islamic girls name

Rafa', Rafa - Happiness, prosperity 'Uhud - Commitment, pledge, delegation 'Ismah, 'Ismat - Purity, modesty, infallibility Rim, Reem - Gazelle Muslim Names - Boys COMMENTS DISCLAIMER & RULES OF ENGAGEMENT The opinions expressed herein, through this post or comments, contain positions and viewpoints that are not necessarily those of IslamiCity. Lubab - The best part the Prophet Najmah - Star Muslim Girl Names with their meanings. Name aadab has a meaning of Hope and need. Widad, Widaad - Love, friendship Imtithal - Polite obedience Jilan - Courtier Fayruz - Turquoise Nuwwarrah - Blossom, flower Karida - Untouched Rayya, Rayyaa - Sated with drink Latest collection of modern and new Muslim baby girl names, starting with A with meanings, for newborn babies. Nada - Generousity, dew Ramlah - Old Arabic name Lutfiyah - Delicate, graceful Mays, Mais - Proud gait Hibat Allah - Gift of God Munirah, Muneera - Illuminating, brilliant Tuba, Tubaa - Blessedness, beautitude Kulthum, Kulthoom - Daughter of the Prophet Halimah, Haleema - Gentle, patient, mild-tempered; The name means Something of value given in return of some th... the word has the meaning of She who lives" or "womanly". Nida' - Call Jawa - Passion, love Khitam - Conclusion youngest wife of the Prophet Bengali site gives lots of muslim baby names, muslim girls names, muslim boy names, islamic names for boys, muslim names, islamic names for girls with meaning. Wafiqah, Wafeeqa - Successful Sa'dah - Happiness Husna - Most beautiful Fawzah, Fawza - Success Raw'ah - Charm, beauty, splendor Riham - Lasting, fine rain Wajd - Passion, strong emotion Taqwa, Taqwaa - Piety, devoutness, heedfulness of 'Anbarin - of ambergris Nafisah, Nafeesa - Precious thing, gem Rahaf - Delicate, fine Anwar, Anwaar - Rays of light, blossoms Huriyah, Huriyyah, Hooriya - Angel; a Houri, virgin Salsabil, Salsabeel - Spring in Jannah Ni'mat, Nimaat - Blessings, loans Makarim, Makaarim - Of good and honorable character name of the Prophet's nursing mother Rabab - White cloud Mishael - Torch, light Nasiha - One who gives valuable advice Lu'lu' - Pearls Mahdiyah - Rightly guided Amara makes an excellent choice for a name; it means ‘mercy, kindness or grace,’ all … the Prophet Sabriyah - Patient Samiyah, Saamiya - Elevated, exhalted, lofty Wajihah - Eminent, distinguished, notable Or to browse baby names using the finder tool below, just choose your religion from the drop-down along with baby’s gender, and you would see a large list of unique muslim baby girl names options. Dhakiyah - Bright, intelligent Naflah - Surplus, overabundance Rana - To gaze, look Mayyasah - To walk with a proud gait Popular Muslim Boys Names. Ra'fah, Ra'fat - Mercy gait Bayan - Clearness, eloquence Athir - Favored, preferred Just tap on a either of the following letters or links to directly land the baby name results page starting with your preferred letter. Wafiyah - Loyal, faithful Islamic Net © 2007 - 2021 / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Bahiyah, Bahiya, Bahiyaa - Beautiful, radiant 'Ahd - Pledge, commitment, delegation Humairah, Humayrah - Of reddish complexion; nickname 'Azizah, Aziza, Azeeza - Precious, cherished, Rawdah, Rawdha - Garden Want to keep track of your favorite names? Mukarram - Honored Zafirah, Zaafirah - Victorious, successful Dimah - Cloud which carries rainwater Ma'ab - Place to which one returns Malak - Angel Wisam, Wisaam - Medal, badge of honor Waseela 118. Farhah - Lively Rushd - Sensible conduct Qismah - Destiny, fate, ordained by God Mariam, Maryam - Arabic form of "Mary"; Mother of Zakiyah - Pure Ain - Eye, thus "precious" Namar - Name of a mountain Shahd - Honey, honeycomb Rubadah - Ash-colored Nihad - Height Find Name: Gender: Where: Found 38 Islamic names begin with 'W' for Muslim Girls. Mu'minah - Pious believer Hiyam - Love Ghaliyah, Ghaaliya - Dear, beloved, fragrant, We are proud to offer the web's largest collection of Muslim Baby Names or Islamic Names with their meaning. Rawiah, Raawiya - Transmitter of ancient Arabic Hind - Old Arabic name Shuhrah - Fame, reputation Lana - to be gentle, soft, tender Rabiyah - Hill Uwaisah, Uwaysah - Bilberry, whortleberry Raghidah - Pleasant Hala - Sweetness A'dab, Aadab - Hope and need Ikram, Ikraam - Honor, hospitality, generosity Budur - Full moons Rumailah, Rumaylah - Old Arabic name Girl: Arabic,Malay: Islam: Aafreeda: the name signifies a person who is just put to existence … Majidah, Majida - Glorious Na'imah, Na'ima - Comfort, amenity, tranquility, Kamilah - Perfect, complete Sameh - Forgiver Fanan - Tree branch or twig Thana', Thanaa' - Thankfulness, commendation, praise Mayyadah, Mayyada - To walk with a swinging gait Ghazal - Flirt, words of love We pray that your child grows up healthy and strong, intelligent and wise, and loves this religion and will become a person of good character. When you found a Beautiful Girl Name click 'Favorite' button to add names into your favorite list and view later. Zahidah - Ascetic, abstentious Labibah - Sensible, intelligent Unique Arabic Names for Girls. Hafizah - Heedful, mindful 'Itab - Censure Khayriyah, Khayriyyah, Khairiya - Charitable, Choose an unique Muslim girl name for your baby girl from the list of Girl Baby Names. Meaning “well-known” and “famous”, Aanil is a baby girl sobriquet with Turkish origins. Fayha' - Fragrant Luban - Pine tree; denotes long neck Najwa - Confidential talk, romantic talk, secret Hibah - Gift, present Our Prophet (pbuh) encouraged us to give our children good names. Hikmah, Hikmat - Wisdom Husn - Beauty The Arabic baby girl name should be meaningful. 'Ula - Uppermost, highest Rihana - Sweet basil Maysa', Maysaa - Walking with pride Prophet Names are important. Habibah, Habeeba - Beloved, sweetheart, darling; a Kulus - Clearness, purity Hayed - Movement, motion Hawazin - Name of an Arabic tribe daughter of the Prophet Shadan - Young gazelle Mawahib - Talents Modern Arabic and Islamic Names for Girls in English Tasnim is a popular Arabic girl's name. 'Aliyah, Aliyyah, Alia, A'lia - Exaulted, elevated, Ruwaidah, Ruwaydah - Walking gently Find Beautiful Girl Name for Muslim baby girl. Zinah, Zinat - Adornment, ornamentation Yafiah - High Huwaidah, Huwaydah - Gentle Yakootah - Emerald Tahirah, Taahira - Pure, chaste Basha'ir - Good news, good omens Shukriyah - Of thanks Shams - Sun Afrah - Celebrations, festivals Sultanah - Sultaness highest social standing Makkah Banan - Delicate, finger tips Musn - Rain, clouds Yamha - Dove I'jaz - Inimitability of the Qur'an Anmar - Leopard Junah - The sun Mahbubah - Beloved Taghrid - Singing (as a bird) 'Inayah, 'Inayat - Care, concern Is'ad - To bring happiness, to provide help Hanifah, Hanifa, Haneefa - True believer the Prophet Walidah - Newborn noble lady Prophet from Makkah to Jerusalem Rumaithah, Rumaythah - Old Arabic name Duha, Dhuha - Forenoon The name is of Arabaic origin meaning 'means for being closer to Allah'. Fawz - Victory or success Walladah - Frequently producing, prolific Nasim - Fresh air, breeze They have a purpose in our lives and can be a source of blessings. Samra' - Soft, light tanned color Jamilah, Jameela - Beautiful, graceful, lovely Wahidah - Exclusive, unique Amal, A'mal, Aamal, Amala - Hope, aspiration Search Muslim Baby Islamic Names for Boys and Girls. Nathifa - Clean, pure Ma'ali - Noble things Shahidah - Witness Hadiyah, Haadiya - Guide to righteousness, calm Daniyah - Closer, nearer Bahijah - Magnificent, splendid Bisar - Adolescent Lujain, Lujayn - Silver This can be the female case of name aabid, it means Worship... Something that is fleeting, transitory, ephemeral. Yaminah - Right and proper; blessed karawan - Variety of plover birds 'A'idah, Aida - Visiting, returning; reward Best of all, it's completely Free!. Hafthah - Preserved, protected Harun Al Rashid Nouf - Highest point on a mountain Asra - Travel by night Umamah - Young mother; name of the Prophet's beloved, dear Nibal, Nibaal - Arrows Sawsan - Lily of the valley Badriyah, Badriyyah, Badriya - Resembling the full Wasimah - Pretty, beautiful tranquility Umaymah - Young mother Suhailah, Suhaylah - Smooth, soft, fluent, flowing name of a female companion of the Prophet Dahab - Gold Is'af - Relief, help sympathetic Sajidah - Prostrating to God The name also means “to bring to memory” or “to recall”. Shahlah - Blush Jala', Jala - Clarity, elucidation Firdaws, Firdoos - Highest garden in Paradise Shadhiyah - Aromatic Afya - Shadows Siham, Sihaam - Arrows Alzubra - (A star in the constellation Leo) Kalila - Sweetheart, beloved Daliyah - Grape vine Muhibbah - Loving Maysan - a star Rihab - Vastness, expanse Salimah, Saleema - Peaceful, flawless, faultless, Najah, Najaah - Success tender body Iba' - Pride, sense Asalah - Nobility of descent Shukrah - Thankfulness Tahani - Congratulations Lu'lu'ah, Lulwa - Pearl dreams Alima - Wise Asiya, Asiyah - One who tends to the weak, one who Ma'isah, Maisa - Walking with a proud, swinging gait Hazar - Nightingale Qubilah - Concord Ra'ifah - Merciful Rafal - to trail a garment Rafif - to gleam, shimmer Ghayda', Ghaydaa - Young and delicate Nuha - Intelligence Rafidah - Support is the most popular Islamic Names website on … Najiyah - Safe A-Z list of muslim girl baby names and their meanings. Maysam - Beautiful Fahdah, Fahada - Leopardess Arabic Girls Names: We have a large number of modern Arabic girls names for you with meanings. 'Ubab, 'Ubaab - Waves, heavy rain Dhakirah - One who remembers God frequently Babies in Muslim families should be given a name which carries a significant meaning.This alphabetical list contains common female Muslim names, to help you begin the difficult process of choosing a name for your baby girl. Jud - Generosity Anisah, Aneesa - Close, intimate, good friend 'Azzah, Azza - Young, female gazelle Dunya - World Jinan - Gardens, paradise unique Tawbah - Repentence Maymunah - Fortunate, blessed; name of the wife of Ghusun, Ghusoon - Branches of a tree Gemini) Tharwah - Wealth peace; living a soft, enjoyable life expensive Rufaidah, Rufaydah - Support Ilham, Ilhaam - Intuition 'Izzah - Might, power Izdihar, Izdihaar - Flourishing, blossoming Manar, Manaar - Guiding light Saja - to be calm and quiet Marzuqah - Blessed by God, fortunate of paradise Balqis - Name of the Queen of Sheba Safun - Breezing Maizah - Discerning Dunyana - Our world Nuriyah - Radiant, brilliant Ru'a - Dreams, visions Muhsinah - Charitable, benevolent Shimah - Nature, habit I'timad - Reliance, dependencen Lublubah - Affectionate, tender Karam - Generosity Ban - a kind of tree Ishfaq - Compassion, affection Abra - Example, lesson Hunaidah, Hunaydah - Diminutive of Hind Alimah - Skilled in music or dance Najibah, Najeeba - Distinguished; of noble birth Subhiyah - of the morning Jun - Inlet, bay, gulf Mas'udah, Mas'ouda - Happy, lucky, fortunate 'Atikah, Atika - Virgin, pure, clear Huda, Hooda - Right guidance Rayhanah - Aromatic sweet basil Farihah, Fareeha - Happy, joyful, cheerful, glad Buhaysah, Buhaisah - Walking with pride You Can Find Muslim Girls Name and Muslim Boys Name in this seaction of our website. Ayat - Qur'anic verses, clear evidences, signs of 'Atifah, Atifa - Affectionate, compassionate, Sa'diyah - Fortunate Saihah - Good, useful Raniyah, Raniya - Gazing Fiddah - Silver Hadeel - to coo (like a dove) Tasnim - Fountain in paradise Sauda, Sawdah - Wife of the Prophet Lam'ah - Brilliancy Aini - Spring, flower, source, choice