evolution of digestive system

Socio-economic short term impacts: seem to be also expressed in the alimentary canal, canal (including some clade-specific peptides). The COST Action is probably the best and most innovative approach to tackle all the challenges that were listed above. The management and organisation of this Action will be carried out according to “Rules and Procedures for Implementing COST Actions”. The striking features of simple aquatic organisms to which the general public is exposed during leisure activities at the seaside are good ambassadors to communicate about the potential of European research to improve daily life. a) Comparative aspects. Networking will also give additional strength to outreaching activities, in particular those promoting the societal awareness of the importance of sea and its biodiversity. ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication. Task 1.1 - new marine invertebrate models and access to marine resources Evolution of the digestive system? The marine environment accounts for the great majority of the ecosystems and living species of the Earth and marine biotechnology follows the diverse opportunities emerged, in a wide variety of biotech areas and medical fields from basic research to industrial applications. Marine/aquatic invertebrates as a whole portray the largest biodiversity and the widest phylogenetic radiation on Earth, from morphologically simple organisms (e.g., sponges, cnidarians), to the more complex molluscs, crustaceans, echinoderms and protochordates. Phylogenomic analyses place Placozoa as sister to Eumetazoa, the clade that includes Cnidaria and Bilateria. In line with the Ostend declaration and the Marine Board, specific aims of this Action are: (a) to overcome the scientific boundaries and obstacles facing the European MISC community; (b) to consolidate the fragmented community; (c) to integrate the MISC field with biomedical disciplines (such as aging, cancer, immunology, regeneration, stem cells biology, etc. b) need for consolidation of the fragmented scientific arena. REFERENCES One of the main aims will be, in the long term, to improve and enhance treatment of disease by utilising homologous gene networks and gene products to mobilise natural adult stem cell populations and to create pluripotent cells. Invertebrates (cephalopods excluded) are not included in the EU directive and offer the possibility of in vivo analyses. Up to now, small number of graduate students are engaged with MISC, primarily due to the lack of established and standardised methodologies. • Promoting interactions of Action members in order to establish a defined identity and profile in the European field of marine/aquatic invertebrate stem cells and establish ties with European networks and scientific societies/institutions in related fields. This should be done on a wide spectrum of marine invertebrate species and requires the integration of different laboratories, in European countries, and small biotech companies in each specific European country. • the general public that can have benefits from the results of MISC research; The study of MISC will increase commonly shared and evolutionary perspectives in these disciplines, towards a more comprehensive understanding. However, although numerous labs are currently working on sele, On October 2, the COST Action CA16203 “MARISTEM” officially started and will be active for the next 4 years. In this regard, then, the modern-day ray-finned fishes are more specialized than amphibians, reptiles, and birds, which retain a cloaca, presumably inherited from a primitive fish ancestor. For instance, special blind sacs, called ceca, branch from the anterior end of the small intestine in certain fishes and from the posterior end in many birds. II) RELEVANCE AND TIMELINESS This interesting diversity of morphologies (a clear example being the nervous system, with animals showing different degrees of compaction) provides a unique system in which to address outstanding questions regarding the parallel evolution of genomes and the many morphological characters encoded by them. • promoting and coordinating European research on MISC-biology; In addition, we will review observations and speculations associated with the hypothesis that macrophages are evolutionarily derived from enteric phagocytes. • establishing the MISC discipline in the front interest of biomedical disciplines; Likewise, they illustrate a kaleidoscope of MISC-types that participate in the production of enormous novel bioactive-molecules, many of which are of significant potential interest for human health (antitumour, antimicrobial). The ability to culture vertebrate cells in the lab has supported tremendous breakthroughs in science over the years, from the very foundations towards cell therapy and tumour stem cell biology. This is a complex process. s architectures in many animal groups. Up to now, research on MISC in Europe has been very limited, with scattered expertise, and hampered by low funds and scarce attention by the scientific community. Moroz LL, Kocot KM, Citarella MR, Dosung S, Norekian TP. The scientific community in the European countries, currently engaged with MISC biology, is fragmented and composed of too few numbers of established scientists. Comparing the phenotypes of cells in Trichoplax to those of cells in the digestive epithelia of Eumetazoa allows us to make inferences about the cell types and mode of feeding of their ancestors. Deliverables: c. “COST Action Management, Monitoring and Final Assessment” (COST 134/14); Thus, the issues and concepts of the digestive system will be learned before the misconception occurs (Cerrah Özsevgeç, Artun & Ünal, 2012). Capacity Building Therefore, stem cells are not only entities of biological organisation, accountable for the formation and regeneration of specific tissue and organ systems, but also units in the complex evolutionary selection process. organisms; Find below a summary of the major aims of this COST Action. In mammals the bony, hard palate is supplemented posteriorly by a thick, membranous, soft palate. The enlarged organ provides more surface area for absorption of nutrients. The digestive system is early developed in species with feeding planktonic larvae and appears late in species with direct lecithotrophic development. Therefore, it is expected that de-fragmentation of the MISC scientific community can revolutionise this field, resulting in novel generic technologies/products. 2) IMPACT Studies revealed that, in contrast to the prevalence of diverse oligopotent and unipotent stem cells in vertebrates, marine invertebrates appear to display the communal spread of multipotency and pluripotency, with adult stem cells that give rise to cell lineages characteristic of more than a single germ layer, sometimes with somatic and germ line potentials. • creation of registry/repository for sharing data on MISC research; 1.2 Publication reporting on common protocols for MISC identification, isolation, enrichment, immortalisation, rearing, storage; However, the focus has been somewhat uneven; some tissues, such as the neuro-muscular system, are relatively well described in most groups, whereas others, including the digestive system, are only poorly understood. This will provide good opportunities to share the results obtained within this COST Action with a wider scientist network. The MISC Network will provide such a wide range of expertise. Thus, this COST Action aims at: In contrast, little is known about a second type of cell that is "professionally" involved in phagocytosis, namely the "enteric phagocyte." While the molecular events regulating the early phases of embryonic tissue specification have been deeply investigated in animals occupying different phylogenetic positions, the mechanisms underlying gut patterning and gut-associated structures differentiation are still mostly obscure. Digestive system anatomy (diagram) Gut tube. • promoting workshops/teaching activities on MISC in the European universities through the initiative of the participants of this COST Action; As a focused example of how the sea urchin larva can be compared with vertebrate systems, we discuss the expression and function of the IL-17 signalling system in the course of the larval immune response. The economic dimension of the activities carried out under the Action has been estimated, on the basis of information available during the planning of the Action, at EUR 56 million in 2016. This COST Action will be tightly connected with various European associations that deal with cell cultures. It is clear that a pressing problem the European countries are facing in recent times is the communication between scientists and the general public. While adult marine/aquatic invertebrate stem cell (MISC) biology is of prime research and medical interest, studies on stem cells from organisms different from the classical models (e.g., human, mouse, zebrafish) have not been pursued vigorously. • addressing students, in mentoring activity, to research on MISC for their degree thesis; If, up to few years ago, the use of invertebrates as model organisms was limited by the paucity of –omics data, the situation has rapidly changed and is still changing. Human digestive system - Human digestive system - Evolutionary development: In amphioxus the digestive tract consists of only three components: the oral cavity, the pharynx, and a tubular postpharyngeal gut without subdivisions. Networking is one of the most efficient approach for consolidation of the European MISC community and raising European competitivity and leadership. • participating to international conferences on stem cells. In addition, amalgamating the European community working on MISC (both academy and industries) may pose significant challenges to the future of European stem cell science. Epub 2019 Jul 3. C) PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE-OF-THE-ART AND INNOVATION POTENTIAL Task 2.1 - comparative functional genomics and transcriptomics of marine/aquatic invertebrate tissues or derived MISC ); Results will represent a commonly distributed know-how. WG 2- “omics” to characterize the MISC phenotypes • increase of public awareness on importance and potential of MISC. • exploiting courses/workshops/meetings to disseminate the main outcomes of the Action among scientists; Thus, the Action will develop European leadership and expertise in MISC discipline. • SMEs, in particular: i) the antifouling paint sector that can take advantage from new natural antifouling products preventing the growth of the bacterial film that triggers the adhesion of encrusting organisms, without any concern for the environment and alternative to those currently in use, that have profound effects on the biocoenoses once in the environment; ii) the fine chemical sector, for a wide range of materials; iii) the nutraceutic and cosmetic sector, interested in new useful bioactive molecules; iv) the pharmaceutic and medical device sector, where new antimicrobials are required to face the increasing number of bacterial strains resistant to penicillin-based antibiotics; v) the human health sector, as new antimitotic compounds can be of great help in the treatment of some kinds of cancer; In general, there is a deficiency of European students and young scientists with a thorough knowledge of the marine/aquatic biodiversity and receiving practical training in cutting-edge techniques and cellular approaches underpinning ongoing developments in marine biotechnology, including MISC. Publication of results as joint research articles and presentations at important international conferences in the field, together with organisation of courses and seminars will help us to improve the visibility and impact of this Network on an international scale. Development of Digestive System: Sagittal section of embryo at about four weeks showing the primitive gut. WG 3- Blue biology: MISC as model systems for the study of (see tasks) Innovative technologies and strategies that are being and will be employed to decipher the mechanisms that control the directed differentiation of pluripotent stem cells, are the base rationale for the scientific approach tackling the challenge. The breakdown of the nutrients requires the coordination of several enzymes secreted from specialized … Interactions may vary in intensity, complexity, and level of engagement depending on the research, findings, and needs of particular knowledge users. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Recent studies have shown that the best groups of organisms for stem cell research are the marine/aquatic invertebrates. IV) RISK AND CONTINGENCY PLANS Consequently, their digestive system presents many adaptive variations. The same implies for the MISC discipline that answers the strategic breakthrough needs of wide applied biotechnology and healthcare issues and provides additional innovative facets that are not found in the mammalian stem cells discipline: What is surprising about the recent stem cell breakthrough in the mammalian systems, is that researchers find new discoveries that could not be found if the research was not focussed on the stem cells biology. This will also enhance competitiveness of the research. Marine invertebrates as a whole portray the largest biodiversity and the widest phylogenetic radiation on Earth, from morphologically simple organisms (e.g., sponges, cnidarians), to the more complex molluscs, crustaceans, echinoderms and protochordates. B) SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES IL-17), which point to some common, In regard to ultrastructure, macrophages of the immune, tebrates have many features in common (Hartenstein and, roots unifying these two cell types. sea anemones, corals, jellyfish), the phylogenetic outgroup of bilaterians (e.g. d. “COST International Cooperation and Specific Organisations Participation” (COST 135/14). Other vertebrates show other adaptations for increasing the absorptive surface area of the small intestine. Evolution of Digestive Systems Concept Questions 1. Phagocytosed material is enzymatically degraded in membrane-bound vesicles of the endosome/lysosome system (intracellular digestion). The “stem cells” discipline represents one of the most dynamic areas in biology and biomedicine. WG 4- Networking with stakeholders This reflects the objectives of the European Strategy for Marine & Maritime Research and the last European Science Foundation positional paper on marine biotechnology. a) Ties with biomedical and biotech industries. Use the terms photoautotroph, chemoautotroph, photoheterotroph, and chemoheterotroph to classify each of the following: a) Your friend loves sitting in the sun eating delicious grapes. In mammals, for example, the digestive system is comprised of glandular organs with classes of cells specialized in the secretion of enzymes for the extracellular digestion of food particles (e.g., exocrine cells of the salivary gland, pancreas), as well as other organs with absorptive function (e.g., small intestine). However, the excessive focus on the applicative outcomes of stem cell biology poses the risk of missing the wide range of stem cell properties that are represented in various multicellular taxa, primarily in taxa belonging to the aquatic invertebrates. Task 5.4 - website MISC can also be used to assay the impact of different chemicals in their ability to regenerate tissues. It stands out from other animals in that it lacks an internal digestive system and, instead, digests food trapped under its lower surface. • consolidating the fragmented European community working on MISC; Deliverables: Boosting marine innovation through biotechnology-related activities is specifically mentioned in Horizon 2020: under the priority ‘Better Society’. • aquatic/marine invertebrates These are the ("professional") macrophages, motile cells that seek out and eliminate pathogenic invaders or damaged cells. Cnidarians (e.g. Zoomorphologie 85:73. For the implementation of a COST Action designated as Unique, for many of the above list of marine invertebrates, is the understanding that some adult MISC are pluripotent, capable of developing both the germ line and somatic tissues, and involved in asexual reproduction and regeneration. As a result, many critically positioned animal groups have not been analysed and a comprehensive mapping of their genomes and tissue systems remains elusive. Additionally, numerous scientists are employed by biotechnology entities. c) The importance for the biomedical and biotech industries. Scientific community This intricate system is yet one more proof of God’s handiwork.