first communist mp in britain

Qu Qiubai, prominent leader and, on occasions in the 1920s and early 1930s, head of the Chinese Communist Party. The cultural politics wing had dominated the party's youth wing in the 1960s and was also powerful in the student section. Russia was a czarist nation when the philosophies of communism started to take hold. However, in the 1922 General Election, ‘Communists’ campaigning as Labour Party candidates would win two more seats by popular vote. The party emerged from a dispute between Eurocommunists and Marxist-Leninists in the Communist Party of Great Britain in 1988. The CPGB was formed by the merger of several smaller Marxist parties, including the British Socialist Party, the Communist Unity Group of the Socialist Labour Party and the South Wales Socialist Society. The Communist Party of Britain (CPB) has published its own 25,000-word programme, Britain’s Road to Socialism, which goes into considerable detail about the revolution that is to come. The Communist Party of Great Britain was founded in 1920 after the Third International decided that greater attempts should be made to establish communist parties across the world. It was the collapse of the Liberal party that led to the Conservative landslide. 1946: Phil Piratin was victorious in London’s Mile End. What decided his fate was that he said that executing people like the rightwing Winston Churchill (and others) would be beneficial in the long-run for the working class. He also served in the British Army where he reached the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, and during during WWI he was a Commander in the Royal Navy and eventually awarded the Order of the British Empire (OBE). Initially, this group supported the position of the Communist Party of China. During the German occupation of the Channel Islands, several young CPGB activists led by a teenage Norman Le Brocq founded and led the resistance against the Nazi occupation, founding the Jersey Democratic Movement to unite all the various resistance cells. Under the control of the Chinese government, its students are taught a grossly sanitised version of Chinese history and politics,” he added. Eddie had joined the Communist Party in 1924 aged 17, remaining a member until the day he died; Ruth joined the Party in 1945 and subsequently served in many positions of responsibility. Ken Gill became the party's first elected officer in 1968 and ex-Communist Hugh Scanlon was elected president of the AEU with Broad Left support the previous year – defeating Reg Birch, the Maoist ex-party candidate. Three days after the invasion, John Gollan said "we completely understand the concern of the Soviet Union about the security of the socialist camp ... we speak as true friends of the Soviet Union".[32]. He failed to win a parliamentary seat in the 1924 General Election, but was returned to Parliament as a Labour MP for Northampton in the 1928 By-Election. Not long after this, Lt. Col. Cecil John L’Estrange Malone left the CPGB and joined the Independent Labour Party (affiliated to the Parliamentary Labour Party). In the late-1960s, and probably much earlier, MI5 had hidden surveillance microphones in the CPGB's headquarters, which MI5 regarded as "very productive".[33]. However, when in 1941 the Soviet Union was invaded by Germany, the CPGB reversed its stance immediately and came out in support of the war on the grounds that it had now become a war between fascism and the Soviet Union. Although the circulation of the magazine rose it was still a drain on the finances of the small party. “Meanwhile, there’s the role of the Confucius Institutes. The last strong electoral performance of the CPGB was in the February 1974 General Election in Dunbartonshire Central, where candidate Jimmy Reid won almost 6,000 votes. Communism in Britain: a brief history Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels first met in 1845 in Manchester, where they studied at Chetham’s Library. Nonetheless, during the strike itself and during the long drawn-out agony of the following Miners' Strike the members of the CPGB were to the fore in defending the strike and in attempting to develop solidarity with the miners. Other MPS followed: 1924: Shapurji Saklatvala captured Battersea North. The CPB said it was the first election at which neither it nor the CPGB had fielded any candidates. Inkpin was imprisoned twice during his time as General Secretary. [37], Some Scottish members formed the Communist Party of Scotland, others Democratic Left Scotland and Democratic Left Wales Chwith Ddemocrataidd, which still continues. There are a number of communist parties active in various countries across the world and a number that used to be active. Originally for a short stay but upon meeting his future wife, who was English, he To get a detailed picture of what a communist Britain would look like we do not need to plough though all 50 volumes of Marx’s Collected Works. ), This page was last edited on 2 March 2021, at 16:52. Even this response provoked a small localised split by the so-called Appeal Group which was in many respects a precursor of the 1977 split which formed the New Communist Party.