spanish fashion bloggers

I wanted to start it already so I just named it after myself (nicole jennifer), since my twitter and instagram handles were self titled as well..I dont love the name and if I think of something better i may change it, since I am just starting out..we’ll see! Stay TESS, I needed to avoid a tacky title, wanted something original, and had to have it reflect me and my blog. Great post as ever Jennine. But then I found out that styld. Also, I’ve changed identities before. I can’t even remember what made me think of mine nearly 3 years ago (Memoir Mode). While I did have some people (including one of my guest writers) wonder why I rebranded, at the end , it was a good thing. Or more precise – high heels. , I’m pretty sure I thought of my blog name and registered it in about 40 seconds. I feel like not enough bloggers care to get to know what others are doing out of sincerity. All of the things you’ve mentioned are correct! hey thank you very much. Core themes of the blog expanded a little but name remained the same. And I used “Le” instead of “The” because I’m always on Tumblr and noticed that people would say “le sigh” or “le boyfriend” so I thought it would sound more fun and less boring. Affordable Article & Blog Writing Services. If you’re networking and making connections then you’ll do well, also. I’m never gonna change it cause I love the sound of it! Bold In Crimson is the name of my blog, because 1.) But recently, he said in a ;D ( Overall, I wish I had done more research. some of these are hilarious though. I made my husband name my blog -Chic from hair 2 toe- I wanted “effortlessly chic”, but he said we had to put hair in there because I love hair. Thanks for those tips, the are very helpful. I think it’s hilarious that it is EXACTLY what the blog is about. Your blog is beautiful! I brainstormed a huge list of related words and then mixed and matched until I got “Glitter Brains.” Much easier to say, and more reflective of my content. I think Le Fancy Geek suits me quite well . It wasn’t my original intention, but over time Stella has become a little part of the brand. Please Help Me! I think it’s the ‘Mommy’ part that gets the association across. On the other hand, one of my biggest interests and curiosity is to know WHO is behind the work so interesting. Very good read. My blog was called “For The Love Of Sweetie Bear.”, 2 – “Sweetie Bear” is my nickname between really close friends, so it was exhausting to have to explain what it meant all the time. One speaker at Luckyfabb last weekend even poked fun at those names saying they were unoriginal. Mostly because of the point that it doesn’t include a keyword rich word. Having a ton of fun imagining what Fried Fish Style and Fashion Folk Tales would be like… I bet I would read the latter! My blog name A Fine Fashion Frenzy was actually inspired by one of my favourite artists A Fine Frenzy. I named my blog “From my purpleheart”… i’m not really sure why though, but it seems to work. So many seemed so brilliant until it ended up being a pain in the ass. I’ve finally landed at Therapy Darling after changing directions professionally and realizing what works and doesn’t work for me. It just popped into my head one day, and it wouldn’t leave so I just went with it. I know that one of my goals as a writer is to publish and I know I’ll use J.K.H. … Turning myself into the Love Mavin . So first, we had ‘black girl frugal world’ which i loved, it was going to be a personal redemption story….but a marketing and advertising friend suggest i rethink it ….so now we are at ‘torrian’s two cents’. It was later updated on August 23, 2018; March 29, 2019, and October 17, 2020. It’s in spanish and it means Women’s Expression. So my blog name ChicCityLife came to life! As an aside – I love love love naming things, and routinely get ideas for blog names, and then try and figure out what type of content it should have. I have at least three pairs of their summer sandals. It doesn’t necessarily have to use the word fashion or beauty! I have been trying to get a blog going that marries modest, yet fun lifestyle with personal finance help tips tricks, etc. Sometimes I feel that my blog name has kept me confined to a specific type of person, a Toronto blonde. Good tips! Imagine a brazilian blog with an italian name: il piccolo mondo di cri. Guilty of using ‘style’ lol The fact I work in a magazine and write about fashion is probably the reason I open the Word file millions of times. Plus, being a perfectionist doesn’t exactly help save me any time either. Do you know any unique and creative blog names? I asked trusted friends and family members to pick their favorite combinations. While sarcasm is having this ‘moment,' I figured I'd push it for its full fifteen minutes. Btw I think this name was also suspicious for Google, not only for people who were looking for fashion. I decided to start a blog. But other than that, this site is like perfection. Some really cute and quirky names here Mine sounds boring now , Oh, haha, talking about fashion clichés, sarcasm and names, I come up with different user names in my blog all the time, like “Outfit posts ate my loan”! One night I was brainstorming on a blog name and I started out by just writing down a bunch of fashion/shopping/girly words like that came to mind. It’s my biggest vice. I like to take my time and do things the way I feel is right. and not Shorty Stories (some 1800+ Twitter followers versus a measly 300ish)). I get inspiration from almost anything and then I make it myself… the realisation part (with the S – because I’m European) It incorporates my nickname, Mad, and also is open ended enough that anything I want to blog about fits with the name. First of all, we are two sisters with a bit of healthy insanity in our own way. I started as “Talesofaretromodernhousewife”. These fashion bloggers have not only managed to set themselves apart in the ever competitive fashion industry, but they have also managed to capture a loyal following via their social media channels. So long as I can have “Seagul of Style”!!!! Like iPhone XD : ), Thanks for the suggestions! SALTY. Mine came after a billion failed attempts. It took me a few blogs and a (long) while to come up with a name I am very satisfied with. As I wanted to focus on style and food (and a bit of travel and culture), my (now) husband (then fiance) and I came up with DelectablyChic!. Nice post:) I think I spent weeks researching on a name for my blog.. asking friends about names that could be potentially attractive for them to open and read… a lot of work but of course it also comes from my business education:), Anyways, in the end my blogs name is FASHION MEMOS…I wanted it to be about famous and unfamous people that has given something to the fashion industry and a part of that to write about things that I am passionate about:), I’ve spent just one or two days thinking about my blog name, because the main idea was just obvious. I think that when considering a name you should have a tagline in mind and a story to tell that expounds on the name. A., I mean some people are always saying how being even fashionably late is extremely rude and everything (never to me on my blog, just in general), but to be honest, running late is seriously the story of my life. Cheers! When I first started blogging around 2011 I felt like my Blog content was like everyone else. In my opinion, this name perfectly conveys the message/topic of my blog, as well as serves as a brand. But thats still not enough so just like you are describing very usefully here I had to sit down and do some thinking why my blog is like no other. At one point named Official Supplier to the Royal House in Spain, the brand expanded into pret-a-porter in the 1960s and received global attention in the 1970s with the release of its iconic Amazona handbag. However, it IS really complicated to find a name. it was the very first name I wrote down during brainstorming, and I remember being so relieved to discover that it hadn’t already been registered to someone else. Combine the word “Fashion” with another random word: Pick an animal, then incorporate that animal into an aesthetic: Something having to do with style or design. DelectablyChic! I am happy with Hyacinth Girl because it is unique, although it can be challenging to use hyacinthgirl as a username on some social media. ), Uterqüe (ooh-ter-kway) has been named by some as ‘Zara’s little sister’, owing to the brand’s range of stylish wardrobe staples and easy-to-wear modern designs. How about WRISTIES AND COOKIES ? . Fast forward a hundred years or so and LOEWE is a global fashion name, with over 140 stores worldwide and having collaborated with big names such as Karl Lagerfeld and Giorgio Armani. There actually are a few gems in these names – we’ll see in a few weeks if anyone registers the names lol. Until I finally settled on my current blog name, it was named ‘Love is Everything’ and ‘City Spirit’, until I realized that what I was really blogging about were the things that I loved. can’t wait to see “fashion haley joel osment” around lol, OK, this article is HILARIOUS! My personal style is far from normal so the name stuck! The thing is everybody starts calling me mocha right now. mines called lazyobsession but i should probably change it since it doesnt say much about my blog! I started writing down any and all words that I find appealing – from kinds of flowers (tulips) and colors (aubergine) to city nicknames (Emerald City) and fashionable details (sequins, lace). Diamonds and Dachshunds I love the little signature at the end of your posts, and I really love that outfit post with the orange dress – fab from hair tips to toe! This is a great post! mine came to me out of the blue… i’ve always loved the word ‘sparkle’ and have used it to describe things ALL the time. Since November 2007, I’ve been Boutique Flair, Style Epiphany, and Krista Peck. I’ve also been watching a bit of HIMYM lately, so I thought I might work in Barney’s famed phrases: ‘Wait for it’ and/or Legend – dary. somehow they don’t really seem to fit with me. I, like most of you, struggled to name my blog. My URL/blog name is kind of long, but I loved it so much I had to keep it. I liked your Lulu Montenegro idea even if plenty of people are named that. After founder Jesús del Pozo, passed away in 2011, the brand came under new direction at the hands of Josep Font, a Spanish designer who had previously launched his own brand. I spent at least two weeks trying to think of a name for my blog. But then someone on Etsy misspelled it as “Earne Style”, which made me go, “Oh no! I love reading everyone’s blog naming stories! I love it even if lots of people spells it wrong with two b . This iconic Spanish label is the brainchild of designer-cum-author Adolfo Dominguez, who had his hands in the fashion world from early on – he took on his father’s boutique before becoming the first Spanish designer to launch an eponymous label in the 1980s. I’ve finally have some ideas how to make a name for my blog. Hi! Voila! Either way, it’ll work out for you in the end. This is cute!! My blog’s name is Beauty Fool (as in, a play on the word “beautiful”), I love it but I have to take a second or two to explain since most people think it’s “”. ‘Panda’ is my nickname and so it was really that simple. By Check the comment section as well with over 100 unique ideas from our readers for all kinds of fashion blogs! can u suggest a name for my blog/ I named my blog Hayla With Love because I was planning on writing about my work experiences and personal thoughts along with fashion, therefore, I wanted my name to be mentioned. Sometimes we get scared but we don’t have the time, or the means to let fear paralyze us – we just have to go for it. Great ideas, I like Fashion Ninjas!!! I don’t think my blog has a bad name: Pretty on Heels, but I don’t feel related to the name, I think that doesn’t identify me anymore. I also use this excuse for anything I’m thinking of buying. I also thought this was a serious post before reading it… what ‘fabulous’ suggestions, I don’t think I realised there were formulas like this but they make sense now! i’ve been trying to think of a tagline, but i kind of like the simplicity of just “fashion fille.” any opinions on that? I finally got mine!!, I was worried that I’d read your article and think ‘D’oh, I wish I’d thought of that when naming my blog’ – So I was happy to see that what I did was on your list! She’s a pretty stylish pug. Find Camper in most Spanish high street stores. I came up with a name in the first 10 minutes! …can I call dibs on “Otter Spotter” and “Cats with Kittens… in Dresses”? Surgeon, OB/GYN, or GP, even general practice is a specialty. A custom domain is usually in the $10-$15 range/year and it shows people you’re serious about your blog and that you’re not just another person who thought it’d be cool to start a blog, especially when you name it something as awesome as StyleMermaid and not make the best of it , Ha! I made up my blog randomly at NYFW SS 12. thanks for the wonderful tips! It took me months to figure out a name .. Plus, I was able to make my handles on Twitter and Instagram @withoutastyle. sometimes I feel is a little long but it seems to be catchy and people remember it. THANK YOU! It takes time develop your unique voice in the blog sphere. I guess I did just pick something and didn’t think of how people would find it outside of social media. So its a play on words of punk rock party . , i definitely wish i had found these before i created my blog…may need to scrap everything and start over…, Lmaoooo….omg…. My blog is named Never Fully Dressed (Without a Style). Of course, not every outside of Chicago knows that downtown is called The Loop but I still think it works. So when coming up with my blog name it was actually quite easy. I researched names and found a site that suggested taking cues from established blog names like “cupcakes and cashmere.” so for a while I played with the idea of naming my blog “leopard and mint” since I really love leopard and mint. When I’ve shared it with friends, their reaction is ‘Yup. I would be lost without fashion tape. I bet you did! Interesting & though provoking. , This is such a great topic. I’d say the most important thing when it comes to naming your blog is making sure a reasonable domain name is available for it — and snatch it up immediately. Right now it’s just there taking up space on the internet! anyone. But the name is fun, memorable, contains a phrase that lots of people are in to right now and includes my favorite type of fabric! The latest fashion news, beauty coverage, celebrity style, fashion week updates, culture reviews, and videos on Parisian haute couture, the authority of ’Made in Italy’, and the creative streets of London have each played a part in establishing fashion deep in the roots of European culture. I’m thinking of making my blog about learning to dress up again; I’ve gotten so lazy with it. AJ Wears Clothes. Fashiontier for Fashionators cool no? For example, my blog is name behind a Hadouken! It’s not legal advice, but may also be helpful if you’re stumped on choosing a good name. I did a lot of brainstorming before picking out my URL & name… I settled with Wow such great advice. I finally decided on ‘A Moment of Madness’ and I love it! It was easy to get a .com, instagram, facebook and everything else for this. So I thought – well.. my life is filled with 2 things – fashion and rock music. My blogs name is Trashing Fashion. Please share in the comments! I WILLLLL!! But first, let's take a look at some key characteristics of a successful fashion blog naming. Be fashion, gastronomy, art, etc.. then it works well. my blog’s name came from a line in a song that i kind of twisted around. Now another delima is that a dear friend and are thinking of doing it together with an eCommerce store so I was thinking of doing a re-naming…but once again lost…lolol, Interesting, I named mine “The Workette” probably because I am always working if I am not lounging around, and even when lounging…I am doing some kind of work. I named by blog based on a statement my daughter made to me. My blog name was actually created by my friends – they used to introduce me to others as their marketing bff…and so it stuck! If I had’ve thought about it more carefully, I wouldn’t have named my blog such an obscure name, even though I love it. The funny thing is, I’ve been wanting to start another blog but I couldn’t figure out what to call it. Sometimes I think I should’ve used my name in it. FIND OUT MORE. Make sure that your name: How to come up with a good name for your fashion blog? It wasn’t until I started the blog almost 1.5 years later that the idea of finding your “Fashion Freeway” and the tag line “One Step Forward, Just Glance Back. Question: My blog is hosted by WordPress, and I noticed that since I switched over from Blogger, my images that I post don’t show up on Google images…Obviously Blogger is a Google site, but it just seems like it is too difficult to get my images on google from wordpress…does anyone know how I can change this/why? We get into everything you need to know before starting a blog with Instagram here. New year, new blog! It definitely makes it so i cannot get deals with many ppl well but i don’t really want that yet if anything i want to appeal to the Slow Fashion industry!! /shimanista, Thanks for the ideas!! It all started because of a spat I had with trying to fit my blog title into a Twitter handle. I wanted to use a word that described something weird, quirky, funny, sometimes grotesque, so bizarre was the perfect word. Hope you can help me!! Now I am a sweet with envy for fashion I am so curious to hear what you think about my blog name? Anyways, I ended up with, My blog is called This is a hilarious post, and I wish I could have read it a month ago! Amazing! Your email address will not be published. because I am a big fan of getting inspiration from almost everything, especially fashion. I know it took me a while to come up with mine & I wanted something that wasn’t too long. I’m not usually ever actually late to important things, it’s just that I’m constantly struggling with keeping time, which I happen to have a horrible relationship with. All of the names that I picked felt forced and like they weren’t really me. I appreciate blogs with quirky, controversial, and/or outrageous names. It made my best friend and my boyfriend laugh, and it represents me in every way. I pay a visit daily some web sites and websites to read posts, but this web site gives feature based articles.—–>>>>>The song… Blessed and highly favored by the clark sisters. I began my blog as a source of education for who should wear what and why. I agree with some of the things said here, but sometimes you just have to go with your gut. to me, it’s personal, catchy and short + sweet. If a reader met me they would not be shocked at my personality, but would feel like they knew me already. I thought of going with the words ‘fashion’ or ‘style’ in the blog name ‘coz its easier to appear in searches… but they are soooo common and I wanted something unique and general that would be about ‘me and my lifestyle’ and not just fashion. Hahaha I can relate. And I’m not really a fan of hurrying. xo, Maria So far people have thought it to be a clever little name. And I’ve definitely thought about changing it. I felt like my whole entire future, future house, job, and all was vested in the name I would choose.. Haha so I’m being a bit dramatic but I totally get what you’re saying. I died laughing but I decided on my blog name: Stripes and Skittles! My traffic isn’t super high, but I’m doing well. It is will be very comforting and enriching to a lot of readers and fashion lovers if they can find fashion bloggers who share their values especially if those values are not the very popular ones. I couldn’t get the just Never Fully Dressed URL either, so we chose to go with “” which is quick and pretty easy. Discover Top Blogs & Best Websites in 2021. That, too, led to a makeover when I transferred many of my outfit posts to The DelectablyChic! I would add a part about how different languages make a website name sound cooler. this are really funny and cool ideas! Here’s the thing about my blog name. Touch on this, please! So helpful, I just started transitioning my blog from a fashion blog to more of a personal lifestyle blog about fashion, food, travel etc. Love everyone’s ideas and we will definitely use them next time around. . . Your blog is a brand after all.