another word for foreseeable future

Copy the code below and paste it where you want the visualization of this word to be shown on your page: Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Flood-hit rail line closed for repairs; NEWS IN BRIEF, OPINION: In construction, be careful what you contract for, High court revives crash suit against Blake School, EL OF A HOT SPELL; Temperatures will soar above 30C to match south of Spain, UK's First Global Trust Bank closed down by regulators, Zoo fined PS255k for death of keeper mauled by tiger; SLAMMED TRAGEDY AT WILDLIFE PARK Judge condemns failure that led to slaying of animal lover Sarah, In U.S., Fewer Non-Homeowners Expect to Buy Home, Ukraine faces military threat for foreseeable future - Poroshenko, I'M STAYING AT RED BULL SAYS TOP DESIGNER, Reasonable supervision in the city: enhancing the safety of students with disabilities in urban (and other) schools, Party dad sued over paddling pool tragedy; OLYMPIC STAR WAS PARALYSED AT 16 IN DRUNKEN BELLYFLOP PRANK, Baggies suffer a blow over Gera; FOOTBALL SHORTS WEST BROM, Forescout Counteract Advanced Administrator. 2…. Found insideThey turned out to be long term friends with us as our lives unfolded in Canada. ... with Uncle Bob and Aunt Jean about the family back home and thanked them both for their help in getting us settled for the foreseeable future. capable of being anticipated. To persevere with as much determination, energy, or fortitude as one can until the end of a race, competition, or contest.Despite an early setback in the first half, the home team stayed the course and managed to earn a draw. Definition of in the near future in the Idioms Dictionary. For the foreseeable future, we need to continue our research. What is another word for For the foreseeable future? for the foreseeable future and for life. Synonyms for For the foreseeable future. foreseeable: 1 adj capable of being anticipated " foreseeable costs were well within the budget" Synonyms: predictable capable of being foretold • Now, and for the foreseeable future, the world is awash in plutonium. I mean, I don't use the phrase foreseeable future, but it is the. 2. You might be so mad at your sister that you tell her you won't drive her to school for the …. Such an outcome is also possible in Madagascar, provided that an election is held within the foreseeable future. The code for attribution links is required. long-term. Step 3: Be Proactive to Minimize the "Unexpected". What does foreseeable mean? Found insideWith just a nod and without another word, Walsh stood and walked down the porch steps toward the dark Mercedes idling in the ... The road ahead of her for the foreseeable future a was rough, and more than anything, Walsh wanted to walk. Synonyms for For the foreseeable future. Found inside – Page 35... replete with evidence that that is not realistic , never has been , and will not be in the foreseeable future . ... I'd really like to talk to you about the choice , the whole concept of the new federalism , which is another word ... : The opposite is much more foreseeable. Secondly, the foreseeable military use of Galileo. • To push them on decommissioning would be to remove any chance of it happening in the . Found inside – Page 211another word , along with specific location data on the range of the animal might be used to help clarify what could ... the foreseeable future become threatened with extinction , throughout all or a significant portion of its range . Dividend Growth Rate: The dividend growth rate is the annualized percentage rate of growth that a particular stock's dividend undergoes over a period of time. Damage to your home. idioms. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for FORESEEABLE We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word foreseeable will help you to finish your crossword today. Organize by: [Syllables] Letters: Show rare words: [Yes] No: Show phrases: [Yes] No: Heavy precipitation is projected to increase throughout the century to potentially three times the historical average. Click on a word above to view its definition. - Albert Einstein The meaning is in the word - it's the "before" you're "able" to "see.". Information and translations of foreseeable in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. If a defective product is part of an integrated system and it causes damage to other parts of the same system, the damage is not to "other property." nouns. : Deuxièmement, l'utilisation prévisible de Galileo à des fins militaires. Found insideWithout another word, she put her Jeep into gear and shot off down the icy road that went ... lady was he was following, but Beaver Dam was apparently in his foreseeable future, and maybe somebody there could draw him a map to Elkhorn. The increased demand for organic produce was not foreseeable ten years ago. If the convincing soothsayer at the state fair tells you you'll soon meet someone tall, dark, and handsome, you'll probably keep your eye out for someone who fits that description. Here are 10 of them. See more. How do you spell foreseeable . in the foreseeable future phrase. A soothsayer is someone who can foretell the future. More than 70% of effluent DON was consisting of hydrophilic materials, which promote algal growth. What does foreseeable mean? Top synonym for foreseeable future (another word for foreseeable future) is near future. 4. Found insideand the sgth-k-shffs drifted away together, to be happy for the foreseeable future. ... We've always thought it was just another word for 'history' — the two words are very similar, in fact they're the same word in some Ymn languages. What are synonyms for foreseeable? According to the Center for Genetics and Society, any form of cloning is flat-out banned in 46 countries, and reproductive cloning (cloning specifically to create full-grown humans) is banned in . sentences. foreseeable most often turns up in the phrase "the foreseeable future," which basically means "as far in the future as I can predict." The meaning is in the word - it's the "before" you're "able" to "see." locución adverbial: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como adverbio ("en vilo", "de seguido", "a quemarropa"). foreseeable adjective. All it would take is to keep up this level of pressure on Sony, its employees, executives, business partners and talent for the foreseeable future and then I think you could actually see something as big as Sony Pictures go under, estimates are pegging (losses) at over $100 million, but that is before the inevitable lawsuits from everyone. Pronunciation of foreseeable with 2 audio pronunciations, 4 synonyms, 2 meanings, 5 translations, 3 sentences and more for foreseeable. Foreseeable definition is - being such as may be reasonably anticipated. The increased demand for organic produce was not foreseeable ten years ago. The design team for the Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) has pushed the state of the energy art to its current limits for the initial phase, with provisions for foreseeable and even speculative future applications. The adjective foreseeable most often turns up in the phrase "the foreseeable future," which basically means "as far in the future as I can predict.". 2. Found inside... a word to co-occur with another word, either immediately adjacent or within a more broadly defined window: an unmitigated disaster, the foreseeable future, a blinding light, blindingly obvious. Colligation refers to the tendency for ... foreseeable {adjective} Both of these are unlikely to be ratified in the foreseeable future. Found insideI'm going to be stuck in his house for the foreseeable future. Gonna be hard to avoid him. Fuck it. ... That single word knocks the wind out of me. That's my father. ... I hang up before he can utter another word. Definition of foreseeable in the dictionary. 94 other terms for for the foreseeable future- words and phrases with similar meaning. for the foreseeable future and forever. Synonyms for 'for the foreseeable future': long, long-term, lasting, extended, prolonged, enduring, never-ending, for some time, on and on, for ever Found inside – Page 153Feature ( as a noun ) is another word that adds nothing and can easily be dropped . ... respective / respectively , currently , the foreseeable future , the fact is ... and other words that contribute little except waffle . Found inside... Tenwick Abbey for the foreseeable future.” Catt's eyebrows soared. Although the interest was written plain on his face, he didn't speak another word. Unfortunately, Giddy knew his friend better than to think he would remain in that ... phrases. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! How to say foreseeable in English? Found inside – Page 270Another word for that outside is “the environment. ... the claim that if we stopped all carbon dioxide emissions today, the atmosphere would continue to warm into the foreseeable future from the effects of past carbon dioxide emissions. Foreseeable definition, as far as can be seen:Our objective is to make travel around the city quick, easy, and trouble-free for the Foreseeable future. DEFINITIONS 2. You're daughter is one of the best students I've had in years. Found inside... that does not take me from this school, nor will it in the foreseeable future.” Without another word Thanatos continued walking away from us and toward the smoldering entrance to the field house. “Jeesh, she's so damn dramatic. Found insideWith this said, we merely changed direction and walked off toward the horse without another word being uttered. I figured he would have told me what was going ... He spoke, “This will do you more good than me for the foreseeable future. Found inside – Page 68The search the word foreseeable, and I think it will occur predominantly, if it's sort of adjective noun, it occurs predominantly with future. Another rather interesting category, I refer to is cranberry words. What are cranberry words? Foreseeable sentence example. Herbalife has recovered from a post-Ackman scare, where the shares dropped to around $24, and is now facing . Found inside – Page 70intend the phrase as a name for the entire field of study , but only for one aspect of the process of translating as ... and in the foreseeable future will not be , a science in any true sense of the English word , in the same way I ... Synonyms and related words. Found insideforces another smile and then points to two metal chairs in front of the desk. “Please, close the door and take a seat. ... You see your foreseeable future ending. But too often people don't see the handwriting on the ... Antonyms for in future. expand_more Não é provável que nenhuma destas seja ratificada num futuro previsível. Find 43 ways to say FORESEEABLE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Times, Sunday Times ( 2006 ) But three-quarters of your income today and for the foreseeable future will come from drugs that have been in the inventory at least three years. sees To imagine or know as a probable occurrence; anticipate or predict: foresaw economic decline.. lasting. Antonyms: unpredictable. Log in. for the foreseeable future and indefinitely. in the foreseeable future phrase. You exhibit which usually technique of inviting customers Once, clientele will set you back get the specialized providers and maybe agree with any asking price a person cost these people (primary pixie details … Nglish: Translation of foreseeable for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of foreseeable for Arabic Speakers. Under the disappointed expectations test, however the "other property" exception does not survive if the damage was reasonably, The Court of Appeals affirmed the District Court's grant of summary judgement, determining that although the school may have breached a legal duty, the auto accident was not, The defendant moved for summary disposition on the grounds that it could not be held liable because plaintiff's action of partially climbing into the machine constituted "misuse" that was not reasonably, Spokesman Rupert Adams said: "The forecast suggests there will be no meaningful rainfall for the, Knot said, 'The combination of a difficult and fast changing regulatory environment coupled with the difficulties of trying to innovate in the financial markets post the 2008 crisis, have forced us to take the difficult decision to withdraw our application for the, -- More Americans who do not currently own a home say they do not think they will buy a home in "the, KIEV, Shawwal 28, 1435, August 24, 2014, SPA -- Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said on Sunday Ukraine would be under constant military threat for the, ADRIAN Newey remains committed to Red Bull "for the, He said having a paddling 1pool at a party with 16-yearolds did not provide a ", HERITAGE trams in Wirral have been taken off the track for the, WEST Brom midfielder Zoltan Gera has been ruled out for the ". Found inside... home without another word, she could say with her hand on her heart it had been worth every second. Now he was here, reassuring her he wasn't going anywhere for the foreseeable future, all those fears melted away against his lips. Accessed September 15, 2021. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. 66 other terms for foreseeable future- words and phrases with similar meaning. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. “Foreseeable.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Non-renewable raw materials, such as crude oil, will be exhausted in the foreseeable future, while the world " s population continues to grow and requires proportionately more energy resources. Test your visual vocabulary with our 10-question challenge! Found insideOpposite me, the width of the hall, was another line of persons and the impression of a crowd behind them. ... Then a man came up behind me, slipped his hand beneath my arm, and said: 'I want a word with you. Plus the damage to the reputation to the brand is . • She is sure that this will settle them for the foreseeable future. Every project has its own rhythm and flow. 1. Learn the definition of 'foreseeable hazard'. Believe operating working a lot of time, call studies, everything that group your small business is actually catagorized all around - anything that any individual think about would certainly end up practical intended for foreseeable future shoppers. Synonyms and related words. The increased demand for organic produce was not foreseeable ten years ago. Found inside – Page 211another word , along with specific location data on the range of the animal might be used to help clarify what could ... the foreseeable future become threatened with extinction , throughout all or a significant portion of its range . Planning. Found insideExperimenting is another word for it. The adage You can't please everyone ... As was previously stated, the Latin phrase, ad infinitum, best describes the process at this time (and for the foreseeable future). Naturally, the grounds for ... EDIT Jan 2021 : I am still updating the list as of Jan, 2021 and will most probably continue to do so for foreseeable future. Find Definitions, Similar or Opposite words and terms in the best online, for the foreseeable future and indefinitely, for the foreseeable future and until further notice, for the foreseeable future and ad infinitum, for the foreseeable future and indeterminately, for the foreseeable future and open-endedly, for the foreseeable future and continually, for the foreseeable future and considerably, for the foreseeable future and frequently, for the foreseeable future and without end, thesaurus. : Il était à prévoir que le jour viendrait où une crise économique éclaterait à l'étranger. Existing or continuing for a long time. September 2019. See also: ahead, bright . Found inside – Page 230'I'm not saying another word for the rest of the year. ... Behind all football's dollars are real lives, and Juice's life, for the foreseeable future, is now dedicated to getting that move abroad, and raising Harbour View some vital ... You've got a bright future ahead if you can keep up such an impressive level of performance. : It was foreseeable that one day an economic crisis would come from abroad. #fremdsprache #grammatik #wortfeld #deutsch #als #daf #dazDeutsch als Fremdsprache DaF DaZ Grammatik - Wortfeld. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. : Several of these states know that if climate change continues as it is and sea levels rise, they will be no more within the foreseeable future. Found inside – Page 162Since refrigerators that make ice seem likely to endure for the foreseeable future, icebox would rate as Level 2 in Endurance. Typewriter is another word whose dog died around the end of the twentieth century after a century of ... into a future… The statue will remain in the museum for the foreseeable future. Find another word for foreseeable. Looking at the case at 30,000 feet, Herbalife is a obvious pyramid scheme, but Wall Street and some institutional investors are not convinced. Found insideWe are quite happy to continue trading in existing local currencies for the foreseeable future, and will utilise Special Drawing Rights for major transactions. Next question.” The rebuked reporter didn't speak another word during the ... (2) Loss may be foreseeable as a probable result of a breach because it follows from the breach (a) in the ordinary course of events, or (b) as a result of special circumstances, beyond the ordinary course of events, that the party in breach had reason to know. -. 39 synonyms for future: time to come, hereafter, what lies ahead, prospect, expectation, outlook, forthcoming, to be, coming, later, expected, approaching.. What are synonyms for in future? These trends will continue into the foreseeable future. A foreseeable event or situation is one that can be known about or guessed before it happens. Found inside – Page 106In the meantime / Meanwhile (If these words are followed by another word, that word must be a noun) 4. ... and months / in another five years' time / by the end of this year / for the foreseeable future / sooner or later Page 20 Objects ... She has a very bright future ahead of her. conceivable, cataclysmic, more. Rare words are dimmed. 3 letter words APT 4 letter words FAIR 6 letter words LIABLE - LIKELY - ODDS-ON 7 . Synonyms: certain, destined, expected… Antonyms: accidental, casual, chance… Find the right word. — Use foreseeable in a sentence. Meaning of foreseeable. Delivered to your inbox! Antonyms for in future. Found inside – Page 175One of the first to use a parallel - sounding term in English was Eugene Nida , who in 1964 chose to entitle his ... and in the foreseeable future will not be , a science in any true sense of the English word , in the same way I ... Log in. Retrieved 2021, September 15, from. Times, Sunday Times ( 2006 ) But three-quarters of your income today and for the foreseeable future will come from drugs that have been in the inventory at least three years. Found insideHe waved to us, and in another second our mother's call came through. The box containing my brother shrank ... Astounding was a word my brother and mother used a lot —usually to flatter each other—and it always made my insides cringe. definitions. Found insideAll of these differences are understood in the term “norteño,” which is used by villagers and migrants alike to refer to ... no Jacalan has applied for American citizenship, nor are any likely to do so in the foreseeable future. Foreseeable translated between English and Dutch including synonyms, definitions, and related words. For the foreseeable future, technological advance will drive the world of wealth creation—and it is capable of producing more wealth than everything that has come before it. And so, all the economic gurus, all the stock market mavens, all the business billionaires, all the respected financial observers are predicting boom times ahead for foreseeable future…whatever that may be. Found inside – Page 319'To hit the haystack' is another phrase that has the same meaning. ... Thus, it is clear that 'slandered' and 'defamed' are synonyms. 112. ... E.g. Luke couldn't see himself going to college in the foreseeable future. 117. The word ... Lists. 1. Parts of speech. By making this assumption, the accountant is justified in deferring the . until further notice. Found inside – Page 15'We're here, we've arrived, this is our home for the foreseeable future and we just have to make the best of things. ... an unfriendly voice, and he knew that she meant business so he turned round and marched away without another word. Found inside – Page 122Hence : form word, function word, grammatical word. enantiosemy A case of *polysemy in which one sense is in some respect the opposite of another. E.g. that of dust in I dusted the mantelpiece, meaning that something is removed, vs. 2.A.3. Meaning of foreseeable. foreseeable {adjective} Without intervention throughout Europe, a reversal of this tendency is not foreseeable. Conversely, this means the entity will not be forced to halt operations and liquidate its assets in the near term at what may be very low fire-sale prices. Commonly used words are shown in bold. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Quotes containing the word foreseeable . Synonyms for foreseeable include predictable, probable, likely, conceivable, imaginable, calculable, anticipatable, estimative, expected and anticipated. • No test of the planned system against even average-intelligence decoys is planned in the foreseeable future. for the foreseeable future expr. 1. Found inside – Page 46In general, interviewees who drew the circle representing the future as the biggest (having the most influence) also indicated that ... A native English speaker may also attribute different levels of certainty to synonyms of “foresee”, ... in the near future phrase. Finite resources from the Earth's crust, oceans and atmosphere will one day run out. Foreseeable definition, as far as can be seen:Our objective is to make travel around the city quick, easy, and trouble-free for the foreseeable future. Currently, Herbalife is selling, at the end of business on January 25th, for $43.59/share. sees To imagine or know as a probable occurrence; anticipate or predict: foresaw economic decline.. Synonyms for For the foreseeable future. forever. 1. synonyms. +. (2016). : Une telle issue est également possible à Madagascar, pour autant que des élections soient tenues dans un futur proche. synonyms. words. adverbs. antonyms. Found inside... not sending another look over his shoulder, not giving her a flirtatious wink, not saying another word. ... A relationship with a man from the Cove was not in her future. No man from anywhere was in her foreseeable future. Take a look at all of these 7 the majority cost-effective firm head using lousy investment to commence the corporation within 2021. Found insideMurphy was gone again, and hopefully, for the foreseeable future. Cynthia flailed her hands. “See what I mean? Clueless.” Madison had another word float to mind. Corrupt. “So, yeah, if that's all you need, Maddy, I'll get it running ... Antonyms for foreseeable include unforeseeable, unanticipated, surprise, unpredictable, undreamed-of, surprising, far-off, remote, distant and faraway. Synonyms for Foreseeable Future (other words and phrases for Foreseeable Future). 1. a foreseeable event or time is one that can easily be imagined or known about before it happens. Found insideOnce he was thrown out of Avignon, we never heard another word about him. ... from the Avignon base office contacted me and said that, unfortunately, no Legionnaires would be sent on the dog-training course for the foreseeable future. : C'est le contraire qui est de beaucoup plus prévisible. Browse the use examples 'foreseeable hazard' in the great English corpus. 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