fruits to increase sperm count and motility

It protects testicular cells and helps to increase sperm count, quality, and motility. Sperm foods high in zinc are especially known to help to increase your sperm count and help with sperm motility. Selenium in our diet is found in seafood, meat, poultry, cereals and other grains. Both are very high in zinc, which may increase testosterone, sperm motility and sperm count. Normal sperm have oval heads and long tails, which work together to propel them. Including spinach, broccoli, green beans, and other dark green leafy vegetables can help in improving the sperm count (21). Carrots contain beta-carotene which is antioxidant. Pineapples are excellent sources of water and zinc – men who desire to increase sperm count need to drink more water and eat more zinc-rich foods. The best way to increase sperm count naturally may be to increase the consumption of foods high in sperm-friendly nutrients, such as vitamin C, antioxidants, and polyunsaturated fats. Here is a list of foods which have a wide range of health benefits, including the ability to increase the sperm counts: walnuts citrus fruits whole wheat and grains most fish, especially wild salmon, cod, and haddock vitamin D enhanced milk and milk products dark chocolate garlic bananas Broccoli: … Our Industrial lifestyle and hectic schedules mean that our sperm is in constant attack. Pumpkin Seeds. It acts by lowering the bad cholesterol levels, thus stimulating the oxygen flow to the testicles and allowing the formation of healthy sperm (27). Other foods that contain vitamin C include: tomatoes, broccoli, brussels sprouts and cabbage. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. Tomatoes. Your feedback helps us serve you better and maintain a long-term relationship with the most important people in our business — you. The body produces arginine upon protein digestion. Sometimes, the quality of the sperm also has an impact on fertility. Sperm count, motility and virility is increased by taking pumpkin seeds as salad toppings or as raw snack. You're most likely to be fertile if at least 40% of your sperm are moving. To increase sperm count and motility, eat dark green lettuce, broccoli, spinach, sweet potatoes, and dairy fortified with vitamin A. Similarly, alcohol lowers the production of sperm and of the male hormone testosterone. A healthy diet keeps your body and mind fresh, and that itself could be an aphrodisiac. The antioxidants also improve the motility of sperms by helping it swim towards the egg (15) (16). One of the studies showed that rats fed with pomegranate juice every day for about eight weeks showed an improvement in sperm cell concentrations (11) (12). Apart from foods to other ways that can help you to boost sperm count, yet another effective way is by using natural supplements. Dark, leafy vegetables 2. You can consume raw and organic pumpkin seeds topped on salads, cereals, and smoothies (5). Do you have any more fertility foods to add to our list here? Citrus fruits like grape fruit, oranges tangerine or pomelo etc. Fruits and Vegetables Male infertility associated with low sperm count is linked to vitamin or zinc deficiency, which means that a few dietary changes could help shoot up the sperm count. The vitamin C in these foods affect sperm motility and viability (how fast and effectively they swim). It also stimulates libido by preventing testosterone from converting into estrogen. (25). Consuming lentils every day will improve fertility (8). Please read our Disclaimer. you can either use it as salad or any meal as some people doesn’t like the taste of raw leafy greens. According to the World Health Organization, a sperm count of over 15 million per milliliter is considered healthy, and a count below that is abnormal (1). Pineapples Increase Sperm Count. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitute for professional health services. Consume several small meals that include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat or protein, and dairy. Citrus Fruits They also contain nutrients such as taurine and glycogen that play a role in stimulating the reproductive system. They protect the sperms from free radical damage and improve their motility (15). Listed below are the foods that increase sperm count and semen volume: They are a rich source of lycopene, an antioxidant believed to improve sperm motility, structure, and activity. 4 Yummy Recipes of this Super Food, 5 Foods that increase Sperm Count and Motility, 12 fantastic health and beauty Benefits of garlic, Structural issue that hinders the sperm delivery, Production of sperms having very low motility or how efficiently the sperm moves, Any good doctor will recommend multi vitamin, keep in mind not to use the ones which are prescribed to females as the nutrient needs for male and female are different from each other. Naturopaths opine that a handful of dry fruits help to increase sperm count and motility.This article explains which are the best dry fruits that increase sperm count ,motility and fertility. If you discover any discrepancy in our content, we welcome you to write to us. Omega-3 fatty acids increase sperm count and boost blood flow to the genitals – and walnuts are a fantastic source. You can find about 6.31mg zinc in 100gm of lean meat (24). Additionally, a man can take several nutritional steps in an attempt to increase his sperm count, motility, and morphology including adding the following fertility-boosting foods to his daily diet.. Zinc supplements and foods for male fertility. The vitamin A in food such as peppers, steel-cut oatmeals, and other types of vitamin-rich natural foods can help grow healthy sperm and improve male fertility. Sperm are constantly being made and there's lots you can do to increase male fertility including sperm count, motility and more. They are also known to improve stamina and mood (17). And increased sperm count means more sperm swim towards the egg, increasing the chances of reproduction (19). Oranges contain lots of vitamin C, and studies have proved it improves sperm motility, count, and morphology. Bananas also contain vitamins A, B1 and C, which boost the stamina in men and improve their ability to produce sperm (20). Momjunction believes in credibility and giving our readers access to authentic and evidence-based content. Eating a variety ensures that you get numerous vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can naturally help increase sperm motility. Regular consumption of olive oil improves semen and sperm count. Other foods that can increase sperm count are: Apart from the above listed foods that help greatly to improve your sperm count and quality, there are some other nutritious foods too that can be included in your diet. Log in, Pad Rash During Period: Remedies and Tips Which…. Every article goes through multiple reviews to ensure this. Eggs can therefore double the chances of fertilization. How Can You Tell If a Watermelon Has Gone Bad? 7 Fertility Drugs For Men To Boost Sperm Count And Motility, Male Infertility: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment, 8 Effective Baba Ramdev Yoga Postures For Infertility. 7th Week Pregnancy: Symptoms, Baby Development, Tips And Body Changes, Diarrhea In Children: Causes, Symptoms And Helpful Home Remedies, 12 Good And Bad Effects Of Television On Children, 14 Amazing Health Benefits Of Eating Guava During Pregnancy, Lemon Water During Pregnancy: Safety, Healthy Benefits And Recipes. Alternative Way To Increase Sperm Count And Motility In Men. MomJunction has put together the best fertility foods you should take if trying to conceive. Walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. The superfood is high in antioxidants. Add to them the bad habits of smoking and drinking and the motility of men takes a nosedive. The above list of foods is not a comprehensive one. • Fruit Salad. Eat a diet of healthy, whole foods. Vegetables enriched in folic acid help contribute to a high sperm count. Zinc supplements may help increase testosterone levels, sperm motility, and count. A study found that an innovative patented extract from fenugreek seeds, on administering for 12 weeks, improved the semen and sperm count (26). All kinds of berries, including blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, and blackberries, contain powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidants quercetin and resveratrol. Your email address will not be published. So, having a good sperm count is of no good if the quality of the sperm is poor. 3. Vitamin C helps prevent the sperm from sticking together and improves the chances of fertility. Zinc supplementation (100 to 200 mg daily) has been shown to increase testosterone levels, sperm count and sperm motility. Leafy green vegetables include spinach, lettuce, kale, romaine or arugula etc. The zinc in barley and wheat also increase semen volume. It increases the testosterone levels and improves sperm count and motility (22). Limit the number of processed foods you eat since these are high in sodium, refined sugar, and fats. In a study that involved 66 men, the use of Asian ginseng extract was found to increase testosterone levels and sperm count. Beef is also a rich source of zinc. Oysters are a great source of zinc. Super Foods That Increase Sperm Count: 1. A pineapple is a rich source of vitamins B1, B6 and C. The fruits also have folate, copper and manganese. Selenium: This essential element helps with normal testicular development, spermatogenesis and spermatozoa motility and function. The 10 foods listed below can naturally increase sperm count which gives couples a better chance to conceive. They are known to improve the sperm quality, count and motility (9) (10). Panax ginseng can aid a lot in improving erectile performance as well. What are the factors that create effects on the fertility of the man? A study by the Society for the Study of Reproduction found that daily consumption of 2.5 ounces or 70 grams of walnuts improved the sperm vitality, morphology, and motility in men aged between 21 and 35. To reach and fertilize an egg, sperm must move — wriggling and swimming through a woman's cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes. When having sperm tests doctors measure areas such as motility (speed), morphology (number of abnormalities), count and concentration. They also make sperm cells healthier and increase their motility. They are a rich source of lycopene, an antioxidant believed to improve sperm motility, structure, and... 2. It also has selenium that improves sperm motility and vitality (14). The blood flow thus surges to the sexual organs protecting the sperm from any damage. Goji berries help improve mood and the temperature around the scrotum sac, making it optimal for sperm production. Also, studies show that men taking high levels of folic acid every day have fewer chances of sperm abnormalities.