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[87] The War-Torn Societies Project in UNRISD has explored the implementation of public participation in its studies, and its own analysis has involved interaction with local people. Senior Grants & Partnership Coordinator, Freetown, Sierra Leone Committee, one of the world's largest humanitarian agencies, provides relief, rehabilitation and post-conflict reconstruction support to victims of natural disaster, oppression and violent conflict in 42 countries. However, international strategic objectives are being pursued in ways that are often contradictory rather than complementary. The destruction, disruption, dislocation and exhaustion so evident in war-torn societies is perhaps mistaken for a tabula rasa on which to write a peaceful future. A broader concept would not deny the importance of formal political alternatives, such ZaMir or Helsinki Citizens’ Assemblies in the post-Yugoslav states, but would also encompass the unarticulated political value of grass roots support networks whose primary goals may be social and economic and which may interact with, rather than oppose, the state. ), Weapons, States and Warlords: The militarisation of ethnic and sub-state conflict, Basingstoke: Macmillan, forthcoming 1999. It is therefore relatively easy for domestic actors to resist external pressure, to pay mere lip-service to conditionality and to out-last the will of the external architects of the good life. ECHO does not use the term ‘peacebuilding’. Indeed, that would deny to war-torn societies even the normal, tailor-made exchanges, of the international system. This consists of a set of physical, social, and structural initiatives that are often an integral part of post-conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation. 35. [68] Such a requirement has long been acknowledged, notably in the pioneering work of Mary Anderson. Donors delineate a field within which external actors operate and also set some of the implicit and explicit rules for their operation. OC Global has participated in reconstruction and peacebuilding in more than 20 war-torn countries over the last two decades. [19] Above all, critics are concerned that cost-limited capacity building is a cosmetic way of mitigating the worst impacts of neo-liberalism on state involvement in welfare. In fact, women often contribute to the outbreak of violence and hostilities -in many cases, they are instrumental in inciting men to defend group interests, honour, and collective livelihoods. Overseas Development Institute, Mainstreaming Public Participation in Economic Infrastructure Projects, Briefling Paper 3, July 1998. [106] Furthermore, there is a lack of appreciation among donors about qualitative rather than quantitative issues. Post-conflict reconstruction--a case study in Kosovo. British divisional G-5 outline brief, Banja Luka, 15 May 1997, cited in Caddick-Adams (n.46 above). Post Conflict Rehabilitation in Post Gukurahundi Zimbabwe: The Role of Civil Society Institutions . Post-conflict reconstruction is not new to the World Bank. It is in transition from aid to something else that is not traditional development’. Repatriation is the zeitgeist of the rehabilitation process. [86] In effect support for social development through systems of participation with accountability are more likely to have an effect than social engineering. The Limits of Non-State Politics’, Security Studies, Vol.7, no.1, autumn 1977, pp.194-227. Theories, practice and evaluation of psycho-social projects in Croatia’, Community Development Journal, Vol. It is not sequential, for ot overlaps with both relief and development. [52] In particular, ECHO was influenced by Germany to emphasise repatriation programmes to expedite the removal of refugees on its territory. PhD (conflict Management) 1. Discussions with Lisbeth Pilegaard, Repatriation Consultant and Bauke von Weringh, Head of Office of Danish Refugee Council, Sarajevo, 30 June 1997; Charlotte Dunn, ICVA, Sarajevo, 30 June 1997. 103. See Philip Peirce and Paul Stubbs, ‘Peacebuilding, Hegemony and Integrated Development: the case of UNDP in Travnik, Bosnia-Herzegovina’, paper presented at ECPR-ISA Joint Conference, Vienna, 16-19 September 1998. In situations where war elites remain powerful, and where civil regulation has historically produced corruption and market distortion, then neo-liberal economic models do not necessarily result in the equitable distribution of economic benefits or political power. Ian Smillie, Service Delivery or Civil Society? Working in coalitions combining local, national and international elements is providinga positive contribution for somewomen in Kosova. It is questionable whether current standard practice is internally coherent for dealing with collapsed states and the rehabilitation of communities. Ian Smillie, ‘Painting Canadian Roses Red’, in Edwards and Hulme (see n.2 above), p.157. Another serious challenge confronting analysts is to decide upon the role of humanitarianism. Privacy | Procedural participation: people are encouraged to engage in achieving project goals to reduce its costs and comply with procedural requirements. Various initiatives might be undertaken to redeem the weaknesses in the humanitarian dimension of rehabilitation. As NGO workers remark: ‘even when forced by the system to work short-term, we have to and want to do long-term planning, as rehabilitation is a long haul and could take a generation’. The four strategies of the plan are: relief and rehabilitation, social justice and inclusion, rehabilitation and reconstruction of infrastructures, and provision of additional and decent employment opportunities. The direction of the process is significant because when survivors do not have a stake in making adjustments, or in reforming relationships, then the process itself is likely to fail and recidivist pressures for re-newed conflict can become ascendant. This calls for a new discourse: ‘The terminology proposed to encapsulate such future fieldwork is Human Rights Support Programmes. 54. 44. The answer that Paris offers, however, is not very far-reaching. 75. David Last, ‘From Peacekeeping to Peacebuilding: Conflict Resolution Theory and the Transition to Peace’, paper at ISA Annual Conference, Minneapolis, 17-21 March 1998; Paul Stubbs, ‘Peace Building, Community Development and Cultural Change’, May 1997, report available on Za Mir Transnational Network (Zagreb). How healthy is civil society in western Europe? There have been exceptions including the Conflict Resolution Catalysts in Banja Luka and and the Star Project in Sarajevo. The International Peace Academy Women and post-conflict reconstruction: Issues and sources. As Mark Duffield argues, however, development is part of the crisis of globalisation and conflict is symptomatic of new forms of political economy. This is usually generated by the implementers in the form of in-house reportage. John P. Lederach, Building Peace. Some current work does reflect the importance of accountability and ownership and suggests that the above mentioned structural and cultural obstacles can be challenged. Rehabilitation may be needed by individuals whilst entire communities remain at war. Unlike traditional conflict reconstruction and development processes which focused on avoiding a resumption of conflict, state rebuilding focuses on reestablishing the states domination over the means of force. World Bank, ‘A Framework for World Bank Involvement in Post-Conflict Reconstruction’, unpub. In view of this, the PSC Protocol delineates a number of post-conflict reconstruction activities that require action, including the restoration of the rule of law, establishment and development of democratic institutions and, We are an independent national human rights institution tasked with the promotion & protection of human rights in Ethiopia. [97]. 2. Found inside"This volume sheds much-needed light on Iran's strikingly complex political system and foreign policy and its central role in the region. There continues to be a near total absence of input from those who have hosted, or are hosting, operations. This is a very strong argument in favour of "total rehabilitation" as opposed to only reconstruction. For example, the International Rescue Committee had begun by funding psycho-social projects but dropped this in favour of an organisational project to make LNGOs more self-sustaining and self-advocating. In some instances, this might be characterised as a neo-imperial relationship, with implementers acting as the local agents of donors. In rehabilitation, humanitarian activities continue to display the fragmented, donor-driven and hierarchy paradigm of emergency relief work. For rehabilitation to break out of this ‘non-recovery’ cycle it would have to be: a process of social, political and economic adjustment to, and underpinning of, conditions of relative peace in which the participants, especially those who have been disempowered and immiserated by violence, can begin to prioritise future goals beyond immediate survival. Such a ‘vacuum of responsibility’ is undoubtedly a function of the predicament faced by states and institutions in dealing with different levels of legitimacy. There is little doubt that the health of a population is The terms recovery and reconstruction refer to a process of socioeconomic transformation, not the mere restoration of past structures and dynamics, or a simple return to pre-conflict (war) levels and trends. Paul Stubbs and Baljit Soroya, ‘War Trauma, Psycho-social Projects and Social Development in Croatia’, Medicine, Conflict and Survival, Vol.12, 1996, pp.303-14. Many rural Bosniacs live in the most inhospitable, unsustainable part of the country and are denied the cross-subsidisation from the wealthier areas that they received in the past – whereas Croat dominated areas and Republika Srpska are subsidised by Croatia and Yugoslavia respectively. paper, Washington DC, 1997, p.11. Also, interventionary actors appear to be caught in a dilemma between support for state sovereignty and support for civil society, between degrading state responsibility and disdaining non-state activities. A renewal of cohabitation between husband and wife is proof of reconciliation, and such reconciliation destroys the effect of a deed of separation. [47] Further, troops are not necessarily well suited to humanitarian tasks and they cannot affect the underlying social, political and economic dynamics of an environment. This in turn limits the communication between donors and implementers to one of bureaucratic exchange. As Lederach points out, capacity building is a process not an outcome, and communities can be encouraged not only to realise immediate survival goals but to envisage change, and to consider whether projects contribute to that change. Since 1994, deaths by intentional murders in El Salvador have exceeded the annual average of 6,000 deaths during the civil war. On project evaluation, see also, Mimica and Stubbs (n.26 above). Interviews with Professor Vehid Sehic, President of Tuzla Citizen’s Forum, Tuzla, 7 September 1998; Baisa Baki, Director, Helsinki Citizens Assembly, Tuzla, 8 September 1998; Prof. Dolecek Vlatko, President, and other members of ‘Circle 99’, Sarajevo, 11 September 1998. 107. As in all modern public institutions, at each level of authority resources are directed towards attracting, allocating and accounting for funds rather than the delivery of services. Contact Group Chairman’s Conclusions, US Department of State press release, Washington DC ,10 November 1998, www.state.gov./www/regions/eur/bosnia/stmt_981110_contactgp.html. Thus the ideology of neo-liberal economic modernisation, with which lead organisations such as the IMF have been imbued, often has the effect of undermining the mechanisms necessary for state building and the dirigisme that could make authorities in war-torn societies take greater responsibility for the welfare and rights of their people. Discussions with Safet Husanovic, Co-ordinator for Reconstruction and Development, Municipality of Tuzla, 16 July 1997; Kevin Mannion, Head of Housing Task Force, IMG, Sarajevo, 8 July 1997. This book, by thirty-five authors, examines the experiences of more than twenty countries and territories in assessing post-conflict environmental damage and natural resource degradation and their implications for human health, livelihoods, ... Furthermore, one can argue that structural violence persists beyond formal peace agreements. 2.5. p.70. [27], If the assumptions behind the relief-development continuum are flawed, so also is the notion of a neat break marking off conflict from peace. [10] This may appear to be counter-balanced by costly relief efforts, by economic packages built in to peace deals or by expenditure on earmarked peace-enforcement operations. These peace support operations (PSOs), for much of the 1990s at least, have had an explicit humanitarian agenda and have been conducted through Civil Affairs officers in the US Army or Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) programmes. 18. In these circumstances, efforts to transform war-shattered states into market democracies can serve to exacerbate rather than moderate societal conflicts.[85]. The paper argues that certain themes of general relevance can be highlighted, while at the same time acknowledging that particular policies have to be fashioned in the light of sui generis circumstances. The process consists of a check on funding allocation and tends to be quantitative rather than qualitative. This paper argues that the dilemmas can be mitigated to some extent by reshaping external policies to develop civil society and improve accountability downwards so that the greater balance of shareholding in the process of rehabilitation lies with the recovering communities. This book therefore, provides what government have done for RRR establishment, government and nongovernmental strategies to address issues of RRR implementation in war-toned societies and role of government to empower war victims and peace ... 108. 34. Tor Sellström and Lennart Wohlgemuth, The International Response to Conflict and Genocide: Lesson from the Rwanda Experience: Historical Perspective: Some Explanatory Factors, Steering Committee of the Joint Evaluation of Emergency Assistance to Rwanda, vol.1, Joint Evaluation Team, Copenhagen, 1996, p.55. Even if external actors are too wise to make naïve assumptions about their power and moral authority, they may have their own self-serving agendas that impel them to establish their influence in a new market place, for example. Patrick Chabal, ‘A few considerations on democracy in Africa’, International Affairs, vol.74, no.2, April 1998, pp.302-3. 26. 102. Research in Bosnia indicates that, broadly speaking, neither the donors nor implementing agencies and NGOs engage local populations formally and extensively in decision-making for needs assessment, project design and project evaluation. Arms exports are supported through export credits and offsets which re-newed arms exporting to post-conflict areas, backed by wide-ranging credit facilities make it easier, not more difficult, for actors in low stability areas to acquire arms, and this perpetuates features of militarised war economies. The efforts by international actors to integrate lives and livelihoods in societies emerging from civil war into relative peace has spawned a peacebuilding industry akin to the aid industry that has attracted crusading zeal and accusations of hubris in about equal measure. Found insideThis volume brings together a collection of papers which review the wide-ranging issues arising out of post-conflict economies in Africa. DIG’s approach includes identifying and rehabilitating critical infrastructure needs, building the capacity of local government agencies and other local stakeholders, strengthening financial institutions, developing frameworks for urban WASH services, establishing communities of practice, and supporting USAID to create frameworks for determining institutions’ eligibility for inclusion in future USAID programming. In addition, of the reported 670 rural and 100 urban Woredas in Ethiopia, 359 are IDPs host areas while 115 of them are receiving returning IDPs. Found insideThe explosion of civil conflicts in the post-Cold War world has tested the World Bank's ability to address unprecedented devastation of human and social capital.This study covers post-conflict reconstruction in nine countries, assessing ... 89. Found insideUrban planning and conservation experts provide a thorough comparative examination of Belfast, Beirut, Jerusalem, Mostar, and Nicosia—five physically partitioned urban areas in the throes of ethnic conflict. . The act of bringing persons to agree together, who before, had had some difference. The conditionality of external loans or IMF exchange rate support can counteract spending on job creation that would otherwise provide incentives to disarm and disincentives to engage in the black market. Found insideCrossing disciplinary boundaries, this volume by Özerdem and Roberts conceptualizes the challenges of developing sustainable agriculture in post-conflict environments as well as identifying the policies and practical solutions to achieve ... Conflict-prone areas may have had their sustainability undermined by the growth of local and national debts, by structural adjustment programmes that reduce the ability of local communities to provide welfare needs, by IMF monetary stabilisation programmes that have adverse effects on social stability, by the economic distortions caused by arms imports and systems of arms export credits, and by the activities of big business and their local agents. See R. Neil Cooper and Michael Pugh, ‘Conflict Prevention and Post-Conflict reconstruction: The need for a Coherent Strategy’, memorandum for the Parliamentary International Development Committee, August 1998, June 1998, appendix 1.In weak states where government legitimacy is low and political tension between state and society or between factions within society are already high, the sale of arms has the potential to acutely exacerbate pre-existing tensions. 13. [5] Thus the World Bank advises that assistance must concentrate ‘on re-creating the conditions that will allow the private sector and institutions of civil society to resume commercial and productive activities’. They include the perpetuation of security risks, guerilla war economies, military provision of humanitarian aid and the power relationships established by external actors. Moreover, future political stability and democracy is achieveable via sustainable capacity building of personnel and leadership, institutional transformations, developing progressive post-conflict rehabilitation, a reconstruction and development agenda and the adoption of good governance practices. The paper argues that certain themes of general relevance can be highlighted, […], Thanks for dropping by! The impact of the size of this child population should be duly understood and reflected both in the immediate, in terms of provision of humanitarian assistance, and in mid-term recovery strategies, including reconstruction of school and health facilities. Reconstruction & Rehabilitation of Post Conflict Areas Should be Child-Centred. In Nicaragua, the war with the Contras caused roughly US$2.5 billion of war damage. '[70] The OECD’s Development Assistance Committee is committed to national ownership of the development process in post-conflict recovery and to ‘political dialogue on such critical issues as governance and participation, [in which] all groups, including the marginalised, should be encouraged to express themselves’.[71]. Such dispositions for engineering war-torn societies into peace suggest that external actors assume the power and moral authority to bring about peaceful change which communities have so signally failed to do. Indeed psychosocial rehabilitation projects have been located ‘between relief and development’. Patterns of decision-making are likely to be inherited from earlier, confused situations of emergency relief, and there may be little time or opportunity, even with the best will in the world, to establish formal mechanisms for participation. On the one hand, the data shows that since recovery and rehabilitation of areas in or coming out of conflict must take precedence, legislative and policy frameworks designed to coordinate these efforts need to factor the large child population in these areas and adapt accordingly. While each of these findings are concerning on their own, read together they demand an immediate change of perspective and prioritization. The International Council of Voluntary Agencies has a policy of trying to coordinate North and South NGOs, and organises the requests of local NGOs, and claims success in this respect in Guatemala and Bosnia. In a post-conflict situation, some prior activities that are taken for granted in normal borrowing countries may have to be supported. And, as suggested by the disaster recovery cycle of Frerks et al., the resources used for rehabilitation can both distort the implementation of old or fresh economic and social development plans, or they can be used to restore the kind of neo-liberal development policies that may well have contributed to the conflict in the first place. See also, Report of the UN Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, 3-14 June 1992, A/CONF.151/26/Rev.1. Department for International Development, World Poverty: A Challenge for the 21st Century, White Paper on International Development, Cm. Examples of interactive partnership in needs assessment. The EU has been singled out by NGOs for its lengthy response to applications and getting money flowing to projects. But it does not automatically exclude the ‘rehabilitation’ of elites that had a stake in conflict or assume that they have to be replaced by a new generation, though the process of adjustment may take a generation of fifteen years or more. In the research work a conscious attempt was made to avoid treating interviewees and discussants as anonymous ‘subjects of study’, as in an anthropological or sociological investigation, but to acknowledge their ‘on the record’ views as informed contributors to research. Trending:  Human rights agenda for elections | Law Enforcement in Oromia | Joint Investigation in Tigray, EHRC calls for nationwide policies and efforts of recovery and rehabilitation of post-conflict areas to be child-centred, To mark the Day of the African Child, held this year under the theme “30 years after the adoption of the Charter (ACRWR): Accelerate the implementation of Agenda 2040 for an Africa fit for children”, the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) calls for nationwide policies and efforts of recovery and rehabilitation of post-conflict areas to be child-centred. Non-Discrimination | Relevant Post Conflict Management and Reconstruction programs include SABR, Iraq TOT, and Nigeria WCP. At the top were regional and city hospitals, below that the local clinic complexes or Dom Zratvia, and below that the Ambulata or GP-based health centres. It is more important that people believe rulers are accountable in ways they believe to be legitimate rather than focusing on the cosmetics of democracy. The third section considers the concept of ‘transformation’ of society in transitions to relative peace, the obstacles that exist to transformation, the limits of social engineering and the role that external agents can play by adapting concepts of accountability and evaluation to particular situations. Interview with E.J. Also, the optimal balance between external and internal efforts to assist social adaptation to transition will vary considerably. J. Gershman and W. Bello, cited in Michael Edwards and David Hulme, ‘Non-Governmental Organisations – Performance and Accountability: Beyond the Magic Bullet, London: Earthscan, 1995, p.35. The imbalance between attention to, and investment in, repatriation and ‘measurable’, macro-economic stability projects on the one hand, and qualitative social programmes on the other is dysfunctional. Potentially, however, a significant change can occur when open conflict ceases, allowing assessment to go beyond step 3 (procedural participation) of the ODI framework to embrace interactive partnership. Much of this section contains material from an unpublished report by John Carlarne for the Plymouth Peacebuilding Project. For example, the EU code requires states to take into account the human rights record of arms recipients, the impact on regional stability and the relationship between the level of weapons technology and the economic capacity of the purchasing country. There may also be a perceived risk that the activation of a local community in decision-making could re-ignite tensions or might result in highly politicised projects aimed to strengthen one group at the expense of another. IRC has worked for The conflict partly caused by the 1966 coup d'état, the Aguiyi agreement/commission and a host of other minor causes. This definition is based on a transformative approach to rehabilitation which is discussed in greater depth below. Our starting point is that effective delivery of economic, social and cultural rights is an important - and underexplored - element of transitional justice and post-conflict reconstruction. Implicit within such relationships is the ‘recognition’ of actors in the process and their direction into certain tasks, though not in a cohesively planned way. Incentives and conditionalities for securing peace or its implementation may also be inserted into the process, and these will have an impact on reconstruction and development, an obvious example being the 1995 Dayton Accords that marked the winding down of fighting in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH). However, there are diffuse interests and divisions with Southern members prefering an emphasis on sustainable development, whereas ICVA found it easier to get funding for humanitarian relief (from its chief funding sources: Canada, Nordic governments and the Ford Foundation). While in adjacent villages, months after the cyclone, families were still unable to get back to regular work leading to longer term economic decline. [38] In general terms this kind of activity creates few major or lasting problems and can smooth relations between the military and the civilian population. ), European Approaches to Crisis Management, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1997, pp.153-70. Thus an organisation can be simultaneously a donor and implementer. 80. Its priority was the supply of essential materials, equipment and spare parts for various sectors of the economy, as identified by the IMG. Although major donors offer reconstruction funds as an incentive to reach or abide by peace deals, this tends to be a one-off or short-term provision trumpeted in a blaze of publicity. [39] US troops sent to the Zairean border with Rwanda in 1994 were engaged in engineering work to facilitate humanitarian efforts, rather than in much-needed security tasks, for example. 9. Rehabilitation is used here, not in the criminal justic sense as a complement to punishment, but to signify a generative forging of new life out of the ruins of the old. This article introduces the framework of developmental PCR that draws on the developmental state paradigm to offer a lens for understanding the role of the state and its complex interlinkages with . And, as noted by Stubbs with regard to work among refugees, they encourage the creation of LNGOs in their own professional, middle-class image, thereby maintaining influence among them. 106. 51. Interviews with NGO workers, Sarajevo, July 1997. Found insideThis publication focuses on the gender dimensions of intrastate conflicts (civil wars), organised around eight key themes of gender and warfare, sexual violence, formal and informal peace processes, post-conflict legal frameworks, work ... A Republika Srpska a Society was formed in 1992 and a Federation Society in October 1997 a Federation Society. Post-conflict recovery, reconstruction and rehabilitation are usually daunting tasks. A donor is defined as an organisation that funds the activities of another. Victims ; but none to help the male rape victims ; but none to help female victims... The pioneering work of Mary Anderson takes the form of institutional adaptation the., April 1998, p. 14 both distinctive and complementary activities that are often contradictory rather than in! Processes but is often vaguely defined Ethiopian human rights activities and empowerment of local that. Series of useful lessons on how public sector reforms can be seen as a poor substitute achieving! Yet ill-defined, concept a unique case, as indeed all cases are unique, though wide. Former enemies local ownership of the international peace Academy an Overview of the 115 IDPs returnees receiving are! ‘ project-ism ’ from 3 to 12 months Monde, Paris, 1 1997! Political legitimacy to relative peace does not invalidate the precept, that they strive to follow, of urge. Known to enquire whether women ’ s the diamond market required because in the developmental concept mean that the mentioned... Immediate rehabilitation of poor people—who typically bear the brunt of conflicts and.... 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