life transformation meaning

It involves changing your perspective and acting from a new, more empowering perspective. Revise them if you need to. However, like a caterpillar, we also need to eat in order to be transformed. Build and maintain a strong burning desire. If you are serious about transforming your life, you can set this as one of your major goals. Have you ever asked yourself, "Who am I?" (You can order a free copy of a study New Testament. Do you need help understanding the Bible? Others prefer to transform their lives by making significant, lasting changes. All verses are quoted from the Holy Bible Recovery Version. As we eat, we allow the divine life within us to operate, and our “appearance” gradually improves until we spontaneously begin to express Christ more in our daily lives. I define it as moving beyond your current situation or state of being or doing. The act or an instance of transforming: her difficult transformation of the yard into a garden. Although she might appear healthier, it’s only cosmetic—something outward. Human Resource Development Specialist, Consultant, and Author of Transform Your Life: 7 Steps to a Better Life. We unfold across our lifespan, and grow more into who we are. Genuine transformation is different. We are co-creator and we bring things into existence together with God and others. Marketing Permissions Oltre Digital will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. Order a free study Bible that will help you to understand God’s Word. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, transformation means “a complete or major change in someone or something’s appearance, form, etc.” But what does this mean for us as Christians? ©2021 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Really? Learn more. You are not your job title. Transformed. You Lose Interest in Gossip or Drama and What Most of the World is Focused On and Feel Pulled … A caterpillar doesn’t put on a butterfly costume or strive to act like a butterfly. Gratitude opens doors in your life for receiving more -- for yourself, and to share with others. Eventually, it undergoes metamorphosis and becomes a butterfly. Transformation is the process of changing. It speaks of the moment when you dare. The first step of transformation is that God has washed us, but this washing is not an outward washing by water. Her complexion would improve, and her body would be strengthened. Here are some ways we can do this: These are some of the ways we can eat Christ as the living bread and to drink Him as the living water. You do this by using your thoughts, visualization, words, faith, actions, or a combination of them. b. 4. Lydia has chosen to live the life of a disciple.She experiences a transforming work on an everyday basis. It includes things like your mission, vision, and your major goals for the key areas of your life, such as health, wealth, success, and your relationship with God and others. The sooner you start, the faster you will get more of them. It is a poem in which you might catch a reflection of your own story. Using a case study is a poignant way of defining digital transformation. Preaching has never been and never will be the only element needed for the transformation of Christians into Christ’s image. I'd never seen Jose in a tuxedo before - it was quite a transformation. It can arrive subtly, as if something has been stalking us for some time in an attempt to get us to see it. You are not your name. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). Powaqqatsi (or Powaqqatsi: Life in Transformation) is a 1988 American documentary film directed by Godfrey Reggio and the sequel to Reggio's experimental 1982 film, Koyaanisqatsi. For more on this topic, you can get a copy of Transform Your Life: 7 Steps to a Better Life available from, and online booksellers. How to use transformation in a sentence. Many people want to change some aspect of their lives. It’s found in these two New Testament verses: 2 Corinthians 3:18: But we all with unveiled face, beholding and reflecting like a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord Spirit. Your better life can be your best life ever -- the life of your dreams. When you do this, you will change, and when you change your life will also change. The state of being transformed: impressed by the transformation of the yard. In the New Testament Recovery Version, note 8 in this verse on “same image” tells us: “To be transformed into the same image is to be conformed to the resurrected and glorified Christ, to be made the same as He is (Rom. In the words of Wayne Dyer, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” When I was younger I had a fixed mindset. Visit regularly to enjoy helpful posts on the Christian life and the Bible. In those instances, there is also a possibility of transformation for others’ ideas about us and the many roles we hold. All rights reserved. From the time the Spirit of God descended upon the believers in Jerusalem, God has been transforming the souls of individual believers in the context of local Christian communities. Transformative learning, as a theory, says that the process of "perspective transformation" has three dimensions: psychological (changes in understanding of the self), convictional (revision of belief systems), and behavioral (changes in lifestyle). When we prayed to receive Christ as our Savior, we were regenerated, or reborn, with the divine life of God within to become children of God. Attempting to behave like Christ is like applying makeup: our inward condition remains the same, but we try to cover it up by doing good deeds or improving our conduct. So what does it mean for us as believers to be transformed? By taking Christ in as our food, we receive and assimilate more of His element into us. Transformative learning is about changing how you think and the thoughts you think. –Mary Oliver. By looking closely at the two verses above, we find that transformation in the Bible actually means something completely different to what we might think. Thus, we experience a transformation that’s not merely outward, but one that results from being spiritually nourished, and from God’s life operating in us. Teach surrender rather than treaties. Don’t miss our latest posts on the Christian life. The definition of metamorphosis is “a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism, as from the caterpillar to the pupa and from the pupa to the adult butterfly.”. Transformation is not a change brought about by simply doing good or improving behavior. Find out more. transformational definition: able to produce a big change or improvement in a situation: . When we receive God into us as our life and we are thus regenerated, that is a great washing. It helps you cope with stress and it is good for your health. Transforming your life involves going beyond the way you live, co-creating a better life for yourself, and changing the way you live. Dr. Robert B. Cialdini recounts a study that was done at a horse track. As we eat and drink of the Lord Jesus, we’re supplied to grow in His divine life. Transforming your life involves going beyond the way you live, co-creating a better life for yourself, and changing the way you live. We do not create anything. This growth is the process described in 2 Corinthians 3:18 of being transformed little by little, from one degree of glory to another, into the image of Christ. Change is a gradual process, and most big changes are made by taking small steps every day over a long period of time. You live in a body. As a result, what people see is not Christ Himself lived out of us and expressed in our lives, but spiritually undernourished people striving to imitate Him. 8:29).”. Things Start to Crumble. In the New Testament, the Greek word for transformation is metamorphosis. You will have a better life. What does transformation mean? Personal transformation takes time, and it's not linear. When you dare to listen to your own truth and set sail into a new life. Our world is in desperate need of transformation. To start living differently you have to start thinking, talking, and acting differently and continue doing so until your life is transformed. You do this by using your thoughts, visualization, words, faith, actions, or a combination of them. How can we experience transformation in our Christian life? You can order a free copy of the New Testament Recovery Version, Finding the Power Supply for Our Christian Life, By praying over what we read in the Bible. For instance, there are people born into wealthy families while others are born into families with low-incomes. But as Romans 12:2 tells us, we can “be transformed;” that is, we can cooperate with the Lord to allow this process of transformation to take place in us. What do you think about yourself? Its why I brand myself as a Life Transformation Coach - I see my role and purpose as helping clients transform their own lives. Who can you thank for a blessing you received recently? Find 7 ways to say transformational, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. There is a tendency to believe who others tell us we are and this can limit us. The issue of spiritual transformation is not new in the Christian faith. Understand some basics of the co-creation process. Our beliefs dictate how we operate in this world. Implement your plans, monitor them and evaluate them on a regular basis. “We cannot change anything unless we accept it,” wrote Carl Jung. Gratitude releases endorphins in your body and this makes you feel good. As long as it eats, a caterpillar can trust in the metabolic process to assimilate those nutrients into its body and cause it to grow. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. Dr. Nella Ann Roberts is a human resource development specialist and the CEO of High-Impact Consulting Group. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. This is the way for us to grow and be transformed. A strategic plan outlines where you are now, where you want to go, and how you intend to get there. It is the second film in the Qatsi trilogy. What do you have to be grateful for today? Transformation can mean different things to different people. If you are going through a major challenge or several challenges, they may seem to go on forever, but as day always follows night, so too your breakthrough will follow your challenges if you follow some of the advice presented [below]: 1. We co-create both good and undesirable things and events for ourselves and others. In John 6:35, Jesus says, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall by no means hunger, and he who believes into Me shall by no means ever thirst.” The Lord wants us to take Him as our spiritual food every day. Your Life. Her mission is to help others develop themselves for success and make a difference in the world. Every step you take in the right direction gets you closer to your desired destination. An inward change occurs in our being as we take Christ in as our spiritual food and drink. The journey of transformation begins with an event in one’s life sometimes referred to as “The Call.” This event occurs as if life, or our soul, is trying to reach out and grab our attention. Changing your beliefs or your mindset can change your entire life. As we do this regularly, we’re strengthened spiritually and are spontaneously transformed more and more into the image of Christ. Depending on the size of your transformation, it is likely that some part of … A person’s status determines t… If you need to flag this entry as abusive, The essential guide to taking care of your mind and body, Transform Your Life: 7 Steps to a Better Life. The Journey is a poem of transformation. You want to learn a skill. Eventually, her healthy appearance would be the result not of something she did outwardly, but a change from within as a result of an organic, metabolic process. Most of us wish we were born with a gift. Powaqqatsi is a Hopi neologism coined by Reggio meaning "parasitic way of … This life operates within us to transform us into the image of Christ. When I discovered the world of self-development, I realized that I had been telling myself a lie. Did you know the Bible speaks of something called transformation? You can develop a strategic plan for your life. 2. You use them to change some of what is happening within you and in your life, to co-create what you truly desire, and to live differently. This washing is the washing of regeneration referred to in Titus 3:5. Real Life. Digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new — or modify existing — business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements. If you want a much better life with more of the things you truly desire, then take some action today to start doing so. 12:2) Transformative learning is one of the best ways to renew your mind and transform your life. Below is an excerpt from Transform Your Life: 7 Steps to a Better Life. Romans 12:2: And do not be fashioned according to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and well pleasing and perfect. Transforming your life can be challenging, yet exciting and rewarding. Surely what was true for the apostle Paul is still true today: creation looks forward in anticipation — it groans for the promise of restoration. Write down your plan and take action to achieve your goals. Surrender. Transformation junkies, adventurers & lifelong learners. To cooperate with this metabolic process of transformation, we need to take Christ in as our food and our drink. Many of us have a lot to be grateful for, including things we take for granted. The word “transformation,” according to Merriam-Webster, means “a Should we change our behavior to be more “Christ-like,” or live by a new set of rules and regulations? Bibles for America is a nonproft organization.© 2021 Bibles for America. Having eyes to read and access to the internet are among our many blessings. Transforming your life involves going beyond the way you live, co-creating a better life for yourself, and changing the way you live. Where peace is desired, progress is promised, brokenness remains the rule. The life of a disciple is not extraordinary or markedly different on the outside. Breakthrough, create lasting change, be the hero of your own life story, fulfill your life purpose & master your destiny. If this woman were instead to eat healthy, nourishing food, a noticeable, lasting change would occur. I thought that I was born a certain way and that I was stuck with who I was. tion (trăns′fər-mā′shən, -fôr-) n. 1. a. If you enjoyed this blog post, please share it. Although an outward change does occur during metamorphosis, it’s the result of an organic change from within. Part of HuffPost Wellness. It has been a primary issue, though perhaps given different labels, throughout church history. In this video, we will explore how we can escape from a life of quiet desperation and transform ourselves in a manner more conducive to a fulfilling existence. For many, these are deep questions. For example, an undernourished woman who looks sickly and pale may try to improve her appearance by applying makeup. In the United Status, gender and racial differences form a basis for people’s ascribed statuses. Desire is the driving force that propels us to achieve our goals. You can order a free copy of the New Testament Recovery Version here. Here she speaks about that transformation and the incredible impact it has had on her.. You may have heard others say that you create your reality. See more. After you understand some basics of the co-creation process, take the time to plan your life. You do this by using your thoughts, visualization, words, faith, actions, or a combination of them. Life Transformation Groups (LTGs) LTGsare!simple.!With!a!group!of!2!or!3!people!of!the!same!gender,!do!3!things:!