nimbin music festival

All creeds and all Nations are welcome in Nimbin, a highly tolerant town whose rich multicultural diversity is reflected in the works of our large community of talented Artists and Musicians. Glastonbury and Tomorrowland lead the way, with behemoths like Creamfields, Ultra Europe, Sziget, Primavera Sound and Rock am Ring heading up the chase.. An annual music festival in September celebration of Americana, Old Blues, Alt Country and Traditional music. Nimbin is known the world over as Australia’s most famous hippie destination and alternative lifestyle capital. Considered to be Australia's biggest winter music festival, Splendour has evolved from a boutique one day festival held at Belongil Fields on the outskirts of Byron to a three day extravaganza of big name bands a new Australian music now held at North Byron Parklands, a dedicated site 15 minutes north of Byron. Flickr/harryws20/Harry Watson Smith, CC BY Why is Nimbin the way it is? The Nimbin Roots Festival offers authentic, original, and raw roots art and music in various venues throughout the town. It was a heady time. Nimbin village loves a festival! Festival information may not be up to date due to COVID-19, but you can view our list of cancellations here. Nimbin is a village in the Northern Rivers area of the Australian state of New South Wales, approximately 30 km (19 mi) north of Lismore, 33 km (21 mi) northeast of Kyogle, and 70 km (43 mi) west of Byron Bay.. Nimbin is notable for the prominence of its environmental initiatives such as permaculture, sustainability, and self-sufficiency, as well as the cannabis counterculture. In the tradition of the 1973 Aquarius Festival the village and its occupants relish an opportunity to celebrate. The Nimbin Roots Festival is held in various venues throughout Nimbin so a festival ticket means you get the chance to be amongst the locals and the quaint township and wander in and out of the venues to be part of the music experience that has now gained the reputation for being amongst the most diverse and authentic in Australia. The Nimbin Aquarius Festival of 1973 marked a watershed in Australian popular history. Nimbin Roots festival 2018 – in pictures Festival goers from Brisbane Daniella and Christine relax as their neighbouring camper, five-year-old Chessy, dances on a picnic blanket. Alternative - land sharing, healing, education, housing and power, cafes, markets and festivals, forests, mountain views, great music and Art are just some of what Nimbin has to offer. The annual Nimbin Roots Festival, held in September, celebrates the integrity of jazz, blues and roots amongst the diversity of Nimbin and their several venues, located throughout the village. Situated 70 km west of Byron Bay, Nimbin is seen as Australia's ultimate hippie heaven. Nimbin is made up of a myriad of musicians, of many levels, some professionally trained, some self-taught. Nimbin Roots Festival is a three day annual music festival celebrating Roots music, Old Blues, Folk, Old Timey, Folk Rock and Traditional music set in venues around the colourful town of Nimbin. For those who like real music, living outside the square and don’t fancy being amongst thousands of screaming people squished into one arena then this festival is for you! the festival is held in various venues throughout nimbin so a festival ticket means you get the chance to be amongst the locals and the quaint township and wander in and out of the venues to be part of the music experience that has now gained the reputation for … The Nimbin Bowlo and Nimbin Hotel host regular musicians and live bands in the comfort of their licenced premises. She describes roots music as the most real and stripped down version of music. The venues – including the outdoor Rainbow Power Stage and the historic Nimbin Bush Theatre – are located short distances from each other, creating a … It is often described as Australia's equivalent to the Woodstock Festival and the birthplace for Australia's hippie movement. The annual Nimbin Roots Festival in September is a great success for the Nimbin village. Time: 11am - 11pm . camping is available onsite and food and drinks will be available. Nimbin Hotel welcomes you with top food, drinks and entertainment. Lose yourself in the harmony of bongoes, banjos, sitar or guitar, as you discover the light and love contained in the music. Alternative - land sharing, healing, education, housing and power, cafes, markets and festivals, forests, mountain views, great music and Art are just some of what Nimbin has to offer. “I wanted to create something that showcases hard-working artists that may not be as well-known, while still celebrating music from artists who may be a bit more well-known,” Ms Bradley said. Confirm. Nimbin Roots festival 2018 – in pictures Festival goers from Brisbane Daniella and Christine relax as their neighbouring camper, five-year-old Chessy, dances on a picnic blanket. A scene from the first Aquarius Festival in Nimbin, 1973.