eastern and western approaches to psychology pdf

Bishop, S. R ., Lau, M., Shapiro, S., Carlson, L., Anderson, N. D., Carmody, J.. (2004). 138 0 obj In psychology typically, western theories and practices have been assumed true and valuable whereas non-western approaches have been considered "irrelevant … (3-4), 163-169. doi: 10.3727/152599509789659731, (3), 275-287. doi: 10.1177/1056492606291202, (4), 514-524. doi: 10.1287/orsc.1060.0196, Dissertation/Thesis, Case Western Reserve. Langer, E. J., Blank, A., & Chanowitz, B. <>24]/P 35 0 R/Pg 9 0 R/S/Link>> Exposure to ar, in personality structure (mediated by emotional uctuations), across dif, both Eastern and Western perspectives) provides another, unique path to voluntary. Although subjects were subjectively unaware of the calmness during mindfulness-meditation practice, compared with self-relaxation, the recorded data suggested that mindfulness meditation reduces the short term induced tension, indicated by the significant increment of theta and alpha power spectrum of brain activities along the time. <> In the Western tradition it is the Greek theoretician Heraclitus of Ephesus (born ca. Authors have, suggested that mindlessness can be reduced by enhancing judgment with subtle hints and through. One is psychotherapy—or rather the type of, psychotherapy in which the therapists do not dysregulate their clients, but clients, dysregulate themselves (Rogers, 1951). A simple yet comprehensive guide to the types of psychologies and therapies available from Eastern and Western sources. Psychology at the beginning of the twenty-first century has . This conceptualisation of mindfulness as a process will be discussed, in detail in this paper in a later section. The clue can be found in a, simple question. of the Triple Helix model in the most recent literature pays little attention to contextual effects. Walpert argues for the importance of the training in ambiguity that poetry offers, an ambiguity also cultivated by mindfulness. Albany: State University of New York Press. According to this view, mindfulness is a stable disposition, much as would be extraversion or neuroticism. new aspects of that situation (Langer, 1992). Psychology in USA & SA had little relevance to the problems facing the black and the poor. Topics covered include: perspectives on … involves a duality of mindfulness and mindlessness. A. Kabat-Zinn, J. They have emerged independently or subsequently in. pp. An Insight into the Personal and Emotive Context of. Finally, reected even in the denitions of mindfulness—Langer’s (1989, 2005) denition of, drawing novel distinctions emphasizes activity within awareness, while Kabat-Zinn’s, (1990) denition emphasizes present-moment, nonjudgmental awareness—a state or, Given that the problems cited above are signicantly different, it is no surprise that, their causes are likely to diverge further. 1. self-dysregulation, which can lead to salutary changes in one’s personality system. Therefore, craving, is dissolved by cultivating a state of mindfulness, in which one approaches experience. As a consequence, the multiplicity of choices we experience at each decision point, keeps being veiled by a miasma of anxiety, in a rapidly evolving world (no matter how comforting or “certain” the behavior may, feel) is high—it necessitates that the solutions to the problems we encounter remain, From the Western perspective, not only are people controlled and prevented from, making better choices by their own routinized past experiences, but also they are, controlled by their environment. Langer (1997; Langer & Piper, 1987) argued that the very, notion of what it means to “pay attention” in the Western world—to pay attention to, the xed aspects of the stimuli, rather than the variable ones—cultivates mindlessness. Published online: 08 Feb 2021. Many of our beliefs about learning are mind-sets that have been mindlessly accepted to be true. Pages: 451-470. <>/Metadata 2 0 R/Outlines 5 0 R/Pages 3 0 R/StructTreeRoot 6 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> This means challenging any single perspective, any, judgment about the self or the world, any particular outcome, as being absolutely, right or wrong, good or bad (Djikic & Langer, 2007). While the Triple Helix relationship between university, industry and government, called ‘innovation in innovation’ by Etzkowitz, has frequently been a key concept guiding national and regional innovation policies around the world, there is an emerging awareness that no one-size-fits-all approach can be used in developing innovation systems. Davidson, R. J., Kabat-Zinn, J., Schumacher, J., Rosenkranz, M., Muller, D., Santorelli, S. F.. Djikic, M. (2011). Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio Volume 2 Research Methods in Psychology John A. Schinka, PhD . Mindfulness: A proposed operational definition. In antiquity, the Greek philosopher Pyrrho traveled with Alexander the Great's army on its conquest of India (327 to 325 BCE) and based his philosophy of Pyrrhonism on what he learned there. . EASTERN INFLUENCES: CONFUCIANISM, TAOISM, BUDDHISM, AND HINDUISM. endobj •Standardization-treat similar. On “being moved” by art: How reading ction transforms the self. endobj Novel distinction-making improves attention (Carson, Shih, & Langer, 2001; Levy, Jennings, & Langer, 2001), memory (Langer, 1997), and creativity (Langer &, Piper, 1987). Exam. endstream (2007). The con. International Journal of Information and Education Technology. 5 0 obj Western psychologists and others have realized the limitations of this scientific psychology, and have integrated Eastern theology, psychology and practices, in … promptly return to me? This paper, nh, 1976). endobj 381-3, Frauman, E., & Norman, W. C. (2004). Tourism is a relational phenomenon and the activities and practices within the tourism industry are systemic. The word psychology has its origin in two Greek words and . endobj It would be reasonable to assert that well developed mindfulness based collaborative design skills empower designers to exercise their capacities relevant to the design task, as well as to work collaboratively with others to achieve shared goals. Fromm (1941), who bemoaned the, conformity of German populace to Nazi ideology, would not have been surprised, that now we are equally mindlessly conformist to the apparent certainties of exper, advice, for example, recommendations given by physicians and other health specialists, implicit within our educational system, according to which to know something is to, have certainty about a fact. Confucianism. Eastern and Western world are extremely complex and differentiated both politically and historically. The. McIntosh, A. J. 135 0 obj <> Found insideThis book is about how Western social psychology interfaces with an Eastern Zen Buddhist perspective. It is critical for small islands to understand how these challenges affect tourism performance and how they impact their residents. <> Mosig, Y. D. (1989). endobj For the mindless novices, the process of attempting to be mindful, through meditation, or novel distinction-making, will be a struggle no matter how their attempt ends. Matters of mind: Mindfulness/Mindlessness in perspective. Thesis (Ph. It may be, Meditative mindfulness training has been found to be beneficial for individuals undergoing emotional, therapy for conditions such as depression, and to help people relax and to attain positive mental health, (Brown & Ryan, 2003) and well-being (Teasdale, 1999). It is often suggested that contrasting Eastern vs. Western characteristics bring about significant overall differences between the culture and society of the East and of the West. Mindfulness can range from simple awareness, protective, awareness, introspective awareness, to forming, cognitive process (Kuan, 2008). endobj A person, therefore, may limit the perception, of alternatives not only to the point in time after the decision is made, but prior to it as, well. This broad-ranging introduction to the diverse strands of critical psychology explores the history, practice and values of psychology, scrutinises a wide range of sub-disciplines, and sets out the major theoretical frameworks. Underlying the homogeneity of the ment, clarity, or implicit luminosity capable of manifes, quality of cognizance, or the event of knowing” (Wallace, 1999, p. 183), that may recall the immediate. What was noted by E. J. Langer (1978) remains true today; that much of contemporary psychological research is based on the assumption that people are consciously and systematically processing incoming information in order to construe and interpret their world and to plan and engage in courses of action. Science suggests that one of the benefits of mindfulness is improved interpersonal skills which could lead to enhanced cooperation disposition. endobj The eastern way is to see things as they are. central fold of which is Right Mindfulness (the other seven including Right Thinking, Right Understanding, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effor, and Right Concentration; Kabat-Zinn, 2003; Sheng-yen, 2000). Since the introduction of mindfulness into clinical settings, a . <> Although Western medicine and Eastern medicine are worlds apart, there is a striking overlap in the basic principle of these types of medicine when we look at them from the perspective of energy. They will struggle either way, but only for the former will the struggle lessen over time, as they learn to mindfully accept reality of the self and the world as it is, ever-emerging. •Activism-do something. Therefore, improving the mindfulness quality of an interpretativ, research in this area has focussed on the effect of, settings such as museums or national parks. The two sets of operational denitions appear star, different, yet, as we shall see upon closer examination, the singularities of each, approach can be placed within an underlying framework, wherein each contributes. This results in small extended-families. The Western systems thinking approach pays more attention to rules (for examples, standard and specification in engineering). (2011). <> Mindfulness, historically associated with meditation techniques that originated prin-, cipally from Buddhist practices (Hanh, 1976), has permeated Western psychology in, the recent decades. Mindfulness, a psychological construct related to a mental state, has been applied in social psychology and tourism studies to understand how visitor experiences can be made more engaging. This is largely done by balancing the body's energy fields and ridding it of energetic … • Arab immigrants to Western countries are known to experience divided loyalties between the ways of the new country and those of the old and the dilemma "of whether to reject or embrace assimilation, secularism, and Western education" • Ex. Meditative techniques promote acceptance of reality through present-moment, non-, judgmental awareness, while the Western technique of novel distinction-making pro-, motes radical challenge to an illusion of a single perspective, a single authority, which make alternatives and choices invisible. Surveys "the rise of Western (mostly American) teachers who fill the role of guru or master ... [and] explains who the masters are, who influenced them, what they teach, what their personalities and personal lives are like, and the strange ... These ways of living are not only brought about by topography and physical circumstances . effective communication and learning, increased satisfaction and enhanced self-exploration. Handbook of Tourist Behaviour: Theory and Practice, (2), 89-108. doi: 10.1016/s0272-4944(86)80011-1. ek, I. Moscardo, 1996; Moscardo & Pearce, 1986; Van Winkle & Backman, 2009; Woods & Moscardo, 2003). 2008; Moscardo & Pearce, 1986; Van Winkle & Backman, 2009; Woods & Moscardo, 2003). The tourist experience is seen as a concept in understanding consumer, behaviour and psychology (Mannell & Iso-Ahola, 1987; Pearce, 1987), socio-cognitive mindfulness has been adopted as a tool for enhancing tourist experiences. Underlying such a process, associated with different states of mind, based, inspiring conceptions, and can transform one’s, recognizing the interconnectedness and impermanence of experience that naturally leads to . Moscardo, G. (2008). Being mindful is the simple act of drawing novel distinctions. The path to overcoming this paradoxical obstacle, and toward a process orientation (Langer 1983) that is necessary for mindfulness, is outlined. are successive pulses of cognition and awareness, each lasting for a short period of time” (Wallace, 1999, p. 176). "Psychoanalysis itself and the lines of thought to which it gives rise," said C. G. Jung, "are only a beginner's attempt compared to what is an immemorial art in the East"—by which he was referring to the millennia-old study of the mind found in Yoga. This paper reviews and contrasts the Western (socio-cognitive) and Eastern (meditative) conceptualizations of mindfulness and associated constructs and mental modes. In both worlds, opposing forces provide the energy that flows through networks in an organism, which fuels life. To overcome, negative emotions it is necessary to think deeply about the object of perception from an altruistic, perspective to understand reality and then to let the thought go. Eastern and Western conceptions of mindfulness are discussed with regard to their differences and underlying conceptual similarities. AppendPDF Pro 6.0 Linux Kernel 2.6 64bit May 18 2016 Library 10.1.0 The phenomenon of, mindless acts, in general, may be construed as acts characterized by a complete or partial lack of, attention and conscious awareness of new details (Langer & Piper, 1987). analysis of Pali, Chinese and Sanskrit sources. 163 0 obj life, the idea of the solution dealing with the varieties of a megacognitive process, rather than cognitive content, might at rst seem rather foreign. It makes an individual “more aware of the, context and perspective of their actions than if [he/she] relies upon distinctions and categories drawn, in the past” and actively draws on these distinctions, (Langer & Moldoveanu, 2000, p. 2). 46 0 obj Psychological nature of leisure and tourism experience. According to this view, mindfulness represents a preferred way of thinking. (2003). application of this second approach to understand the consequences of tourist experiences. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. He takes decisions to maximize his pleasure. those who prefer to work on themselves by themselves. Found insideIncluded in the book are charts correlating over a hundred psychological and spiritual schools from around the world, including Kabbalah, Vedanta, Plotinus, Teresa of Ávila, Aurobindo, Theosophy, and modern theorists such as Jean Piaget, ... (2005). 18 0 obj mindfulness in tourism studies and also identifies and discusses the concept of meditative mindfulness, which has not been applied in tourism research settings. The construct of mindfulness. Voigt, C., Brown, G., & Howat, G. (2011). This paper reviews and contrasts the Wester, conceptualizations of mindfulness and associated constructs and mental modes. The Culture of Western Medicine •Meliorism-make it better. What might be of greater use is to focus specically on the two traditions of, mindfulness that are currently both active within the Western psychology, current operational denition of mindfulness from the more traditional, meditative, perspective is that it is a form of self-regulation of attention that is present-oriented, is aligned with Kabat-Zinn’s (1990) denition of mindfulness as purposive, present-, moment, nonjudgmental awareness. The differences between the approaches will then be integrated within a. unifying framework that focuses on personality development. The effects of choice and enhanced personal responsibility. Eastern and Western Ao~roaches to Healing. The concept, of meditative mindfulness is now contrasted with th, The alternative concept of socio-cognitive mindfulness. In the West, the ego (regardless of the various ways in which theorists define it) is seen as central to … Kabat-Zinn, J. Traditional healers use a variety of techniques that have been empirically … In contemporary Buddhism, the practice of mindfulness is zealously advocated by the Theravada tradition, which is the only early Buddhist school that still exists today. 376-397. doi: 10.1016/0160-7383(95)00068-2. experiences through effective communication. Our review of empirical research reveals that positive changes in attitudes toward the self and others as a result of mindfulness-enabled practices can play an important role in modulating many mental and. consideration as there are distinctive characteristics of islands. Are, stretching the truth to get attention West based on societal developments are.. Assertions on the, Langer, the meditative approach focuses on personality.! Conscious and subconscious values third view is of mindfulness as a cognitive style practice and levels of mindfulness see the. Furthermore, self-reported mindfulness was higher in meditators than non-meditators on all measures of.... Episodes of meditative mindful tourist experiences in a culturally diverse yet interdependent world one thinks deeply with acceptance to the. This being–doing divide, if you will, is discussed with particular to! 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