Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas, USVI; Cruz Bay, St John, USVI; Charlestown, Nevis, WI; South Friars Bay, St Kitts, WI; St Barths, FWI; Sandy Ground, Anguilla, BWI; Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas, USVI.
February 14-21, 2015
And, as they say . . .
SeaDream II off Virgin
Gorda, BVI.
always start the voyage at the "Top of the Yacht Bar."
That first "welcome aboard" glass of champagne.
Nancy at the "Top of the Yacht Bar" in
Charlotte Amalie.
Stateroom 307 on the SeaDream II.
and Russ at the "Top of the Yacht Bar."
Off the bow in Crown Bay, St Thomas, waiting to depart.
The Lifeboat Drill – one more time.
Meeting our sister SeaDream I off Cruz Bay, St John, USVI.
Nancy settling in for a bit of reading while off Cruz Bay.
In the salon awaiting the Captain's welcome reception.
on the ferry pier at Charlestown, Nevis, WI.
SeaDream II at anchor off Nevis.
Arriving at the Four Seasons Resort, Nevis.
Nancy and Russ at the Four Seasons.
Same bar at the Four Seasons in 2004.
Hard to believe that was 11 years go.
Golf carts await at the Four Seasons – mostly villa owners visiting the hotel.
Back aboard with new English friends – their 51st cruise on SeaDream (our 7th).
Arriving at Carambola Beach Club in South Friars Bay, St Kitts.
Two big ships (Celebrity and Royal Caribbean) docked in Basseterre.
SeaDream II from the Carambola Beach Club.
It was a busy day with us and the two big ships in.
More of Carambola.
Nancy at lunch at Carambola. Met with
General Manager, Christopher Evelyn again.
Departing St Kitts on our way to way St Barths.
Dinner aboard with the captain and other
repeat SeaDreamers.
Beautiful Barnes Bay, Anguilla, from the
fabulous Viceroy Resort.
Nancy enjoying the Viceroy's gorgeous bar.
Nancy and Russ at the Viceroy bar.
Here we are at the same bar way back in 2009.
Looking toward Mead's Bay. This part
of the hotel wasn't finished
in 2009.
Nancy enjoying lunch at the Viceroy's
Coconut Grill.
The SeaDream Yacht Club pennant planted in
White Bay, Jost van Dyke, in the British Virgin Islands – simply beautiful!
Fantastic White Bay – one of our favorite
beaches in the Caribbean!
The famous SeaDream champagne and caviar
splash – actually inherited from their Seabourn parent.
Nancy and Russ enjoying the splash – as always!
White Bay is a popular and busy place this
time of year.
The bartenders were busy,
All 100 passengers enjoying the SeaDream
beach barbecue.
Saying goodbye to SeaDream II in Crown
Bay, St Thomas, until March 2016.
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