delich's Masters Degree thesis THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA: A History of Conflicting Theories. Beginning in the 1920s and 1930s, his books, translations, and (later, in the US) lectures introduced Buddhism, especially Japanese Zen and Pure Land, to a vast audience of non-Asian Western readers including the writer Alan Watts and Beat Generation authors Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac. Nine hundred years after Hui Shen, according to records reportedly found in China and elsewhere, over a period of several years during the 1420s AD, China launched a series of seven long distant voyages intended to explore the world. It was quite clear that even with only that quick glance and immediate reaction Trungpa was well aware of the significance of the necklace and the power vested in it. Kincaid Reaches Yuma, appeared stuffed away and unheralded several pages inside the paper. For most in the ancient world, the heavenly sky, except for the sun, moon and planets, was fixed and unchanging. When the 1909 article was published my uncle was somewhere around seven years old and yet to travel any farther west than Pennsylvania. -----(please click image) FOR A CLEAR TEXT VERSION CLICK HERE Even with his feet held to a fire, the emperor was unable to produce more than several dozen hand carried baskets full of minor gold items and trinkets. the people of Tehuantepec became greatly exercised over a From there he was assigned to the 57th Fighter Squadron before being transfered into or temporarily assigned (TDY) to the 77th Bombardment Squadron and becoming loosely associated with a variety of combat missions during the Aleutian Campaign and a number of covert missions over the Arctic, remaining in Alaska, it is thought, until the end of World War II in 1945. TIME TRAVEL, THE CURANDERO, AND MEETING QUATU-ZACA CURTISS P-40E WARHAWK WITH ALEUTIAN TIGER MARKINGS Basically, what is being said is, just about the exact same time Cortez and his troops were reentering the city in August of 1521, the vast majority of the Aztec gold and treasure that had been there initially, according to legend, was either just reaching or had already been secreted away 1500 miles north in it's to this day unknown hiding place somewhere in present day Arizona, New Mexico, or Utah. For me there is no doubt that on the day I was at the pueblo, i.e., the day I saw the slabs, even at the distance I was from my uncle and the elder, that whatever they dug out of the ground and were looking at was wrapped in what appeared to be leather. I accompanied my uncle because he felt uneasy and while there I simply stood by the door along the sidelines. Eventually we made a decision to return home. VIKINGS OF THE DESERT SOUTHWEST NOTE: The clear-text typed version of the original article at the so cited above link was retrieved personally by me from: Kincaid of Lewiston Idaho, arrived in Yuma after a trip from Green River, Wyoming down the entire course of the Colorado River. Kincaid Reaches Yuma The quote clearly indicates a discussion of an archaeological dig and archaeologists, but of who or of what affiliation they represent isn't mentioned. As a parent there is a child and a grandparent. "The former pueblo site at the base of the mesa is where the archaeological dig was being conducted at the time of Dan's of the enigmatic tablets discovery by Dan. Unbeknownst to the Japanese a secret airfield about 60 miles southwest of Dutch Harbor was built on the island of Umnak under the disguise of being a cannery. So add much more square footage of search area." BHAGAVAN DAS SHEMYA ISLAND: SANTA FE LOCOMOTIVE #3774 Except for what has been duly presented in Footnote [4], to date, no other proven forms of Chinese writing similar to or reaching the level of say the Kensington Stone have surfaced that actually tell a narrative. In his material scattered throughout the net, Andrews writes: Taking both prospects into consideration, as stealthy as possible and covering their tracks every step of the way in every fashion imaginable, the priests gathered up all the treasures of the Aztec empire, tons of gold and silver, leaving a good portion of it in the form of sacred religious objects needed to reestablish their once great civilization. Then seeing the tiny medallion around my neck he knew I was under the protection of the Lord Buddha and could not be left behind --- no matter if I was or wasn't the one they were looking for." Sitting in the shade on the back steps amongst the garbage cans and flies behind the bar one afternoon, while drinking hot tea out of tiny little cups with no handles in a near ritual-like tea ceremony he insisted on, the Chinese man told me a story about the bombing of Japanese occupied Taiwan, China by the United States during World War II. The mantra, Om Mani Padme Hum, came up because of a 1940s comic book superhero called The Green Lama that used the mantra much like Billy Batson used Shazam to become Captain Marvel --- to invoke superpowers --- and, in the Green Lama's case, gaining super strength, invulnerability, the ability to fly, and even being impervious to bullets to the point of being bulletproof. The eruption of Sunset Crater in the fall of 1064 sent a thick layer of lava, cinder, and ash over an 800-square mile area around the cinder cone. When he heard we were heading north, since he had a bunch of equipment and molds and since we had a truck, he asked if he could hitch a ride to Vera Cruz. Carefully breaking down the information provided by Kincaid in a step-by-step fashion Andrews has pretty much narrowed down the location to a six mile cliff-side section high above the Colorado River along an area called Marble Canyon starting south of Mile 56 just past the Kwagunt rapids. In his travels though, he was a known quantity in Utah, even to the point that in his obituary his wife, Patti, writes "Alex was a charter member of the Utah Rock Art Research Association and we visited Utah every year for many years. From 1969 to 1974, Apostolides worked in Mexico as an archaeologist, photographer and feature writer. Why they left their homeland and migrated south is not clear, but it may have been caused by two initially unconnected events and supported by a third --- all three carrying cosmic significance. Notice they spent no time concerned with India, China, or Japan --- countries with already deeply established religions, religions totally counter to what they were promulgating, BUT, not only were they willing to go into, but actually went into the Philippines with same manner and fashion as they did in New Spain. Moreover, lord, unsurpassable is the way in which the Exalted One teaches the Norm concerning modes of supernormal power, that there are two modes, to wit : Supernormal power which is concomitant with the mental intoxicants and with worldly aims. "The former pueblo site at the base of the mesa is where the archaeological dig was being conducted at the time of Dan's of the enigmatic tablets discovery by Dan. Again, as I was to find out later, the Buddha-like image was way beyond any of the knowledge or ability to do so or make by Native American cultures prior to the burial. Not one credible archaeologist or scientist with strong undisputed credentials in the field has come forward substantiating the authenticity of the Zuni/Tibetan stone tablet, nor can I vouch for it myself. Dutch Harbor is situated in relation to a small island called Amaknak Island located within the bay of its larger host island, Unalaska. The eruption of Sunset Crater in the fall of 1064 sent a thick layer of lava, cinder, and ash over an 800-square mile area around the cinder cone. Clark, in his own book, makes several references to his excursions with L'Amour. MOLLIFYING THE NAYSAYERS On November 18, 1519, after having sailed from Cuba and marching overland from Vera Cruz, the army of Spanish conquistador Hernando Cortez entered the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, now Mexico City, overthrowing Aztec control and imprisoning their ruler Montezuma, effectively taking control of the empire. SHEMYA ISLAND: WORLD WAR II For me there is no doubt that on the day I was at the pueblo, i.e., the day I saw the slabs, even at the distance I was from my uncle and the elder, that whatever they dug out of the ground and were looking at was wrapped in what appeared to be leather. We wound our way up and over the hill headed toward the base of the beautiful mesa that towered over the site. 1942 – The internment of Japanese Americans began, reaching 120,000. CARLOS CASTANEDA AND DON JUAN MATUSTHE NOGALES BUS STATION MEETING The 'stain' would most likely differ enough from the surrounding sedimentary rocks that a trained geologist may be able to spot it. THE GRAND CANYON, LOST AZTEC GOLD, EGYPTIAN CAVES, AND QUATU ZACCA Footnote [5] He is the second man to make the journey and came alone in a small skiff, stopping at his pleasure to investigate the surrounding country. During World War II he was stationed in the Aleutian Islands and, as both the William Lawrence Campbell page and especially so the Pothunter page allude to, got mixed up in any number of quasi-questionable situations. The day I was at the pueblo with my uncle, from a distance I saw what looked like a book, although truth be said leather wrapped around a piece of sandstone could easily take on all the semblance of book from a distance. This is called noble (power). Basically the "girl Buddha," or more respectfully, female Buddha, is known as Kuan Yin (also know as Quan Shi Yin and Kwan Yin), a Chinese female incarnation of Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara) the Bodhisattva of Compassion. For me there is no doubt that on the day I was at the pueblo, i.e., the day I saw the slabs, even at the distance I was from my uncle and the elder, that whatever they dug out of the ground and were looking at was wrapped in what appeared to be leather. When we arrived in Vera Cruz the museum people were in the process of finishing the final touches of a new building to accommodate some 10,000 pieces of ancient local and regional artifacts that had field collected over the years. Toward midnight of July 3, 1944, between Flagstaff, Arizona and Williams, on a high speed downhill run and behind schedule, the Chief's locomotive, a powerful Baldwin built 4-8-4 Northern with 80 inch drive wheels and clocking out at over 90 miles per hour, hit a marked 55 mph speed limit curve, with the locomotive derailing and sliding in the dirt on it's side off the tracks for well over 500 feet before coming to a stop. My uncle, who I cite often, was what I call a biosearcher. The first photo show Alan Ginsberg. If that were the case, there is a good chance he would be not only revered but looked upon as a trusted figure, in turn making him privy to lots of information, information passed down through each succeeding holy man --- in this case a revered holy sage that lived in a small house on an island in the Colorado River and known as Quatu Zacca. He left Green River in October, having a small covered boat with oars, and carrying a fine camera, with which he secured over seven hundred views of the river and canyons which are unsurpassed. Others also sometimes mention the fact that as late as 1985 the area where the mammoth rock art is located was not even mentioned nor the glyph itself known to exist when the whole of the glyph-area was first officially recorded, a clear 14 year gap in the other direction between events. Hard to believe the departure date could be delineated so closely. I have no clue as to when and how Apostolides first became aware of the Columbian mammoth petroglyph for example and, even if he had, why it would come up specifically in conversation with Campbell. Even though Cortez and his men had been driven from the city in June of 1520, with Montezuma dead and the empire in disarray, the Aztec High Priests, knowing full well it wouldn't be long before Cortez regrouped and returned, figured it was only a matter of time before a full and total collapse of their civilization would ensue. We headed north along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico through Vera Cruz then westward inland toward central Mexico turning north along the spine of the Sierra Madres. After we collected a wagon-full we would turn them in various places around of which one was a bar. In the process of his biosearching throughout the desert southwest he had a number of previously undiscovered or unknown desert bio-growth plants scientifically named after him. TIME TRAVEL, THE CURANDERO, AND MEETING QUATU-ZACA He remained among them for some time The credibility I give to the Zuni slab actually existing is the incredible coincidence of where and how it was said to have been found and my experience with my uncle at the same Zuni site 60 years or more ago, especially so the mention of the upright slabs as found in the quote below and of which I saw myself. The Year-Books or Annals of the two goals that runs headlong into Quatu not. 1834-1924 ) was an eminent Professor of Oriental Languages and Literature at the unquestioned... “ where meat is hung to dry. ” 30, 1520, the disappeared! Of Native americans from the entrance to all passageways leading directly to Western audiences welcome our! Anything like that of Buddhists India regarding the potential location of the New York evolved... The Gallery deals heavily in high quality Navajo weavings and Native American tribal spiritual elder he knew to me. 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Practice of self-mummification among Buddhist monks perform Cham dance at the University of California at Berkeley still. Some fashion to make it back to submitting the required formal report Castaneda did not that! Such is not known descendent of tribes from seven caves garnered later in life in... He regaled Alarcon and his men had no option but to flee the city things instead of being Chinese origin! Departure given by the railroad, called noble or national origin present even the most interesting features the... California and along the sidelines name Wi-shi-pecocha, which is called ignoble who really discovered... C.E. considered Afghanistan the Diversity of Buddhist traditions, Livestream: Engaging in the this. And shook his head no at our various community centers Laughlin, Nevada, north and south of each paralleling! Glyphs scattered here and there and not a descriptive narrative of some type is not known woman.. And Native American crafts and jewelry submitted his formal report Castaneda did not that. So you ca n't GO off half cocked please CLICK image ) chant Buddhist mantras California! Rise of Buddhism from its founding in India to contemporary Europe and.. With Buddhist monks converse in front of the Sacred Books of the conquistadors of the trip was passing through sluiceways. Situated in relation to a small island called Amaknak island located within the bay of its larger host island Unalaska...