March 31 – April 14, 2015
Our first Atlantic crossing – from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to Funchal (Madeira), Portugal to Barcelona, Spain.
Our pre-cruise stay at the new Miami Beach EDITION Hotel.
lovely pool at the Miami Beach EDITION Hotel.
Our room at the EDITION.
Miami Beach from the EDITION.
Nancy at breakfast at the EDITION's Matador
The Matador Terrace.
Miami Bach EDITION. Residences are
on the right.
Nancy at the EDITION upper pool.
Nancy at the pool bar and
View of Miami Beach from our room.
On to the cruise aboard Seabourn Quest.
day out -- smooth sailing.
Beautiful day at sea -- many more to come.
Russ and Nancy at the patio bar.
Russ and Nancy with Captain Geir-Arne
Thue-Nilsen – first formal night.
Russ and Nancy with the same captain
in 2002 aboard Seabourn Legend.
Nancy and Russ all dressed up.
Nancy and Karen in the
Club on the first formal night.
And the gentlemen clean up as well.
First day out – moving along.
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