adopted a cat and having second thoughts

Good for you for trying so hard. You signed that you would provide lifetime care for this dog and if for any reason you no longer wanted it you had to return it to them. Is he fixed? I've mulled over the idea of getting a dog for about a year, went to the shelter, saw this dog, and brought him home without much planning. Research a ton all the symptoms and behaviors. Adopted cat, having second thoughts As the title implies, I've adopted a cat from a local shelter as a Christmas present to myself and my fiancée. If your cat … I would start by figuring out if it's a mental problem or physical. We've spent nearly $1000 on this cat, so just giving up altogether is difficult. Shelters have different policies. Your previous experiences with dogs will, to some degree, shape your expectations from the new dog as will any information you’ve received from the adopting rescue center/agency and your general knowledge of dog breeds. Perhaps try something corn-free with a non-chicken protein? But call the shelter and see what your options are. thanks for the quick replies, i was thinking about a school but some people say its too hard since hes old. You need to decide when the time is right for you. She's a sweet dog, I've managed to get her to be more sociable, but I'm having second thoughts. One benefit is that the two cats provide each other with exercise, social interaction, and other forms of mental stimulation. Have you tried switching over his food? We always ALWAYS want the people who adopted from us to bring the animal back if there is any problems. Your previous experiences with dogs will, to some degree, shape your expectations from the new dog as will any information you’ve received from the adopting rescue center/agency and your general knowledge of dog breeds. The pandemic has fueled pet adoptions, "one of the few silver linings to COVID," one animal rescue official says. This is because the shelter wants to be sure that the animal doesn't end up sold to someone else. I am having an experience with a cat that was roaming around the house a couple of months ago. The second the new owners update that chip the shelter will find out. As far as food goes, he is on the same food (Royal Canin Urinary SO) that he was at the shelter. The rule of thumb is one litter box per cat, plus an extra. Call the shelter and see if there is anything they can help. Note, too, that you can't blame the shelter if this dog isn't housebroken. i adopted yorkie about a couple weeks ago and its been nothing but a pain in my rear. ask more questions here so you are a better owner and he is a better dog. That move never bothered me but this time I ordered a sabre ftd and having some crazy thoughts. now i was wondering if i can sell the dog so i can get my money back? There are benefits to having two cats, but they apply only when the two cats are well matched and have enough physical space to live together comfortably. Be a responsible pet owner and try to train the dog before you give up on him. I adopted Marco about 3 weeks after my big boy Nico died. Alot of places have it in their contract that you can not sell or give the dog away. She was having trouble feeding from her mother who wasn't producing milk. While the cat has a great personality and is very loving, he's had nothing but issues that the shelter never told us about. Owners give LOTS of different excuses for surrendering pets and a lot of times those answers are entirely bogus. Keeping some things familiar will make her feel more secure. ETA: also might try some Feliway since diarrhea can be a stress-related too. Your cat will often act like they are upset at you too when you bring a new cat into the home. We had him on meds that got rid of the diarrhea for 5 days, but it has returned with a vengeance. :-/. Her and my min pin don't get a long at all. PetSmart can train him. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Budget for the short- and long-term costs of a cat. You may not know it yet, but a mature senior cat may be a perfect match for you. ANYWAY, to cut to the chase, it’s been over 4 years since his death, and we have just taken on our first rescue dog. Every cat is … So many mixed feelings but I am personally happy that I did it. I just adopted a cat from the shelter,she is 1 and 1/2 yrs old. My husband didn’t really want to get another pet, but it was a crisis situation…and we discovered fairly quickly that yes, it we wanted to adopt another animal. No, the cat isn’t doing it out of spite, but out of confusion. He's a 2.5 year old black lab mix, about 65 pounds. Try putting him in a quiet place, away from any noise in the home for a few days, and see if this helps. Dr. Jill Goldman and Dr. Pam Reid. A month ago, Tara, founder of The Mad Catters (an animal rescue based in Perth, Australia), was contacted about a tiny one-day-old kitten. It has to come back to them. A cat bounced back on her paws and adopted two orphan kittens to be raised alongside her own. Also, try crate training him. Follow this unusual pair of furry friends as they explore the West. You’ve made the decision to adopt a dog and you’ve brought them home. While the cat has a great personality and is very loving, he's had nothing but issues that the shelter never told us about. a dog might be house broken in one home.. but he will not know his way around your home.. you need to train him for your home - crate training is the best... chewing things is a sign of boredom - as you know Terriers were bred to KILL things... your dog is simply looking for something to kill... with most adoptions you have to sign a contract so you cannot legally resell the dog.. (plus its not fair to the dog). (for long term, days or weeks) Put a few litter boxes in there. He might've been trained in his old home, but a new home, new owner, etc. Try to take the time to train him, first. That is very helpful. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. They will get frustrated with a senior cat who prefers napping to playing. Why Adopt a Second Cat? No matter the situation you’re in, this article should definitely help. Anyways, you can't sell the dog. i "donated" $100 at the shelter and i sign all the papers and whatnot. A cat close in age to your resident cat may be a better match than one that’s much younger or much older. If you no longer want this dog then you HAVE to return it to the shelter. Edit to ad this: Older dogs can learn too. An older cat’s worst nightmare is having a young, energetic, and insatiable playmate as a companion, but a young or middle-aged cat may be more receptive to the presence of a kitten or even another adult cat. When shelters microchip an animal you update the information to your name but their name remains in the system as well and there is no way you to remove this information. They came from the SAME HOUSE! After about a month, the cat was letting us touch her and was sitting at my front door on the cold night. and to some people, i asked a question, i didn't ask you to insult me. Tara @catmum_perth. Last Thursday, I adopted a dog from the shelter. but i'll give it a try. The Royal Canin food you've been feeding him has corn & chicken which cats can be allergic too. 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She's actually a yorkie mix that's pure black, and she was supposed to be euthanized. Maybe try taking a 6 week train course. So there are no "options". now i was wondering if i can sell the dog so i can get my money back? Understand any pet is a responsibility and there’s a cost associated with that. I doubt the shelter would register any kinds of changes like that. A cat adopted from a shelter is a bargain; many facilities will have already provided spaying or neutering, initial vaccines, and a microchip for permanent identification. My Cat Is Hissing at Me Because of New Kitten. Meet Henry and Baloo, the surprising duo who have captured hearts with their scenic adventures out West. if your set on parting ways see if the shelter will take him back. But that doesn't mean there's no room for a few more. We have not tried that yet, but I think this is the next best step. And then won't you be embarassed when the new owner calls you because the shelter came and took their dog back. To change what a dog's microchip says, you have to pay a fee to whatever company it's registered to. At this point we're exhausted. Your cat may have been happy & relaxed in the shelter or their foster home, but since then, they may have been examined by a vet, put in a cat carrier, taken a car trip, and now are in a total alien universe filled with strange sights, sounds and smells. can cause behavior to regress and some training has to be re-done. Matching your cat to a second cat. own left him because "they do not have time for him" i didn't know being house broken ment breaking my house. That could help alot and is not real expensive. You're reneging on your contract. So I asked my mom and she said maybe, but only if we find . keep him in a kennel at night and when you are not home so he cannot destroy things. The ginger creature appeared in my life randomly. Welcoming a fur-baby into your home can be one of the greatest days of a cat owner’s life. Don’t take this personally, in my experience it’s really not the case. You should probably talk to them and let them know the dog is not working out, and see what they suggest. I'm sure you've already tried this...but has the shelter said that he didn't have this issue at the shelter? The last thing your elderly cat needs is more stress. it is also microchipped, so i have to change that too. And just like cat photos, there's also always room for a cat quote or two. If you'd like some direct advice on specific issues, check out the forum in my above comment, or feel free to shoot me an email directly. I won't hold your situation and thoughts about how to deal with it against you :) I'm a long time cat person, turned dog person (reluctantly), and now wouldn't have it any other way. We have an appt tomorrow morning to have our 2 cats declawed, now reading up on it, we are having second thoughts. A word of caution if you have an elderly cat who is ill: I do not recommend bringing another cat int… If you want to adopt a cat (or two) and add some furry love to your life, read this article to learn about cat adopting tips and the pros and cons of adopting an older cat. We've tried different things, brought the cat to the vet twice, and there is still no hint as to what is wrong after nearly a month. You are obligated to return this dog to the shelter if you no longer want it - period. Thank you! In this article, we cover the important aspects for this topic and understand the key things that you should keep in mind. Stock up on supplies before the cat arrives. [DISCUSSION][HELP] Adopted a dog, having second thoughts. The post This Couple Adopted a Cat to Help Their Dog with His Separation Anxiety—Now They … by adopting a step-wise approach and covering different aspects. also, if i sell him, how do i change all the information to the new owner? ... 5 ways to improve your indoor cat’s welfare – Pawerful Thoughts. It’s best to give your cat the same food she had at the shelter or in her foster home, at least at first. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. There are two important factors to consider before adopting a second cat: your current cat's age and personality. We have called the shelter about the issues, and they didn't mention him having the same thing happen. If someone says they wanna BUY DOG /CAT of particular breed does it mean they are Not animal lover ? And no - you're not entitled to ANY money back. this is the size I … i adopted yorkie about a couple weeks ago and its been nothing but a pain in my rear. Still have questions? I'll be calling the vet tomorrow to see if they have other options available, as urinary food options are slim. Hugs! Just wandering because did have years ago acouple 20 ft champions then I moved over to bass cat and ordered a pantera classic and liked the boat so much I kept it for 10 years. On a daily basis the cat either pukes, gets diarrhea on the carpet, or both. you should call the shelter you got it from and talk to them.. they may have advice or be willing to refund your money - maybe the owner lied to them about the dog.. talk to the shelter NOW.. but say you will try another week.. ask if its still not working out can you return him and get your $ back or pick a different dog? Check your adoption contract. If your elderly cat is ill, has limited mobility or is impaired in any way then it’s not a good idea to add a second cat at all. Am I cut out for this? you can easily change the microchip address at the vets they just basically put a barcode in the dog and you can have them change the info in the computer. and the reason i was so unprepared for this is because the shelter told me that he was house broken and prev. it "marks" everywhere, tears everything up, chews all my belongings, etc. How do you think about the answers? Hiking along a trail, you spy a young couple and their dog, and—wait a minute—is that a cat riding on the dog’s head? Major, a German shepherd, will become the first White House shelter dog. Why We Adopted a Dog and Then Returned Her Sadie was sweet in our home but aggressive when outside; we were in over our heads and had to make the heartbreaking decision to take her back. Is it possible to own both a dog and a cat, at the same time, in the same house? Most shelters/rescues have in the paperwork that "If you are unable to provide a home for this animal, for any reason, the animal must be returned to us" type thing. I work at an animal shelter. I'm sure you've also taken him to a vet. have you tried doggie obedience class wouldn't it be nice to keep him and train him if you put in the effort it can learn. Follow this unusual pair of furry friends as they explore the West. but i can see that you yourself have problems and need to insult others to make urself feel better. For the future, try fostering a dog for a week or two and if it doesn't work out, then hey you gave it a shot, but if you two are a match-made-in-heaven, then all the better for you. @leonadventurecat posted on their Instagram profile: “Backpacking cat is having second thoughts.” I'm feel bad for the dog though not getting a good home. goats or sheep which are easier to raise? it "marks" everywhere, tears everything up, chews all my belongings, etc. Your newly adopted cat may not eat much or at all at first. There was a pair of cats at our shelter the other day. I adopted a stray cat. I adopted her the other day, because my mom said I could get one more dog(I wanted a larger dog), and the shelter told me she was part shepherd. I had no idea what I was letting myself in for This article is more than 3 years old. also, if i sell him, how do i change all the information to the new owner? I formally adopted the second dog after a trial period of four nights, to see if she’d fit in with our existing dog and cat. One of their bios said "Surrendered due to owner's allergies" and the other cat's said "Owner moving... can't take cats". It’s more likely that your cat is upset because of the new cat … And I’ll thank Paul Rudd, the one-eyed cat, for teaching me many good lessons about the cat life. You will need to contact the place you adopted from. Very small, only six lbs. So I've really been wanting gerbils, and I did all my research and everything. This has to be difficult for you! I have two dogs and one cat. It could be a food allergy of some type. Your a saint. If you have a cat, there's a good chance your camera roll is already full of photos of your furry feline. Be sure to change her water frequently and make sure that she is drinking. I'm hoping for any sort of opinion on whether it's worth pushing on, or giving the cat back. Poor cat. How old is the dog? Whatever your reason is, we’re here to help. Take it back to the shelter you got it from. With him being an 8 year old cat, my fear is that even if we eventually get him better, that other health issues will arise in the future, as he seems to be prone to issues. Conversely, a senior cat may not appreciate a young cat or kitten disrupting her golden years. Either you’ve taken in multiple cats, and at least one of them doesn’t get along with another, you’ve just adopted a second cat, or you’re hoping to adopt kitty #2 and are trying to troubleshoot before issues even crop up. I adopted a dog and now I regret it. i "donated" $100 at the shelter and i sign all the papers and whatnot. Do you ever wonder if your pets think that you’re the pet? If not, that would be the next suggestion. There’s an endless amount of reasons that you might need this complete guide on cat quotes. You can sign in to vote the answer. Get your answers by asking now. ... any thoughts about this would help, but go easy on me, I only had the best intentions for kitty, the shelter, and me. Welcome to this lesson on CAT probability. As the title implies, I've adopted a cat from a local shelter as a Christmas present to myself and my fiancée. See if he does the same thing (maybe him being confined in the shelter changed it). I don't know what you mean by changing all the information. He has also had two vet visits, both said he appears healthy, nothing shows up in tests. If so, I would see what food he was on and switch him back to that (assuming he's on a different food). The dog needs to go to obedience school. Is this normal? With my dog, we talked to the people who ran the shelter and THEY paid for his obedience classes. Young cats do better with a playmate close to their own age. Some other reasons a cat may not be using the litter box: There aren’t enough of them. I posted this poem called the … Some insist you bring the animal back to their shelter.