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The entire project, initially estimated to cost around £11 billion, was supposed to bring customers yearly savings of about £26 per household. Among others, this book documents and casts light on: - Washington's deadly pursuit of hegemony camouflaged as the "War on Terror" and "spreading democracy. Gas meters can be in the 400-500 MHz range, and in-home appliance networks (HAN) (including the 2nd radio in the 'smart' meter) are in the 2.4-2.5 GHz (gigahertz) range. This is a significant pain point for many customers with mobile network reception issues. Smart Meters do a lot more. Jerry Flynn notes that industry has chosen wireless telecommunications for 2 reasons. Belgium, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, and Slovakia all extensively researched the viability of switching to smart meters. That's right — FOUR. Smart Meter Disadvantages: myths, problems, surge pricing? At this time, the installation of smart meters is mandated by law on every home, school, and building in ComEd's customer service territory. While smart meters sound great in theory, it’s worth taking a closer look to see if their supposed benefits stand up to scrutiny in this day and age. But the actual ECS does not matter much. Although consultants average the electromagnetic radiation emitted, they do not take into account research showing that pulsed radio frequency radiation is harmful even at lower power. In this article in Health Impact News Smart Meters are discussed in detail and an engineer directly measures the difference between Smart Meters and Cell Towers. The answer, funnily enough, can be found across the channel by looking closely at how other countries approached the smart meter conundrum. . ” I have no doubt in my mind that at the present  time the greatest polluting element in the earths environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields. Invasive surveillance makes consumers and the ACLU uncomfortable. By a French doctor who has been knowing the dangers of waves since a long time. Even then it only started to operate “at scale” two years shy of the 2020 goal and yet it is supposed to be the backbone for this whole scheme. Found inside – Page iBackground information, materials, and step-by-step presentations are provided for each activity. In addition, this volume: Presents the evidence for evolution, including how evolution can be observed today. I used all of the above technology just 15 short months ago with no problems. is therefore not liable for damages resulting from the use of information obtained from this site or from sites linked to it. Found insideIn Disconnect, National Book Award finalist Devra Davis tells the story of the dangers that the cell phone industry is knowingly exposing us-and our children-to in the pursuit of profit. These cookies allowed us to study how users navigate on the website. Mr Trower is a conscionable whistle-blower who lectures around the world on hidden dangers . 5G technology is still in its infancy and if it's dangerous we all deserve to know the truth about it. In Overpowered, radiation expert Martin Blank brings us the science of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and their effects on health and the environment. They unlock air quality, climate pollution and public health . We only collect anonymous data. She writes, “In 2006, the government in the state of Victoria, Australia, mandated the rollout of smart meters in Victoria, which effectively removed a whole population’s ability to avoid exposure to human-made high-frequency nonionizing radiation. Many cyclists rightly point out the dangers posed by drivers, poor road surfaces, and reckless pedestrians. They claim it will save energy. Because these projects are so secretive, gaining hard evidence is nearly impossible. IoT devices have unique signature loads and this information can be linked to personal information useful to police but also to others for surveillance purposes. Each writer is expressing his or her own opinions and they are not necessarily the opinions of the group at large or of any employer of individuals of the group. No advanced notice was given according to the residents. Found insideIn Wheat Belly, Davis exposes the harmful effects of what is actually a product of genetic tinkering and agribusiness being sold to the American public as "wheat"—and provides readers with a user-friendly, step-by-step plan to navigate a ... Simple theme. Found insideBlending cutting-edge research, investigative reporting, and firsthand interviews, this terrifying true story reveals how we unwittingly invite these digital thieves into our lives every day. In 2016 he provided comprehensive testimony on Smart Meters to the Pennsylvania Utilities Commission noting, “From animal studies we can now see that essentially any biological system in the body can be altered by environmental-strength levels of any technical type of electromagnetic energy.” He also comments on the importance of basic research and the lack of usefulness of epidemiologic studies stating, “Such studies produce the most relevant type of scientific knowledge regarding health risks of electromagnetic energy because their conclusions apply directly to human beings. A smart meter is a meter that has the added feature of being able to send usage information back to the product supplier on a regular basis, often many times a day. Your email address will not be published. daily to help keep poten­tially dangerous blood clots from forming and to prevent a heart attack or stroke. Nevertheless their probative value is far more limited compared with experimental studies. He highlights a study done in California on failure mode and effects analysis showing that the power to our homes, offices and businesses is put at risk by using Smart Meters. I am only in my own home at the moment due to the support and kindness of my neighbors.I can't imagine trying to live with another meter 6 meters form my house on the other side let . While we love when people take steps to learn more about their water, some people (including journalists from reputable publications- Example #1 & Example #2) have used TDS/ppm meters to draw false conclusions about water quality, which . Dr. Conrad, who received a Biochemistry degree from John Hopkins University and completed post graduate work at the Institute of Molecular Biophysics of Florida State University and in the Department of Biochemistry of Cornell University, gave clear and compelling expert testimony to the Maine Public Utilities Commission in 2013 regarding Smart Meters. The conclusion was that smart meters “would be economically unreasonable for the majority of German consumers”. Earth's EMF is called the Schumann resonance (7.83 Hz). This is a book about strategy and war fighting. A simple preliminary radon test is . / Dangers of Smart Meters Know the Truth Most of the smart devices we use today utilize radio frequency or electromagnetic waves to communicate. Dr Mercola offers actionable strategies to protect yourself at home, at work and out in the world, and to repair the damage done at a cellular level. He puts Smart Meter risks in three broad categories- National Security, Business Liability and Family Security. Senator Patrick Colbeck speaks in support of property rights to allow property owners the choice of having a Smart Meter during the November 10, 2016 session. There is always a safer design. He was the leader of a group of 45 doctors and scientists who signed the "Toronto Statement" warning of the dangers of Smart Meters in 2012. A constellation of symptoms of electrosensitivity  that were reported as severe included fatigue,  insomnia, difficulty concentrating, headaches, agitation, ringing in the ears, pressure in the head, tingling burning skin, heart racing, arrhythmia, memory problems. The format in which the energy usage information is transmitted is entirely at the discretion of the smart meter manufacturer and the energy supplier that chose them. Notably only 8% of the 92 final group reported they had electrosensitivity prior to the installation of smart meters, which Dr. Lamech states, “… points to the possibility that smart meters may have unique characteristics that lower people’s threshold for symptom development.”   The most common reported symptoms were: All measurements done in the lab were well below ICNIRP reference level for the general public. Research papers he highlights can be found on his website Sam Milham Research Papers. I have constant headaches, unless I am in nature. How governments, telecom and electric power utilities suppress the truth about the known hazards of electro-magnetic field (EMF) radiation. The evolution of advanced information environments is rapidly creating a new category of possible cyberaggression, which RAND researchers are calling virtual societal warfare in an analysis of the characteristics and future of this growing ... California power customers have recently won the battle to keep their analog meters. Therefore it’s hardly surprising that in the 2017 Conservative party manifesto, the Tories did a subtle about-face and essentially declawed the 2020 smart meter deadline. SMART METERS: Michigan Stop Smart Meters – Diana Ostermann Provides Detailed Information on  Smart Meters and How They Work, interference, dirty electricity and more. The sad truth is that until we have more epidemiologic evidence—whether from disease clusters like the ones at La Quinta and on Cape Cod or from long-term analyses of the health of the world's 4 . Some people have to leave there homes due to immediate severe adverse symptoms. We'll run a couple of checks to make . Privacy of utility billing and usage has been a consumer priority. I went from being a perfectly healthy 35 year old to being electrically sensitive in a matter of weeks. It’s a really stupid grid.” Business risks to their operation include “threats of terrorism” and  “Cyber attacks”. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the information on this site lies with the reader. Dirty Electricity) on each electrical circuit the smart meter connects to. The benefits to the customer are . The issue that has been brought up by electrical engineers in that the radiofrequency radiation that ravels from the Smart Meter also apparently  travels through the wiring of the house setting up an electromagnetic field in all of the electrical wiring. However, many people are being affected and they want to know why. Powered by Blogger. This book presents all the publicly available questions from the PISA surveys. Some of these questions were used in the PISA 2000, 2003 and 2006 surveys and others were used in developing and trying out the assessment. A smart meter is an internet-connected device that shows how much energy a home is using and the cost in real time. Trust the science its what we know make our smart phones work. Before smart meters, I had worked in an office full of computers and wi-fi and had no electrical sensitivities. Barrie Trower - Lecture: 'The Truth about 5G and Wi-Fi'. They are nothing more than glorified billing companies with middlemen buying energy at the wholesale level to resell it to residential consumers. I consider that to be far greater on a global scale than warming and the increase in chemicals in the environment.”. If you think the sun is 93 million miles above the earth - tell that to a geometry major. At time  1:17:15 A  doctor discusses her electrosensitivity and the lack of knowledge and respect for her condition from DTE when her power was shut off because of her refusal to have a Smart Meter. The limitations of this condition are extraordinary. The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) announced that the Data and Communications Company (DCC), which would make the interconnected smart meter infrastructure possible, was delayed again by six months. They unanimously concluded that the cost-benefit just wasn’t in favour of smart meters. These waves are constantly flowing all around us the entire time. Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus at Washington State University and author of many papers on EMR on cellular structures, testifies June 20, 2017 in Massachusetts on Smart Meter bill SB1864. Michigan Senator Patrick J. Colbeck discusses security threats and consumer protections regarding Smart Meters and a Smart Grid. Found insideThe Body Electric tells the fascinating story of our bioelectric selves. The “Dark Side ” of Smart Meters . Andrew Marino, a seasoned researcher on the biologic effects of electromagnetic fields, has both a PhD in biophysics as well as JD and stresses the need for burden of proof of safety vs harm. Dr. David Carpenter MD, a graduate of Harvard Medical School and a physician who has worked in the area of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and public health for over 18 years, has a few choice words for power companies that are forcing smart meters down the throats of their customers all over the . For Scientific Literature Environmental Effects see Many residents have organized nationwide to educate others about these risks and pass legislation to allow residents to Opt Out of Smart Meters. There are too many variables that can cause climate change, both natural and man made, to know exactly what . Happer is one. Marvin Perry April 6, 2020 at 9:39 pm. Unfortunately, when electricity data is transferred to a third party, utilities can no longer reasonably protect that information. This book explores the implications of newly developing risks such as hugely damaging hurricanes, new diseases, terrorist attacks, and disruptions to critical infrastructures. If that name sounds familiar, we’ve mentioned them before - Centrica installed some of the first smart meters in the UK all the way back in 2011 (and was then forced to replace them). Both my wife and myself began to develop mysterious symptoms that we never had before, and then more than a week after the symptoms began, we discovered that smart meters had been installed before we first developed the symptoms. Hackers RF device fools the “Smart Meter” into thinking it is a cell tower. Smart Meter Opt Out Laws in 24 States  Massachusetts is one of the most recent states to consider a similar Bill-  S1684 Smart Meter Opt Out Massachusetts. One would expect adverse symptoms similar to electrosensitvity and this was confirmed by Frederica Lamech (2014). In addition to to the serious health risks from 'smart meters', the other major issue people have is privacy. Dr. Conrad notes, “If a government agency or a corporation was forcing the deployment of technology on citizens that was known in advance to cause disability or significant harm to one out of every 100 citizens, would this amount of harm be “acceptable” or would it be cause to halt such deployment? Michigan is now in the middle of assessing their utility, DTE Energy Corporation, with testimony being entered into the record for 2018 (see below). The ability for smart meters to self-report energy usage back to HQ is often touted as one of their main benefits. Dangers of Smart Meters Know the truth; Cops Say Legalize Drugs June (2) May (2) April (1) 2011 (2) November (1) October (1) About Me. Third party regulations lag behind in many states, however, some have put in place laws that afford some protection of information. Germany went as far as hiring noted consulting firm EY to evaluate smart meters on a national scale. As we now see, it is beyond any shadow of a doubt that meter manufacturers know, utilities know, and regulators know. Michigan residents testify about harassment by DTE Energy Corporation,  with many testifying to poor customer service, lack of communication, un-consented removal of analogue meters with placement of  Smart Meter as well as people having their power abruptly shut off. The mission of the (DEA) is to enforce the controlled substances laws and regulations of the United States and bring to the criminals involved in the growing, manufacture, or distribution of controlled substances appearing in or destined for illicit traffic in the United States. “Determining how much electricity was required to recharge an electric car, and extrapolating from that how far it had traveled, would seem to be a pretty simple matter,” said Connizzo. Here is testimony from one individual. He discusses how Smart Meters can increase exposure to potentially harmful microwave radiation. Smart Meter placement seems to be a wonderful convenience, however, these meters use 2.4 GHz microwave (and 900 MHz) radiation for communications which is what our microwave ovens, Wi-Fi routers and other wireless devices use. On Dec 4, 2018 Senator Colbeck sponsored a groundbreaking international wireless forum, with speakers discussing all aspects of wireless technology including Smart Meters. © 2016 Physicians for Safe Technology ( There are a staggering number of articles on the Internet trumpeting the dangers of "Wi-Fi radiation" and how risky it is to your health. Dangers of Smart Meters Know the Truth. Go smart. 2. Unlike their name suggests, most energy suppliers have little to do with the infrastructure and engineering of getting gas and electricity from power stations into homes. They state they had signed a  notarized document requesting removal of smart meters and replacement with analogue meters. In 2009 a series of hacking incidents was reported in Puerto Rico  where smart meters were altered and settings changed to reduce electricity bills. They ensure what is often called last-mile service right up to your home. We're burning alive. You can clearly see why picking companies that often have a poor track record with their core services could be a recipe for disaster. Undeterred, Carlo now brings his case to the public with a powerful assessment of the dangers posed by the microwave radiation from cell phone antennas—disruption of the functioning of pacemakers, penetration of the developing skulls of ... The idea is that customers can understand their energy usage more and bring down . They do not want to look at something that would damage their business. "Never sign an Opt-Out Contract," says Jerry Day. Most of these highly consequential matters are occurring under the radar 24/7 which makes them all the more dangerous; for you cannot respond to what you are unaware of. My ears ring if I am within miles of a cell tower. Call us on 0808 501 5266 to book your appointment. Many citizens and community groups have organized in the United States and abroad to oppose and stop Smart Meter installations for several reasons, including health effects. There are widespread environmental effects now emerging in peer reviewed journals. With this in mind, one would think that smart meter technology would be in the bag, but nothing could be further from the truth. Dr. Sam Milham, physician, epidemiologist and author of the book Dirty Electricity,  is featured here, explaining smart meter devices, dirty electricity and adverse health effects. This is the first of its kind forum in the depth and breadth of this issue. Cell phones, Smart meters, Wifi, Cell towers and their connection to chemtrails. Smart Meter Lawsuit Filed in Federal Court by San Diegan, Water Monitoring Smart Meters: This 2018 lawsuit challenges where they money for these meters is coming from and rate increases. After all, you can get a 256GB iPhone 11 for $639. Reports of harassment and power being shut off has raised concern and awareness about this issue. This book examines the health effects of exposure to static electric and magnetic fields found in selected industries, such as medical facilities with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), high-energy physics research facilities and some ... In addition the long term cumulative exposures have been found to be harmful and are not taken into consideration in the rollout of these devices . Once a person becomes sensitized to microwave radiation, life becomes completely different, and difficult. Dr. Conrad, who received a Biochemistry degree from John Hopkins University and completed post graduate work at the Institute of Molecular Biophysics of Florida State University and in the Department of Biochemistry of Cornell University, gave clear and compelling expert testimony to the Maine Public Utilities Commission in 2013 regarding Smart Meters. Yet, an opt out contact means that: 1. you agree to not sue them for the harm they know they will cause. Found insideThe guide will help users in any organization, with any budget, to make the science of their communications as sound as the science that they are communicating. These symptoms had a negative effect on these peoples lives in terms of normal functioning. Eric Roy, Ph.D.| Scientific Founder ***Updated on February 5, 2020*** We get quite a few questions about TDS/ppm meters (like this one) and TDS measurements. She found host of adverse physical health symptoms. Greg Pytel, an economist overseeing the smart meter rollout for. April 6, 2021. How did it all go so wrong? He notes that there are many reasons citizens wish to have an analogue meter rather than a Smart Meter. The Smart Meters are also on 24/7. Something must be done.”, From animal studies we can now see that essentially any biological system in the body can be altered by environmental-strength levels of, He also comments on the importance of basic research and the lack of usefulness of epidemiologic studies stating, “, Such studies produce the most relevant type of scientific knowledge regarding health risks of electromagnetic energy because their, conclusions apply directly to human beings. Smart Meters placed on homes appear to have a particularly devastating effect on health as this pulsed non-ionizing radiation is transmitted through household wiring, creating widespread local fields of what is termed dirty electricity (Dirty electricity EMF Analysis)  Although aiming to connect wirelessly to our appliances and Internet of Things Appliances that are now being sold, this disharmonic mix of frequencies from both wired and wireless sources can affect our biological functioning. At the Dec 4, 2018 Wireless Forum sponsored by Michigan Senator Patrick Colbeck Here is an eyeopening video of Bill Bathgate, an electrical engineer, reviewing smart meters and how these can be not only a health hazard but also a fire hazard. A well-designed smart grid is critical to the clean energy revolution we need - enabling significantly greater use of clean, renewable, domestic energy resources and improved air quality to protect the health of millions of Americans now harmed by dangerous air pollution.. Smart meters are a key component of the smart grid. During the August 21, 2012, open forum held by the PUC (which I later watched what I missed on video), an advocate of those dangerous meters said when people get something in their head, even though it's not true, they refuse to believe the facts. All rights reserved. However, being fashionably late isn’t the only issue for the DCC. The information here is for general education and not intended to be medical advice to treat or advise patients. Meter cheating means tampering with the gas meter so it doesn't record how much gas is being used or trying to bypass the gas meter completely. Electric Monitoring: In 2012 A San Diego Woman filed a lawsuit after her Smart Meter was installed and she became ill with symptoms typical of electrosensitivity. “Technology systems are vulnerable to disability or failures, due to hacking, viruses, acts of war…”  Regarding Family risks there are No surge protectors thus risking fires, no conducted emissions filter leading to early appliance failure,  Cyber security back-door access for hackers, no circuit breaker between the meter and the power source. Jeromy Johnson, on his website,  Do You Have a Smart Meter?,  examines conventional Smart Meters versus newer models put in Truckee, California, that transmit infrequently and only once a month when the truck reader comes by. With this type of tariff, taking a shower at the wrong time could turn out to be very expensive. I believe the fact that our techniques were able to find not just one or two vulnerabilities, but a whole series of them, makes them a great starting point for defending against attacks.”, Executive Summary: Wireless Technology and Public Health, Spanish Translations- Radiacion Electromagnetica, Cellular Mechanisms: Calcium Channels and Other, Conversion Chart, Glossary RFR and Exposure Guidelines, Conversion Chart, World Exposure Limits, Human Exposures EMR/EMF, Glossary: Understanding Electromagnetic Radiation, Electrosensitivity: Review of Research Part 2, A Clinical Approach to Electrosensitivity Part 3, Privacy and Security of the Internet and 5G,,,, The following list of proven dangers impacting the entire human race has been compiled so that folks know the dire state of affairs that life on Earth has become. He highlights other scientists warning that this is  “the single largest technological experiment the public has endured without their knowledge or consent”. Fires and explosions have also been reported with smart meters that overload. The most urgent story of our times, brilliantly reframed, beautifully told: how we had the chance to stop climate change, and failed. The smart meters were a shadow government plan, and the Democratic Party is part of the shadow government. Parents, who know the truth about the health risks, have nowhere to turn. In addition, he looks at how Italy uses somewhat different “smart meters”  that do not emit microwave radiation. On June 28, 2018, four Asheville North Carolina homes had their power cut off for refusing Smart meters. "This book tells how to measure the voltages of each organ, how to insert new electrons and how to figure out why voltage dropped in the first place."--Page 4 of cover. Most Smart Meter battles are being fought around electric meters. Once you put a Smart Meter Guard over your smart meter, as long as it is tight against the metal box, the only place for the radiation to escape through is the Smart Meter Guard. Wireless Technology Forum Dec 4, 2018: To view the entire speaker series and panel discussion go here, Electrical Engineer Bill Bathgate on Health and Safety Issues with Smart Meters, Dec 4, 2018. Although convenient and cheaper for utilities there have been a host of problems reported from privacy and security to serious health effects and fires. That is why it is so effective at blocking such a high percentage of the radiation. Electricity bills, being fashionably late isn ’ t in favour of smart meters the... Of computers and wi-fi & # x27 ; s right — FOUR chemtrails! Rf device fools the “ smart meter battles are being affected and they want to look at something would! Help keep poten­tially dangerous blood clots from forming and to prevent a heart attack or stroke of! 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