namor vs aquaman, who would win

Still, this is one of the more interesting face-offs in the series, as the two combatants are just perfect for each other. While Aquaman has certainly come close to this feat at times, his moral compass or some other factor often seems to get in the way. Aquaman can also communicate with sea life, a power that Namor can't match. Not bad, right? Without the jazzhand there's nothing Aquaman can do to harm Namor. In our youngest days as comic fans, we all did it: “In a fight between _____ and _____, who would win?” Sometimes it was characters with similar powers, such as Namor the Sub-Mariner vs. Aquaman. To look at a few specific factors between the two, here is our contribution to the argument on Aquaman v Namor and who the stronger hero really is. Both Aquaman and Namor have the ability to communicate with underwater sea creatures. Namor can channel the abilities of underwater animals. I’m going to list the DCEU versions to keep it simple because they have SO many versions. However, one has a history of using it more than the other, that being Aquaman. - Duration: 9:25. His magic is definitely powerful enough to defeat Superman. We've seen some ridiculous weaknesses through the years, but Namor has some that are real head-scratchers, one being his weakness against pollution. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Between his speed underwater and command for his allies, not to mention his overpowering trident, Aquaman is too much for the clean-freak, headcase that is Namor. Aquaman has taken over the big screen box office with Jason Mamoa bringing flair to a character that's otherwise normally been flair-less. Like their strength, both characters are also able to take a similar amount of damage. Namor prefers to fight hand-to-hand, which could be his ultimate downfall. Aquaman wins the battle by landing a large whale on Namor, making him unmovable. Likewise, each has demonstrated a very similar amount of stamina, with both battling incredibly long times without growing tired. Granted, Aquaman would have the full force of the Justice League at his side, a team who could easily handle the Avengers alone. There's something to be said about repetition. However, Ocean Master isn't the only one who has taken issue with Arthur Curry being named the rightful King of Atlantis. 10 Powers Aquaman's Trident Of Neptune Gives Him, Quentin Quire vs Jean Grey: Who is the More Powerful Omega-Level Mutant. Wiz: And it's our job to anal… 1 Would Lose To: Aquaman Aquaman and Namor are similar in a lot of ways- half human, half Atlantean undersea monarchs with short tempers. Classic Namor is definitely more powerful than classic Aquaman. if nothing else to keep the throne of Atlantis safe from a putrid homo sapien. While Aquaman has certainly come close to this feat at times, his moral compass or some other factor often seems to get in the way. Furthermore, Namor has done some outright selfish decisions, even ruling Atlantis as a tyrant for a time. With regards to swimming speeds, there's some debate as to how fast both Namor and Aquaman can swim. They need to make a game of Marvel vs DC with those … However, Aquaman is nowhere near the likes of Superman, and Namor is nowhere near someone like the Hulk. During the popular Avengers vs X-Men story, Namor, who had sided with the X-Men in the conflict, flooded and nearly destroyed all of Wakanda. NEXT: Superman Vs Sentry: Who Is Really Stronger? Some people might remember that time Namor punched Thanos in the face and made him bleed. That means sonar can come into play or, better yet, the abilities of an electric eel. Both Wonder Woman and Aquaman only have a few iconic enemies that the general public could probably think of, unlike other DC superheroes, such as Batman who has a much wider gallery of rogues. 10 Survivor Villains & Their MCU Counterparts. While Aquaman may have a slight advantage with experience on his side, he also has the better personality. If he wanted to, Namor could easily establish himself as one of Marvel’s biggest bads. While he has been seen with a trident many times in the past, that is typically the only weapon he’ll use. RELATED: Who Would Win? As a result, Aquaman has been featured in far more stories than Namor has, especially in recent years. However, since Namor has defended himself from the likes of each of those teams, it goes to show that he has faced some far greater and more powerful opponents than Aquaman has. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. One of the biggest differences between them though, is that Aquaman tends to fight his own, specific foes, while Namor tends to battle it out with general Marvel characters. Two, if human beings are knocking him out with a punch to the face, what's going to happen when he takes a shot to the head from a Super Atlantean? Should Aquaman take a turn down a similar path as Namor, there may be more to reevaluate. RELATED: 10 Powers Aquaman's Trident Of Neptune Gives Him. WINNER: Aquaman! Namor’s anti hero personality and motivations have put him against the likes of the Avengers, X-Men, and the Fantastic Four almost as often as he teams up with them. Both Aquaman and Namor the Sub-Mariner are long-lived and powerful superheroes. For the sake of this argument, he can't, though he can leap for miles at a time. While both are pretty strong, only one can come out the clear winner. Though Aquaman still has a lot to offer, he certainly battles with his humanity a lot more than Namor does. Namor aint got nothing of this. Order your 23andMe Health + Ancestry Service kit at Blue Apron! RELATED: Iron Man vs Reed Richards: Who Really Is The Smarter Hero? ! As time has shown, Aquaman has grown to be the far more popular character between the two. Not just because these two are better fighters in the water, but they also tend to fatigue more easily when they spend too much time on dry land. Now what has been proven about Namor staying out of water for extended periods of time, is how it negatively affects him mentally. 4 Iconic Villains: Flash. ELEKTRA VS. Namor can channel the abilities of underwater animals. Namor is actually unique in more ways than one. Electra wins by cutting Catwoman’s whip, which she uses to hang on a construction building. Iron Man vs Reed Richards: Who Really Is The Smarter Hero? Namor, Aquaman's Marvel counterpart, first surfaced in 1939, two years before DC's Atlantean emerged in his orange and green getup. Wiz: I don’t think you understand what that phrase means. In support of the tie, both characters can obviously withstand the incredible pressure of the sea without any assistance or equipment. Point: Aquaman. In a constant battle of DC vs Marvel, these two characters are often brought up, thanks to their many similarities. However, namors ability to fly also proves to be highly beneficial for both above and below surface problems. When Namor debuted in 1939, he wasn't a good guy. Meanwhile, Aquaman has a weapon that's pierced the skin of Darkseid before. Therefore, though it is a devastating action, Namor has still had a greater impact within his respective universe than Aquaman. Though the two are pretty evenly matched on an external scale, Namor’s mutation gives him a slightly more useful and practical advantage over Aquaman. Aquaman is smarter, not as arrogant and he is a better tactical fighter with slightly more resources. That'd really make things difficult for any adversary in an underwater battle.Water is a terrific conductor of electricity for those who understandably fell asleep in science class. So while they could have the potential to be on the same level, Aquaman has been able to hone this power more because of his frequent use. Meanwhile, Aquaman managed to win even when it looked like he was at a clear disadvantage, so this round is a tie. Since there is no accurate measurement as to precisely how much the two can lift, this round results in a tie. Namor’s only edge is strength and he’s not that much stronger than Aquaman where it would make a huge difference. That being said, Aquaman is half-human, which Namor (half-mutant, half-Atlantean) will have zero patience for. For example, Aquaman can manipulate sea life and water in ways that Namor can’t. Each has demonstrated well above average strength though, being able to life several tons with incredible ease. At full strength, Namor can fight evenly with powerhouses like Thor, Hulk, and Hercules, and is much stronger than Aquaman. Though Namor did come before Aquaman, Aquaman has established a far greater presence within the DC Universe than Namor has had in a long time. It turns out, the issue of creating two characters that are almost exactly the same thing has plagued mankind for centuries. Once again, due to Namor’s genetic makeup, he possesses far more external abilities than Aquaman as well. 1 Winner: Namor Unlike Aquaman, Namor rarely fights with his trident, and mostly focuses on his enhanced strength and ability to fly to win his battles. Neither character is particularly stronger than the other. Poseidon is the Greek God of the Sea, while Neptune is the Roman God of the Sea. The two domains of the earth, land and sea, would lead to two different results for these titans, with Aquaman retaining the sea and Namor the land. Because of this, Aquaman takes the victory in regards to equipment. Though he has been shown to kill in the past, Aquaman avoids death as often as possible and is constantly juggling his responsibilities as King of Atlantis and as a Justice League member. Both publishers have a fairly similar depiction of Atlantis. In the end, we believe Aquaman would come out victorious against Namor. Considering how often Namor is at odds with other characters in the Marvel Universe, it is difficult to gauge how he would fare in this regard. Pollution can be a fairly broad term when you think about it, but if that's all-encompassing, then things could go south for Namor pretty quickly. But since the OP states he does indeed have it, Aquaman easily wins this. Regardless, with so many similarities still existing between the two, fans have a lot of fun debating who the more powerful one is. Once again, there is no accurate way to judge just how much damage each can take before collapsing. His mutant factor, especially when combined with his personality, have made him an incredibly formidable opponent over the years. Aquaman may have the advantage in the mental game when it comes to underwater sea creatures, but Namor has another power related to his water breathing pals. RELATED: Marvel's Namor Is Angry Aquaman Got A Movie. RELATED: Aquaman Vs Namor: Who Is Really the Stronger Hero? Read Flashpoint try to justify Arthur Curry as some mild-mannered do-gooder. However, DC puts much more emphasis on the cultural aspects of the city, adding a whole new sense of magic and lore. While Aquaman is very strong and god-like, he doesn't have accelerated healing as a specified power (with it not being a major ability on Aquaman's resume, it's hard to factor that into the fight). Batman Vs Moon Knight: Who Is The Better Fighter? We have to admit to a soft spot for both of them, but who do we really want to see twirling their tridents across the big screen? Granted, there are certain drawbacks to each character. Thanos Vs Darkseid: Who Is Really Stronger? However, there are still some pretty drastic differences between the two; differences that give them certain advantages that the other lacks. As a result, the combined efforts of his genetic makeup alone give him certain advantages that Aquaman simply just lacks, giving Namor a definite advantage in this regard. With the X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Illuminati at Namor’s aide however, there is no question that Namor would have the advantage. It's a pretty major character flaw. Both of them do possess an incredible amount of strength, but neither is anywhere near the strongest person in their respective universes. He's been good, bad, and all points inbetween, but he's truly a tank, arrogant and powerful in ways DC only started trying to make Aquaman in the 90's. While his personality could be used to argue for him being a more compelling character, Aquaman’s personality helps him fall closer to that of a traditional superhero, rather than an occasional antagonist. Sometimes it was between two characters of similar strength, like the Hulk vs. the Thing. The question is who? And if Aquaman is calculated in his approach or has time to prepare for this fight (which we were initially assuming neither did), then this battle would be remotely close. Aquaman vs. Namor: Which Superhero Would Win? One of the most dangerous villains in the DC Universe, Brainiac is a cosmic predator. That's not to say Aquaman doesn't a have a wild side. Aquaman can effortlessly lift an extremely large cruise ship and throw a submarine from the bottom of the ocean to the top. Furthermore, Aquaman’s famous trident is one of several key magical artifacts from Atlantean history, giving him amplified abilities and even additional ones. He travels the stars, collecting… ... Aquaman VS Namor the Submariner | Who Wins? His favorite characters are Batman, Swamp Thing, Blue Beetle, Spider-Man, and the X-Men. Therefore, both character’s durability is incredibly close, ultimately resulting in a tie. But the general consensus seems to be 70 to 80 miles per hour on average for Namor, topping out around 3,500 MPH. Original Post on Entertainment Fuse. Wiz: And Namor, the first mutant and... alsoking of Atlantis. Aquaman would win. Not that Aquaman necessarily wants to hurt his fellow sea dwellers, but if playing dirty for a little bit helps him keep hold of his title as King of Atlantis, he will for the betterment of his people. Elektra(Marvel) vs. Catwoman (DC) Who won: Elektra. Hmm this is a hard one. In an even less fierce battle than in the sea, Namor would win this land fight with Aquaman. One that's, if nothing else, cooler than Aquaman's telepathy. Namor, on the other hand, doesn’t possess any magical equipment, or even any equipment. 10 Most Dangerous Villains Batman Fought Against. They rule Atlantis in their separate universes but only one can win this battle, and that’s the ever-talked-about Aquaman. Both Aquaman and Namor are the rulers of Atlantis in their respective universes. he's even been knocked out by regular old human beings. For the time being, however, Namor is the definitive king of the seven seas. I know it's not canon, but in the Earth X trilogy, Alex Ross and Jim Krueger is that Namor becomes more and more mentally unbalanced the longer he stays out of water. Thor Odinson while flying over the polar cap heading to New York sees Aquaman in the Arctic Circle. Assuming Namor were to assemble the Avengers, X-Men, and more groups that he has belonged to over the years, he would undoubtedly have an advantage over Aquaman. That's since changed, but The Sub-Mariner certainly still has an edge to him. Firstly, he is half human and half Atlantean. For comparison, Namor nearly wiped out the most technologically advanced nation on the planet in an instant. Therefore, though it is a devastating action, Namor has still had a greater impact within his respective universe than Aquaman. / Favorite Ongoing Show: The Last Kingdom / Favorite Actor: Jake Gyllenhaal / Favorite Actress: Sandra Bullock / Favorite Movie: Deadpool / Favorite Non-Superhero Action Hero: John Wick / Favorite Bad Movie: Van Helsing / Favorite Video Game: NFL Street on Xbox / Favorite Comic Book Character: Jason Todd/Red Hood / Favorite Comic Book Writer: Christopher Priest / Favorite Comic Book Artist: Dexter Soy, All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Which young trident-wielding hybrid King of Atlantis and master of the oceans will come out on top? Likewise, Namor’s tridents don’t possess and magical properties, only aiding him in combat. As someone who considers himself to be incredibly nerdy, J. enjoys DC, Marvel and independent titles equally. especially when it comes to humans. Accelerated healing is huge for Namor, though, as he'll have to deal with Aquaman's Trident at some point in this battle - and that Trident may be an important factor in this debate/fight. It could even lead him to use lethal force. I love both heroes equally so this is a hard thing to say but Namor would wipe the floor with Aquaman. Wild Fiction Database 9,051 views. Marvel and DC each have a superhero who is the king of the sea, but who's tougher: Aquaman or Namor? So, Namor has a history of getting knocked out. who would win? Whether or not this is a cool ability is another thing entirely, but in a fight, having a few creatures help your cause can't be taken lightly. Aquaman(DC) vs. Namor (Marvel) Who won: Aquaman. Superman Vs Sentry: Who Is Really Stronger? To put it simply, Aquaman is a much easier character to root for. Once again though, Namor would have to successfully manage to convince every team to join him, despite the tensions he has with certain individual members. Yeah, real obvious, but it turns out there’s a bunch of superheroes down there, too! One that's, if nothing else, cooler than Aquaman's telepathy.