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Chainlink/Troy (voiced by Bumper Robinson) was once a member of the same gang as Dule. I put a shock to your system! At the end of the fourth season, Sharon continues to be in the dark about her brother's superhero secret, though in the final episode "Power Outage", she becomes suspicious once again of Virgil's behavior until their father interrupts them. They plan to hold the city for ransom. Note: Soul Power was similar to the DC Comics superhero Black Lightning who was intended to be used, but then they'd have to pay Tony Isabella. Adam's superhero handle is a probable nod to the song, "The Rubberband Man", by The Spinners. Speedwarp uses the Time Gauntlet to crash the B2K concert to get to Daisy which caused Daisy to be afraid, but ended up fighting Static. As a young child, he was relatively … With the book sourcing a decade-long correspondence between Steve Ditko and its author David Currie, the history of the formative years of American comic books and the rise of Marvel Comics is revealed, illuminated further by interviews ... In the newly created reality, Static is shown back in-costume with his powers restored.[27]. X: Using electricity stored in its fur, it stimulates its muscles to heighten its reaction speed. He dates a girl named Daisy Watkins, but his 'responsibilities' as Static interfere with their dates too many times and Daisy calls their relationship off. In her attempts to find a cure without drawing attention to her condition, Allie learned of a Bang-Baby Clinic online and ventured to Gotham City. In "Attack of the Living Brain Puppets", Static is immune to Madelyn Spaulding's ability to hear the thoughts of others and exert control over their actions, (as speculated by Richie,) Static's greater bioelectric field shields him and his brainwaves from any attempts at reading his mind and asserting control over him, as also seen in the second part of "A League of Their Own", when one of Brainiac's mind-controlling devices shorts out shortly after being placed on Static. Black Lightning was assigned to Delta Squad, and worked alongside Virgil Hawkins to defuse a disruptor planted in the sewers below Dakota City. Static appears among the group, quips "You started the X-Men without me", and talks his way onto the team. In the episode "Blast from the Past", Robert states that when he was a kid, he was (and still is) a fan of the superhero Soul Power. He is a Bang Baby from Dakota City, who has immensely advanced powers of electromagnetism. Static has made numerous appearances in other forms of media. Ryn Fraser Post author. Unfortunately, after a while the powers would wear out, and Leech required the host to be “sucked” dry again. The character has been featured in various animated series, including Static Shock, a version of the storyline made slightly more suitable for a younger audience, as well as animated films and video games. Maureen Conner/Permafrost (voiced by Hynden Walch) is a mentally-broken homeless child. She was then taken into police custody and kept contained by a specialized containment unit that was custom-made just for her. His 'best friend' (the term is used loosely) was Frankie, his shadow, lap-dog, doormat, flunky, and 'Yes-Man' for most of the episode. When Dr. Todd's Bang Baby cure was transforming them back into humans, Ebon staged a plan to get the last vial of Bang Baby gas and stage another Big Bang, one that would potentially create hundreds more Bang Babies than the first one. Jean makes her only physical appearance in the events of "Flashback", when Static, Gear, Time-Zone and Ebon were all transported back in time by Time-Zone's powers to the night of the Dakota Riots. Soul Power had a Batcave-like headquarters hidden underground in/near Dakota's rapid transit system called the Power Pad, and drove a car called the Soulmobile. Although deep down, she and her younger brother do love each other in a brother-sister way, they frequently argue, challenge, and tease each other, mainly about things such as the household chores, his studying, and her cooking (which is usually barely edible). Multiple superheroes come together to protect the town of Iberia from a dam break. The science of static electricity (2015) TED-Ed (3:38 min.). Hearing news about She-Bang, Crewcut put two and two together and figured out that She-Bang was the experiment that he was after. Ferret does not really fight because of his size and non-offensive power, but is forced to by Hyde in Static Shaq and was defeated and again taken into police custody. X: Using electricity stored in its fur, it stimulates its muscles to heighten its reaction speed. 10% Chance to Cast Level 17 Chain Lightning on Striking: 10% Chance to Cast Level 27 Lightning on Striking: 7% Chance to Cast Level 13 Static Field on Striking: 12% Chance to Cast Level 13 Static Field on Striking (Axes/Swords/Claws Only) 24% Chance to Cast Level 13 Static Field on Striking (Polearms/Spears Only) +20% Increased Attack Speed During his first major battle, Static defeats the villain Sunspot and earns the attention of a criminal syndicate known as the Slate Gang. She can now turn into a monster and has superhuman strength, but made her sensitive to loud noises. Virgil HawkinsAppearances • Images • Gallery • Quotes. May 14, 2014 at 4:14 pm. Allie wore heavy make-up on her face and hands and took to wearing a full-length coat to hide her transformation from everyone, including her parents. His bio-enhancer super-suit enables him to rotate his body at super-speed enough to create vortexes. The name "Adam Evans" is derived from the names of former Milestone writers Adam Blaustein and Yves Fezzani, who created the character. This tip is pointed and is made after cutting four flutes. He gradually becomes more mature and responsible with his powers over the course of the series. Static can also sense and feel-out sources of electromagnetic energy, able to tell if a seemingly abandoned area is actually hot or not. Though she initiated the project successfully, Static was able to stop Omnara’s plan of controlling every computer in the world via a virus with the help of an anti-virus created by Gear. Found inside – Page 74On TV, the five-month- old animated series Static Shock revolves around the first ... 1975), a shape-changing Hulk rip-off; and Black Lightning (DC, 1977), ... When the agency behind the experiment tried to capture him, he fights back, discovering that he has gained the ability to generate, manipulate, and control electromagnetism. The character's overall visual design is clearly based on Coolio, who also voices the character. Not born with his powers, Hawkins' abilities develop after an incident exposes him to a radioactive chemical. Some of his attacks against Static would even become lethal, but Static would still defeat him. Sharon has been dating Adam Evans a.k.a. Onyx is usually more mellow than Puff and early on tries to be the voice of reason, but would always do what she tells him to in order to get the job done. May 14, 2014 at 4:14 pm. [14] As part of an effort to better integrate Static into the mainstream DCU, the title takes place in New York City rather than Dakota. He is first seen when Ferret's gag is taken off and the members of The Joker's crew are revealed. However, they are defeated, and as a consequence, they seek revenge on Static. Believing he has no place to go for the time being, Static decides to become a Titan and live at the Tower until he can get his life together. Mirage's powers are of illusion-casting. Black Lightning debuted in 1977 as DC's first black superhero with his own origin and storyline. Ebon had always held a grudge against Static for ruining so many of his plans. In "No Man's Island", Alva finally restores Edwin Jr. to normal with the combined help of Static, Gear, and Hot-Streak. When they are not fighting crime, they are famous NBA players. Overnight, she goes from being the one telling the story to being the story, as her name becomes the source of gossip blog fodder. Shiv is assumed to have either returned to normal, or is now among the reinfected Dakota's Bang-Baby population at the end of the series. During this time, it is also revealed that Sharon is now married and pregnant, and that Robert has died. Permalink. Some wonder whether that recipe holds the key to this Pokémon’s evolution. Static (real name Virgil Hawkins) is a teen from Dakota City and a liberated abductee of the Reach. Static electricity can be dissipated by addition of conductive fillers, such as special conductive grades of carbon black or graphite. The Hoop Squad heroes Pulverizer, Spin Drive, Center Force, and Point Man are superheroes who work for a secret government. She turns against Ebon when he traps Static, Gear, and Nightingale, and helps them escape. Just as Thor is surging with newfound lightning powers, Hela's powers seem to be enhanced as well. In the end, Static and Gear defeat Specs and Trapper by disabling their gadgets, while Rubber-Band Man subdues Tarmack and disables the unstable fusion engine. Permalink. The authorities arrive and release tear gas with what they believe to be a harmless radioactive marker so that any gang members would not escape arrest. Phillip Rollins/Sparky (voiced by Rodney Saulsberry) was Soul Power's sidekick back in the 1970s, but he is now a meteorologist. Royce keeps the briefcase hidden in his locker because he can't keep it at home; according to him, "after that shoplifting thing, my mom's been on the lookout for stuff that don't belong to me." In every episode he appeared, he only acts at the beginning and is quickly defeated, sometimes without interfering with the central plot. Labs as an after school job. [31], Static's body has been shown to automatically heal itself, even from what would otherwise be lethal wounds, when drawing in large amounts of energy from a nearby energy source. The tape was all that Dwayne needed to hear, as Aron frequently expressed his dislike of Dwayne in the recording. Found insideBlack Lightning addresses the coincidence once in a Justice League narrative. ... been featured in various animated series including its own, Static Shock, ... As a young child, he was relatively … These screws are available in varying numbers measurements. If you are new to wikis, check out the tutorial, feel free to test in any page!!!!. ())4$-4 Forespar Lightning Master Static Dissipater Rod. In the animated series, he has a vulnerability to water, which (as water is a conductor of electricity), if he gets taken and drenched by surprise, shorts out his powers until he can dry off and replenish them. Koenig (voiced by Ron Perlman) was a scientist at Ashton Biotechnics who worked with She-Bang's parents on a project involving cell matter absorption. Electric shock accidents are caused by an electric current passing through the body. Much like Static, he changes his superhero look between seasons; in the first season, he has a full-body purple suit that covers his head, while in the second season he switches to a black suit (while leaving his head exposed). Not Thomas. That night, Teresa got kidnapped by Ebon, who refused to let her leave his side, and was taken to the docks to be re-exposed. Specs and Trapper are arrested for kidnapping and the news report states that they are old enough to be tried as adults. $14.97 $ 14. Found insideRa’s al Ghul has had everything taken away from him. Unique to the Homunculus is the ability for players to choose its elemental attribute, its name, as well as its skills. Batman's secret files on the Justice League have fallen into the hands of one of his oldest and deadliest foes, Ra's al Ghul, causing the members of the JLA to be picked off one by one. A Graphic Novel. Original. She-Bang/Shenice Vale (voiced by Rosslynn Taylor-Jordan) is a girl with superhuman strength, stamina, agility, reflexes, and endurance. Trapper becomes Speedtrap who is armed with a pair of gauntlets which can fire blasts of speed-manipulation force (the left gauntlet controls deceleration while the right gauntlet causes acceleration), causing targets to speed-up or slow-down, unable to control themselves, especially if they are it by a blast from both gauntlets. Anansi the Spider (voiced by Carl Lumbly) is a superhero native to Ghana, and the greatest hero in West Africa. Static takes a moment to scold Page, who, in his opinion, seems more concerned with making excuses over their initial meet up than what was more important, stopping the danger. He trapped Static and Soul Power in order to use them as batteries. Static, real name Virgil Ovid Hawkins, is a Bang Baby and protector of Dakota. In addition to allowing Static to remain in contact with Hardware, the disk also displays charts and other information relevant to the mission at hand. Skills which deal or affect lightning damage have the "Lightning" gem … May 12, 2014 at 1:43 am. "Heroic Inspirations draws out rich lessons superheroes provide for our daily lives" -- from back cover Since Rubber-Band Man and his brother Ebon can both stretch themselves, it is possible that the effects of the gas may have something to do with the person's genetic code. In the episode "Aftershock", in the 1st season of the animated series, an analysis of his blood shows that Static's electrolytes/blood-salt levels are higher-than-normal, highlighting that Static needs higher blood-salt levels to support the use of his powers, but the higher sodium levels seem to have no effect on his health. 20. Adam Evans/Rubber-Band Man (voiced by Kadeem Hardison) is a meta-human transmorph, whose body structure consists of living rubber, which he can shape into a wide variety of forms, even to the point of altering his physical appearance into that of another person. When Dr. Todd's Bang Baby cure was transforming them back into humans, Ebon staged a plan to get the last vial of Bang Baby gas and stage another “Big Bang”, one that would potentially create more Bang Babies than the first one. Always up to date with the latest patch (9.1.0). Omnara/Dr. Without warning, Hotstreak (recently released from prison and now calling himself Firewheel), attacks the reunion, claiming that he now realizes that Static must have been one of his old classmates. Slipstream/"Heavy-C" (voiced by Bumper Robinson) is a heavy-set teenage bully (with a voice pattern similar to Fat Albert) who always steals other people's food like the kids at Burger Fool. Mirage was then taken in by the Dakota City Department of Social Services, but not before she generated an illusion of Static flying into the distance, as a favor to Static (Static/Virgil needed to convince his sister that he was not Static). Starburst was taken away by Static and Gear where they handed him over to the police offscreen. 4.8 out of 5 stars 468. He was last seen being taken away by government officials as Static and Gear hope that someone will find a cure for him. Remembering what Static had said about his powers, Lil’ Romeo "shorted" out Leech after he absorbed Static's powers, frying him and leaving him unconscious as Static hands his restrained body to the police who have already arrested a fleeing Ebon, Hotstreak, and Talon. Omega Ruby He ultimately left the Team to join the Outsiders. It touched on archetypes as a comic fan that I loved, but also touched on my life as a Black man in the real world.”[4]. The vigilante Hardware gives Virgil a new costume and modified flying disk, which enables the two to remain in contact despite living in different cities. When the Doctor Odium they defeated was actually a nanite, the real Doctor Odium was hiding in a cryo-tube. The book is written by John Rozum and drawn by Scott McDaniel, who also co-writes. Worse, he was going to become as heavy as a statue and unable to move. Both were exposed together to the Big Bang gas and both gained metal tentacles and the ability to absorb metal objects, but Chainlink suffered the brunt of the attack. Permalink. At first, Robert disliked Static; his open opinion about Static in the episode "Aftershock" left Virgil worried that the Big Bang might have aftereffects. Ebon, whose powers were deteriorating, was forced to leave her behind; at the hospital, she abandoned the name of Talon for her real name, and told Static and Gear that Ebon was going to use the gas to set off another Big Bang. The effects of a shock can be anything from tingling to instant death. As well as releasing surges of electromagnetic energy, which he can do from any part of his body, Static can also drain sources of electricity, such as power lines, batteries and fuse boxes to recharge/replenish his own energy supply. He was also seemingly touched by Static's effort to risk his life to save Alva's son — to the point where he joined Static in the effort to save Edwin. While looking for Static and Gear, she bumped into Ebon. Y: It stores static electricity in its fur for discharging. All matter is made up of atoms or groups of atoms called molecules.In the center of each atom is the nucleus.Inside the nucleus, there are particles with positive charges (+) and particles with a charge of zero.The ones with positive charges are called protons and the ones with a charge of zero are called neutrons. he has the ability to pass through virtually anything. When he first worked for The Meta-Breed, he got scared due to Ebon hearing his brother is one of the good guys after nearly robbing a store; he was defeated after getting repelled by Static, but was later freed by Ebon. Upon breaking into the facility, Static is surprised and knocked out by Holocaust. Aron Price (voiced by R.J. Knoll) is a teenage boy who hangs out with several unruly crowds. Similar to Marvel's Hulk, Tantrum is ironically violent, strong, unintelligent, and sturdy; he is Thomas' polar opposite, like Bruce Banner is to the Hulk. Reply. Spin Drive/Tracy McGrady (voiced by Phil LaMarr) is a member of the Hoop Squad. Virgil briefly takes up the Static mantle again for one last fight with his old nemesis, and eventually defeats him. Frankie's fate after the events of the episode remains unknown. ())4$-4 At first, Alva Jr. attacked his father's factories, warehouses, and cargo ships in order to finally gain his father's respect since he never had time for his son. Are these all official black heroes and villains. With this Static clone, Johnny takes Static for a "crime spree" across Dakota, framing Static in the process. It remains unknown what became of them since. After the battle, with a man named John Tower who is revealed to have been the first and greatest superhero in the Milestone Universe, Virgil decides to return to his career as Static. She freed Hotstreak, Ebon, and Talon from jail and took the role as leader of the team. Carmendillo was later seen "Where Rubber Meets The Road" where he is seen in a bar with other Bang Babies and makes fun of Tarmac stealing a valuable generator for only a $1000 and informs him of Alva's $1,000,000 reward. "Ricanstruction: Reminiscing & Rebuiliding Puerto Rico is an anthology featuring contributions from writers and artists from the comic book industry like Gail Simone [and others] to Puerto Rican and Latinx celebrities like Rosario Dawson ... Hardware also gives him an internship at S.T.A.R. The character drew much inspiration and was in fact designed to represent a modern-era Spider-Man archetype. PetSafe In-Ground Dog Fence Surge Protector, Electric Underground Pet Fence Lightning Protector – From the Parent Company of INVISIBLE FENCE Brand 4.6 out of … While he did managed to catch She-Bang, Static and Gear later defeated Crewcut who was arrested by the FBI. In "Shock to the System", (the first episode of season 1), it was mentioned that she had died from gangfire; in "Flashback", in season 3, Jean Hawkins was shown to have been a paramedic, and that specifically she had been fatally wounded by a stray bullet during the Dakota Riots, which happened exactly five years prior to the events of the episodes of "Flashback". Jean is frequently mentioned throughout the series. After helping save the world from the Reach's Magnetic Field Disruptors, he joined the Team. May 12, 2014 at 1:43 am. Found insideWritten by Black Lightning co-creator Tony Isabella with shocking art by Clayton Henry (The Uncanny X-Men, Suicide Squad) and Yvel Guichet (Black Panther: Soul of a Machine), this collection brings together the complete Black Lightning: ... Jealous of the success and fame of his brother's football career, Chainlink attempted to extort Dule into giving him 90% of all his earnings. They fell in love with her and went into hiding from a group of people who want to clone her, so she had to act like a shy, normal person till she moved to Dakota trying to blend in with the other Bang-Babies. Back at the Hawkin's home, Richie and Virgil are watching some home movies, in particular one where baby Virgil is throwing a fit. This is a list of characters who appear in the superhero TV series Static Shock. The spider artifact was never seen again afterward, as Anansi made sure to hide it. Spirit's Destiny is a coming of age story about Destiny, a young Haitian woman who is coming to terms with her newfound abilities and the pressure of deciding how to use them. He would grow up to become one of Earth's mightiest heroes. His plan was eventually revealed, and Static took Replikon down. While Dwayne didn't believe what Static was saying (and tried to kill him in rage), Static plays a tape of himself (as Virgil) and Aron talking. He was absorbed into … Static electricity can be dissipated by addition of conductive fillers, such as special conductive grades of carbon black or graphite. After being exposed to the gas, Francis Stone became Hotstreak. Not sure where to start? Virgil Hawkins, more commonly known as Static, is a superhero originally published by Milestone Media. It is unknown what happened to him afterwards. Static's first appearance was made in Static #1 (June 1993) in the Modern Age of Comic Books, written by McDuffie and Robert L. Washington III, and illustrated by John Paul Leon. Ebon and Hot-Streak fought over the final vial of gas and, being exposed to an overdose of it, merged into one giant Bang Baby-monster which combined both of their powers. Static electricity can be dissipated by addition of conductive fillers, such as special conductive grades of carbon black or graphite. For the most part, Virgil keeps his secret from his family, but his friend, Frieda Goren, learns his identity when he attempts to protect her from becoming a prize in a small skirmish between gangs. In his final appearance he's seen joining up with Miss Martian and Aquagirl, planning their next move. Virgil Ovid Hawkins/Static (voiced by Phil LaMarr) is an African-American 9th grade high school student in Dakota City.As a result of accidental exposure to an experimental mutagen in an event known as the Big Bang, he gained the ability to control and manipulate electromagnetism, and uses these powers to become a superhero named "Static." During the DC FanDome, according to Phil LaMarr, who voiced Static on the Static Shock on the animated series: “Virgil is what I always wanted as a comic book kid growing up: Black Spider-Man. He distracted the Beetle-tech drones, allowing Static to plant the countermeasure safely. In his first appearance in the episode, Royce and Frankie are racing to catch the subway; Royce pushes a news stall vendor down as he reaches the steps, followed by Frankie who then both proceed to jump over the ticket stalls to avoid paying and run to get on the train before the doors close. Some wonder whether that recipe holds the key to this Pokémon’s evolution. Written by Marc Bernardin and Adam Freeman Art by Lee Garbett Cover by Brian Stelfreeze Collecting the high-octane 5-issue miniseries! Proudly Made in America - Ground Protection Satellite Dish Off-Air TV Signal - UV Jacketed Antenna Electrical Shock. In the end, Static restrained Royce using the arms of a statue to confine him. Higher Form of Electric Zap. Hawkins Family Static. Boom and Mirage steal a lot of money; Boom claims it's for supporting his grandmother. She simply smiles and tells him "absolutely not", and the two passionately kiss.[34]. Away, transforming into Tantrum just moments later pen and quit to as `` Bang.! In both his series and the Teen Titans cutting four flutes they meet more dangerous, of... Static managed to capture Gear 's strong-willed, and the Teen Titans when he became sadistic,,... Witty banter and humor, especially when engaged with opponents a hostage Crisis at Garfield School! 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