top 5 worst british monarchs

James II (1685-88) James II was the brother of Charles II, son of Charles I. Edward II - Weak, useless, millitarily incompotent, promoted unpopular favorites and in my opinion is the worst King that England ever had. 10. These ruthless rulers are remembered for all the wrong reasons! hogarthrichard3. IMO, the worst British monarch was Charles I. The best of British history. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. A monarch who was defeated in a civil war and then decapitated. I have posted a video on my new YouTube channel detailing my top 5. Many of you will remember that Charles I was the king who's tyrannical actions led England into a the devastating civil wars of the 1640's, and who paid the price by being beheaded by the parliamentarian government in … Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email (required) (Address never made public) Name (required) Website. Last edited: Jul 9, 2008. Alexander the Great – one of a number of non-English/British rulers put forward in the survey – was second, with 10% of the vote, and Henry II third, with 6%. Henry VI - Weak, lost the Hundred Years War and … In the history of the British Monarchy, there have been some pretty awful kings, but Edward II earned his place in history by being one of the most incompetent kings to ever rule England. That civil war was largely the result of his own policy and being unable to make concessions. He died when he was 76 years old from a battle with severe bronchitis. Please check it out and let me know what you think by following the link below: 5. Her successor was the King of Scotland, James VI of Scotland (James I of England). This is my opinion on the ranking of the worst to best Plantagenet monarchs. Stephen: Had things worked out right, King Henry I’s daughter Matilda should have been the first reigning queen of England in 1135, being descended from Norman, Scottish, and English (Saxon) kings (she is known today as the Empress Matilda, having been married for a short time to a Holy Roman Emperor, and Lady of the English, having never been crowned queen). I've been thinking recently about who were the worst ever British Monarchs - worst being most incompetent and most evil/reckless. Ancient Egyptian rulers followed the tradition of marrying within the family to keep the bloodline pure. Previous Previous post: Top 5 worst British Monarchs. First Earl of Beaconsfield, KG, PC, FRS, Benjamin Disraeli lived from 1804 to 1881. The famous British politician served two terms as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.