my downstairs neighbor is driving me crazy

there's a sidewalk next to my bedroom, i know people hear the porn on max volume. More from Mr Norton Downstairs Neighbor is Driving Us Nuts! glad my lease up in 2 weeks. Your neighbor will be driven crazy as he asks you to turn the noise down, again and again. by . DEAR DEIDRE: NOISY neighbours are driving me mad. His problem is that my 2 years old son is walking at home and he cant tolerate kids. fck these people. For a long time I was searching for a new apartment and my biggest prerequisite was that it had to be super quiet. It seems that it is at night, he plays his music! My crazy neighbor is constantly insulting my nationality and flattiering our car and we dont have any proof to record him to police. Lonely people living just in their own world and spending time to … This high pitch chirping has started. My downstairs neighbor is a lunatic with keen ears for sympathetic floor vibrations. When we first set up a home entertainment system in our spare bedroom (in a semi-detached), our neighbours came by shortly thereafter to ask if we knew anything about a rumbling noise that they'd been hearing late the previous night. The lady downstairs has a ceiling fan, which vibrates my room, floor and bed, due to this I can not sleep at all. Hey, you've been driving me (and my downstairs neighbors) crazy lately galloping around the apartment all night? But there are several tricks to drown out your noisy neighbors—without your landlord freaking out. Your neighbors may call the cops on you to make a noise complaint, and you don’t want to deal with that kind of trouble. Thread starter IronFistedChampion; Start date Jun 3, 2012; 106 Forums. Your neighbour might be legitimately unaware of the extent to which the noise affects you. And I really think I did a great job with that (top floor, back of building overlooking quiet street, corner unit etc) however, upon actually moving in and spending a few nights there I have realized that I hear all of my neighbors TV's and they are on ALL the time. My husband and I moved to a town where he is going to college at and I'm looking for a job. Our neighbors believed the lying evil old witch neighbor … I hear his every step. My downstairs neighbors constantly complain about noise from my unit. My male neighbour who is about 50 years old and lives alone downstairs has recently discover porn. I feel trapped and hate being here. Carpet upstairs and wood downstairs. It sounded like he was dropping something heavy over and over. Babies are noisy. So here's hoping a few walks a week cool you off. The apartment is great and the price is perfect, i have been here two months with no sleep! DEAR DEIDRE: CONSTANT barking by my neighbours’ dog is driving me insane. For the Kalamazoo area law enforcement are questioning me , instead of investigating my neighbors. Non-Romantic. Try having a conversation with your neighbour. As always, it’s better to start with a personal approach. I recently made a printout of my floor plan showing my … iDGAF. This was only the first of many altercations we have had. 5 Ways My Neighbors Are Driving Me Crazy (and 3 Ways I Pay It Back) ... Our neighbors across the hall are Chinese so their house pretty much always smells good, and the people downstairs are big fans of garlic, which also smells nice. He has a DVD he is listening to practically all the time when he is home, which I can hear and is driving me CRAZY! There's only two levels so there's no one ... Every time I see her she gives me a dirty look. Dear Revenge Guy, I don't know what to do. Grill Graham: The smell of my neighbours smoking is driving me crazy! Have new, noisy neighbors upstairs that are driving me crazy. I have to be up very early for work and she’s driving me crazy. I can't hear any music just the vibration of the bass. Yet she asks me for things constantly, and if I say no, she starts trouble with me. By natassa soto. honestly, i'm sick of this quarantine, my upstairs neighbor driving me crazy i pay way too much for this bs. I moved to a new apartment in a new state two months ago. Collect Evidence & Try to Force Your Neighbor to Move. But my old neighbors cooked fish ALL THE TIME and I wanted to barf. I come in from a long day and work and school and just want peace, but can't get it! my neighbor billy is out of control and super angry this morning. The oldest is a drug dealer convict with anger issues. My “Duplex” Neighbor is Driving Me Crazy! I live on the first floor of a condo. I’ve complained a few times to management with no results, now I want to break my lease that … ID 543290. A great example is that I own a business and my neighbor wakes me up three times a night, I could charge him $75 per instance plus $75 for each hour of sleep that I lose, overtime that builds up.You take it to a civil court and claim damages, see how well they like having their wages garnished. A. the less/ the more loud B. the less/ less C. the later/ the louder D. the more late/ the more loudlier I didn't realize I was raising a baby deer and not a house cat but okay. We originally had an OK relationship, but he works nights and insists on leaving the radio playing loudly to deter burglars, which has also been an issue. Incessant barking is the top complaint to animal-control centers. Last night my neighbor started making niose at 10PM and did not shut up until 2:30 AM. for the meanwhile, i'm watching porn on max volume. Of course, just remember to be loud within reason. they scream from 12pm to late 7pm and play in my drivway (throwing footballs and climbing on our cars), i have seen them climb on our fence and try to open our car doors forcefully. Sometimes it gets so bad, the clock against my wall rattles. I just bought an Immedia rpm table and arm along with the basic Ear phono stage (modded). For the past few months, the neighbors behind me have been playing their music and/or movies quite loud. my neighbours kids make so much noise everyday (whatever the weather). I am 32 and having a baby in a few weeks’ time. It's not all day but intermittent throughout the morning, afternoon, evening and it comes on 10 times a day. Then it sounded like he was smashing dishes in the sink. Followers 9. My neighbors from Omaha, NE have been bullying me and my elderly Mom ever since we moved in West Omaha in 2007. I live on top of a 65 year old woman and her 2 sons.