platonic friendship while in relationship

So long as you maintain respect and communication, you don’t need to worry or pressure yourself. That means that together, you are each better people than you are when you are separate. According to Science Daily , “ Platonic love in its modern popular sense is an affectionate relationship into which the sexual element does not enter, especially in cases where one might easily assume otherwise. We’ll come across many people in our lives, and they will be acquaintances, friends, clients, employers/employees, business partners, romantic partners, etc. It’s light-hearted and fun, rather than deep and serious. I’ve noticed over the years that when I get involved in a committed relationship, my male friends tend to disappear. 32 Platonic Love Quotes. And we called it friendship. You could be platonic friends, try a relationship, realize it doesn’t work and break up, become strangers, then go back to being platonic friends! 2: Relating to or characteristic of a relationship marked by the absence of sexual desire or romance. You make an effort to stay in touch with each other, even in spite of distance or busy lifestyles. What is a platonic relationship? While there may be times that both of you have feelings that go beyond the platonic nature of your relationship, what matters is that neither of you act on them and that you maintain respect for one another. For that reason, it is best to learn early on how to foster a positive relationship with the opposite sex, even when sex is not involved. The reward for love is the experience of loving. But having a platonic friend of the opposite sex will show you that those differences are not so great at all. Be conscious of what you say and do The number one thing you need to pay attention to when it comes to platonic... 2. It’s important to set boundaries for your platonic relationship, being mindful of how you would behave in other friendships, and sticking to those boundaries. I admit, in the course of my decade-long platonic friendship with Gary, I have been "involved" with other men. Let me put this in simple words for you a platonic relationship or platonic love is a close relationship free from selfishness and lust, sexual desire does not exist at all or is suppressed from expectations. And yet, sometimes we’re afraid to show our true selves in a new relationship. Platonic friendship is possible and can be very beneficial.


Here is the third one with a link.

, This Year Needs More You! They are at the lowest level. In that way, friends get to fall in love with the real you. However, once I got into the “real world,” it felt like the quest for Mr. or Mrs. “Right” was the only relationship anyone cared about. The dating process can put a lot of pressure on people. He learns about this person in the context of friendship, without the pressure that immediately mounts as soon as you approach someone of the opposite sex in a bar. You might love this person in the same way you love a brother or sister. Platonic friendship is a crucial way to build a social support network, which in turn improves your physical and mental health, which then contributes to a longer, happier life. Because you know you are strictly friends, you might be willing to open up about things that you would not tell a potential sexual partner. It’s just two people who enjoy each other’s company. If you start cuddling a lot more than this, for example when sitting and watching TV, the lines can start to get blurred and this can lead to romantic feelings and sexual tension, and opens up the possibility of sexual intimacy, which will stop the friendship from being platonic. He goes up to the guy and starts a casual conversation with him. For many, it's hard to believe that two heterosexual people of the opposite sex can be just friends, but it can happen. It was platonic, but he must have known that it would upset me because he never brought it up. Find out what this will mean for your friendship. There was a point in time, in high school and college, when I had tons of guy friends. Friendship is all about respect. Having a healthy platonic friendship could be very beneficial for your mental health, because you have someone you feel comfortable talking to about many aspects of your life. If I talk about a guy friend the same way I would talk about a female friend, then there is no suspicion or red flags from my partner. That’s why it’s so important to know what a platonic friendship is, and how to treat your platonic friends with respect. It feels strange. Platonically loving someone means you’re not romantically or sexually attracted to each other, but admire the other person and feel affectionate towards them. Perhaps you flirt more with this person, even if you’re not sexually attracted to them. For example, you should never feel pressured into a romantic relationship with someone who you genuinely only view as a friend. You make each other laugh, and share a similar sense of humor and outlook on life. One of my first relationships was with a partner who made me uncomfortable with the way he interacted with other women, in-person and on social media. Without more stressful feelings involved, you can build a solid friendship with someone who you can depend on, and you do not need to worry about a breakup suddenly getting in the way, like you might need to worry about with a relationship. Maybe one person is looking for friends with benefits, and the other person is looking for a committed relationship. But with our friends, it’s easy to be more silly, vulnerable, goofy, and even weak sometimes. Platonic relationships can lead to romantic ones, but it doesn’t happen all the time. Dating apps aren’t exactly the best place to be looking for friends. While it’s still categorized as a relationship, you may experience something that you couldn’t expect. It doesn’t seem fair that our platonic friendships should fall by the wayside once we partner off. You love each other, and you would feel a gap if this person were not your loyal companion. Even though you’re saying “I love you”, that love is platonic. You might have secret feelings for a platonic friend, but if they have expressed that they think you work better as friends, and you truly respect them as a platonic friend and not just a potential sexual partner, then you will honor his or her wishes and not try to pressure them into being something more. While intimacy is a positive trait of any friendship, sexual intimacy can be detrimental to any platonic friendship. If anyone is in queer platonic relationship, tell me what’s it’s like! You should be very communicative with your friend, then keep to the boundaries you’ve set with your friend for your friendship. However, do not let fear of ruining a friendship deter you from something that could be really special romantically. Because you usually start dating someone who you don’t know too well yet, then there could be a lot of conflicting interests and miscommunication. Our interpersonal relationships change over time. Mahalli suggests these two tangible ways to go about maintaining healthy, platonic relationships without compromising your romantic relationship: “While you might just be the touchy-feely type with pretty much everyone, it’s important to keep touching to a minimum with your platonic friends who are of the same sex as your partner. Meet new people and mend your broken heart. A big part of love is accepting the messy parts of another person, not just their best version. Possibly even more guy friends than girlfriends. You should be sure that you don’t set out to find a platonic friendship if you actually want a relationship with that person. So, if our expectation of one another as adults is solely that of potential mates or nothing at all, then I have to believe this lack of understanding how to have healthy, platonic relationships with someone who is the same sex as our partner, is linked to the larger gender issue at hand. Self-Care Activity Wall Calendar, made us happier and our relationship stronger, How to Get Over an Infatuation Like a Boss, How To Tell Someone You Just Want To Be Friends, How to Ask a Guy For His Number & Go After What You Want, Rainy Day Date Ideas That Are Anything but Boring. That’s a platonic relationship. Platonic relationships generally involve a deep friendship of non-sexual nature among two heterosexual individuals who may or may not be of the opposite sex. If one person is expecting a friendship, and the other is hoping for something more, then it is a recipe for some feelings getting hurt. The intimate level is often reached over a long period of time and when people have shared vulnerability with each other. Often in heterosexual relationships, there may be differences in gender that we don’t learn about growing up in health class. Sometimes, societally, we overhype romantic relationships, as if having a boyfriend or girlfriend as a life partner is the most important thing in the world. Platonic friends are a bit like the unicorn of relationships. You’re not in it because you want something out of it - you just appreciate each other. Really, you don’t know anything about him. Of course, the reverse could be true too. At their very worst, you might end up caught in a jealous, frustrating relationship. Let's hit up the elephant in the room right now: it's hard to maintain the friendship with a platonic friend when you're in a serious relationship with someone else. We may become friends with lots of people, but our friendships will be different according to what we want and how we know other people - the friendships will fit into one of these categories. Sometimes you will have to tell your platonic friend no, and that is okay. Well, yes, these relationships can work if you do them the right way. A lot of times people tend to be wildly different from each other as well but that is more or less how it begins in usual cases. If you approach her and ask about her feelings, it might be intimidating. What’s more is that, even if you aren’t interested in being with your platonic friend romantically, they can introduce you to their friends. Platonic friendships offer all the benefits of a normal friendship, and even more if they imply that you have become close with a member of the opposite sex, or someone else who you might not normally get to know outside of the context of sex. For me, pursuing those platonic friendships and working with my partner to make him feel comfortable forming connections outside of our relationship, made us happier and our relationship stronger.” - Sheridan in San Francisco, California, 26-years-old. We'll email you when our latest feel-good products drop. When you really get to know someone in a platonic way, you see the opposite sex as a more than just a sex object, or potential romantic partners. Your platonic friend can get the phone numbers and contact information of men or women who you are interested in then pass that information along to you. This is perfectly healthy. A platonic friendship can enhance the quality of your life, challenge your perspective, and make you feel loved and supported, all without sex getting involved. Symbols Of Friendship: What Are They And Why Do They Matter? A heterosexual relationship without the sexual and romantic feelings that usually develop when you put a man and a woman together. If you notice that your relationships keep failing, you can ask an honest, close friend for their opinion on why they think it happens. 10 Secrets To Making A Platonic Friendship Work 1. Due to societal norms and other societal influences, people may constantly believe that you’re dating. What is life without our closest friends? That’s some big friendship love. You will always have to form and maintain relationships with the opposite sex, whether it’s in the office, at school, in a more personal or professional capacity. Let’s say you are a woman at a bar with your closest male friend. Platonic Relationship Rules. Relationships change and evolve over time. With some managing, you can do it and it can be beneficial to your growth as a person.